Opportunities and challenges of Web 2.0 for vaccination decisions C Betsch, NT Brewer, P Brocard, P Davies, W Gaissmaier, N Haase, ... Vaccine 30 (25), 3727-3733, 2012 | 505 | 2012 |
Theory of reasoned action-theory of planned behavior C Rossmann Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG, 2021 | 147 | 2021 |
The mediated amplification of a crisis: Communicating the A/H1N1 pandemic in press releases and press coverage in Europe C Rossmann, L Meyer, PJ Schulz Risk analysis 38 (2), 357-375, 2018 | 106 | 2018 |
Exemplification 2.0 C Peter, C Rossmann, T Keyling Journal of Media Psychology, 2014 | 94 | 2014 |
Identifying the field of health communication AF Hannawa, L García-Jiménez, C Candrian, C Rossmann, PJ Schulz Journal of health communication 20 (5), 521-530, 2015 | 92 | 2015 |
eHealth in Deutschland F Fischer, A Krämer Anforderungen und Potenziale innovativer Versorgungsstrukturen, 3-23, 2016 | 71 | 2016 |
Gesundheitskommunikation im Internet. Erscheinungsformen, Potenziale, Grenzen C Rossmann Handbuch Online-Kommunikation, 338-363, 2010 | 62 | 2010 |
eHealth und mHealth: Gesundheitskommunikation online und mobil C Rossmann, V Karnowski Handbuch Gesundheitskommunikation 1, 271-285, 2014 | 57 | 2014 |
Lifestyle segmentation to explain the online health information–seeking behavior of older adults: Representative telephone survey W Weber, A Reinhardt, C Rossmann Journal of Medical Internet Research 22 (6), e15099, 2020 | 55 | 2020 |
Fiktion Wirklichkeit C Rossmann VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, 2008 | 54 | 2008 |
Age-related framing effects: Why vaccination against COVID-19 should be promoted differently in younger and older adults. A Reinhardt, C Rossmann Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 27 (4), 669, 2021 | 49 | 2021 |
Validity and use of the UV index: Report from the UVI working group, Schloss Hohenkammer, Germany, 5–7 December 2011 S Allinson, M Asmuss, C Baldermann, J Bentzen, D Buller, N Gerber, ... Health Physics 103 (3), 301-306, 2012 | 48 | 2012 |
The problem of causality in cultivation research C Rossmann, HB Brosius Walter de Gruyter GmbH & Co. KG 29 (3), 379-397, 2004 | 43 | 2004 |
Increasing influenza and pneumococcal vaccine uptake in the elderly: study protocol for the multi-methods prospective intervention study Vaccination60+ C Betsch, C Rossmann, MW Pletz, HC Vollmar, A Freytag, O Wichmann, ... BMC Public Health 18, 1-13, 2018 | 41 | 2018 |
Nutzung und Verbreitung von Gesundheitsinformationen: Ein Literaturüberblick zu theoretischen Ansätzen und empirischen Befunden C Rossmann, C Lampert, P Stehr, M Grimm Bertelsmann Stiftung, 2018 | 41 | 2018 |
Strategic health communication: Theory-and evidence-based campaign development C Rossmann The Routledge handbook of strategic communication, 409-423, 2014 | 41 | 2014 |
Gesundheitskommunikation: Medienwirkungen im Gesundheitsbereich C Rossmann, L Ziegler Handbuch Medienwirkungsforschung, 385-400, 2013 | 41 | 2013 |
Beliefs and motivation regarding physical activity among older adults in Germany: results of a qualitative study P Stehr, H Luetke Lanfer, C Rossmann International journal of qualitative studies on health and well-being 16 (1 …, 2021 | 37 | 2021 |
Handbuch der Gesundheitskommunikation C Rossmann, MR Hastall Springer VS, 2019 | 35 | 2019 |
The Potsdam radon communication manifesto F Bouder, T Perko, R Lofstedt, O Renn, C Rossmann, D Hevey, M Siegrist, ... Journal of Risk Research 24 (7), 909-912, 2021 | 34 | 2021 |