James Barnes
James Barnes
Professor of Psychology
Верификована је имејл адреса на fchs.ac.ae
Visual hallucinations in Parkinson's disease: a review and phenomenological survey
J Barnes, AS David
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry 70 (6), 727-733, 2001
The functional neuroanatomy of implicit-motion perception or ‘representational momentum’
C Senior, J Barnes, V Giampietroc, A Simmons, ET Bullmore, M Brammer, ...
Current Biology 10 (1), 16-22, 2000
Contribution of lower order skills to the written composition of college students with and without dyslexia
V Connelly, S Campbell, M MacLean, J Barnes
Developmental neuropsychology 29 (1), 175-196, 2006
Reality monitoring and visual hallucinations in Parkinson’s disease
J Barnes, L Boubert, J Harris, A Lee, AS David
Neuropsychologia 41 (5), 565-574, 2003
The functional anatomy of imagining and perceiving colour
RJ Howard, J Barnes, D McKeefry, Y Ha, PW Woodruff, ET Bullmore, ...
Neuroreport 9 (6), 1019-1023, 1998
An investigation into the perception of dominance from schematic faces: A study using the World-Wide Web
C Senior, ML Phillips, J Barnes, AS David
Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, & Computers 31 (2), 341-346, 1999
Executive functions are impaired in patients with Parkinson’s disease with visual hallucinations
J Barnes, L Boubert
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery & Psychiatry 79 (2), 190-192, 2008
Cortical activity during rotational and linear transformations
J Barnes, RJ Howard, C Senior, M Brammer, ET Bullmore, A Simmons, ...
Neuropsychologia 38 (8), 1148-1156, 2000
The impact of cyberstalking
E Short, A Guppy, JA Hart, J Barnes
Studies in Media and Communication 3 (2), 23-37, 2015
Cyber-victimization of people with chronic conditions and disabilities: a systematic review of scope and impact
ZA Alhaboby, J Barnes, H Evans, E Short
Trauma, Violence, & Abuse 20 (3), 398-415, 2019
Memory impairment in young women at increased risk of depression: influence of cortisol and 5-HTT genotype
ZN Mannie, J Barnes, GC Bristow, CJ Harmer, PJ Cowen
Psychological Medicine 39 (5), 757-762, 2009
‘The language is disgusting and they refer to my disability’: the cyberharassment of disabled people
ZA Alhaboby, HM al-Khateeb, J Barnes, E Short
Disability & Society 31 (8), 1138-1143, 2016
Cyberstalking: Investigating formal intervention and the role of Corporate Social Responsibility
HM Al-Khateeb, G Epiphaniou, ZA Alhaboby, J Barnes, E Short
Telematics and Informatics 34 (4), 339-349, 2017
Revenge porn: findings from the harassment and revenge porn (HARP) survey–preliminary results
E Short, A Brown, M Pitchford, J Barnes
Annual Review of CyberTherapy and Telemedicine 15, 161-166, 2017
The functional anatomy of the McCollough contingent colour after-effect
J Barnes, RJ Howard, C Senior, M Brammer, ET Bullmore, A Simmons, ...
Neuroreport 10 (1), 195-199, 1999
Attribution of social dominance and maleness to schematic faces
C Senior, J Barnes, R Jenkins, S Landau, ML Phillips, AS David
Social Behavior and Personality: an international journal 27 (4), 331-337, 1999
Biopsychosocial factors linked with overall well-being of students and educators during the COVID-19 pandemic
S Al-Sabbah, A Darwish, N Fares, J Barnes, JA Almomani
Cogent Psychology 8 (1), 1875550, 2021
Altered early visual processing components in hallucination-prone individuals
D Schwartzman, K Maravic, C Kranczioch, J Barnes
Neuroreport 19 (9), 933-937, 2008
Understanding visual hallucinations: A new synthesis
D Collerton, J Barnes, NJ Diederich, R Dudley, K Friston, CG Goetz, ...
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 150, 105208, 2023
Essential biological psychology
J Barnes
SAGE Publications ltd, 2013
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