Amanda Biggs
Amanda Biggs
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Lazarus and Folkman's psychological stress and coping theory
A Biggs, P Brough, S Drummond
The Handbook of Stress and Health: A Guide to Research and Practice, 349-364, 2017
Strategic alignment with organizational priorities and work engagement: A multi‐wave analysis
A Biggs, P Brough, JP Barbour
Journal of Organizational Behavior 35 (3), 301-317, 2014
Enhancing work-related attitudes and work engagement: A quasi-experimental study of the impact of an organizational intervention.
A Biggs, P Brough, JP Barbour
International Journal of Stress Management 21 (1), 43, 2014
The ability of work—life balance policies to influence key social/organisational issues
P Brough, J Holt, R Bauld, A Biggs, C Ryan
Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources 46 (3), 261-274, 2008
The handbook of stress and health: a guide to research and practice
A Biggs, P Brough, S Drummond, CL Cooper, JC Quick
John Wiley & Sons Ltd, 349-364, 2017
Job Support, Coping, and Control: Assessment of Simultaneous Impacts Within the Occupational Stress Process.
P Brough, S Drummond, A Biggs
Journal of occupational health psychology, 2017
Work engagement: investigating the role of transformational leadership, job resources, and recovery
AJ Hawkes, A Biggs, E Hegerty
Leadership and Supervision, 143-165, 2021
‘You don’t want people knowing you’re a copper!’A contemporary assessment of police organisational culture
P Brough, S Chataway, A Biggs
International Journal of Police Science & Management 18 (1), 28-36, 2016
Parental leave and work‐family balance among employed parents following childbirth: An exploratory investigation in Australia and New Zealand
P Brough, MP O'Driscoll, A Biggs
Kōtuitui: New Zealand Journal of Social Sciences Online 4 (1), 71-87, 2009
Relationships of individual and organizational support with engagement: Examining various types of causality in a three-wave study
A Biggs, P Brough, JP Barbour
Work & Stress 28 (3), 236-254, 2014
Job Demands× Job Control Interaction Effects: Do Occupation‐specific Job Demands Increase their Occurrence?
P Brough, A Biggs
Stress and Health 31 (2), 138-149, 2015
Exposure to extraorganizational stressors: Impact on mental health and organizational perceptions for police officers.
A Biggs, P Brough, JP Barbour
International Journal of Stress Management 21 (3), 255, 2014
Investigating the moderating influences of gender upon role salience and work-family conflict
A Biggs, P Brough
Equal Opportunities International 24 (2), 30-41, 2005
Why interventions fail: A systematic review of occupational health psychology interventions.
MG Burgess, P Brough, A Biggs, AJ Hawkes
International Journal of Stress Management 27 (2), 195, 2020
Occupational stress in police and prison staff
P Brough, A Biggs
The Cambridge handbook of forensic psychology, 707-718, 2010
Improving criminal justice workplaces: Translating theory and research into evidence-based practice
P Brough, J Brown, A Biggs
Routledge, 2015
Improving criminal justice workplaces: Translating theory and research into evidence-based practice
P Brough, J Brown, A Biggs
Routledge, 2015
Work-family balance: Concepts, implications and interventions.
M O'Driscoll, P Brough, AJ Biggs
ISMAI Publishers, 2007
Explaining Intervention Success and Failure: What Works, When, and Why?
A Biggs, P Brough
Derailed Organizational Interventions for Stress and Well-Being, 237-244, 2015
Evidence for the Impact of Organisational Resources Versus Job Characteristics in Assessments of Occupational Stress Over Time
MJ Raper, P Brough, A Biggs
Applied Psychology, 0
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