Matthew Bonn
Matthew Bonn
Program Coordinator with the Canadian Association of People Who Use Drugs
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Addressing the syndemic of HIV, hepatitis C, overdose, and COVID-19 among people who use drugs: the potential roles for decriminalization and safe supply
M Bonn, A Palayew, S Bartlett, TD Brothers, N Touesnard, M Tyndall
Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs 81 (5), 556-560, 2020
A qualitative study on overdose response in the era of COVID-19 and beyond: how to spot someone so they never have to use alone
M Perri, N Kaminski, M Bonn, G Kolla, A Guta, AM Bayoumi, ...
Harm reduction journal 18, 1-9, 2021
The details of decriminalization: Designing a non-criminal response to the possession of drugs for personal use
International Journal of Drug Policy 102, 2022
The increase in benzodiazepine-laced drugs and related risks in Canada: the urgent need for effective and sustainable solutions
C Russell, J Law, M Bonn, J Rehm, F Ali
International Journal of Drug Policy 111, 103933, 2023
Evaluation of an emergency safe supply drugs and managed alcohol program in COVID-19 isolation hotel shelters for people experiencing homelessness
TD Brothers, M Leaman, M Bonn, D Lewer, J Atkinson, J Fraser, A Gillis, ...
Drug and Alcohol Dependence 235, 109440, 2022
“Criminalization causes the stigma”: perspectives from people who use drugs
BD Scher, SD Neufeld, A Butler, M Bonn, N Zakimi, J Farrell, A Greer
Contemporary Drug Problems 50 (3), 402-425, 2023
It is time for us all to embrace person-centred language for people in prison and people who were formerly in prison
BL Harney, M Korchinski, P Young, M Scow, K Jack, P Linsley, C Bodkin, ...
International Journal of Drug Policy 99, 103455, 2022
Challenges of implementing safer supply programs in Canada during the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative analysis
M Karamouzian, B Rafat, G Kolla, K Urbanoski, K Atkinson, G Bardwell, ...
International Journal of Drug Policy 120, 104157, 2023
Social and structural determinants of injecting-related bacterial and fungal infections among people who inject drugs: protocol for a mixed studies systematic review
TD Brothers, D Lewer, M Bonn, D Webster, M Harris
BMJ open 11 (8), e049924, 2021
Developing a digital health strategy for people who use drugs: Lessons from COVID-19
CS Melissa Perri, Adrian Guta, Marilou Gagnon, Matt Bonn, Pamela Leece ...
Digital Health 7, 2021
Barriers to opioid use disorder treatment: a comparison of self-reported information from social media with barriers found in literature
W Bremer, K Plaisance, D Walker, M Bonn, JS Love, J Perrone, A Sarker
Frontiers in public health 11, 1141093, 2023
“The times they are a-changin’”: addressing common misconceptions about the role of safe supply in North America’s overdose crisis
M Bonn, A Palayew, S Bartlett, TD Brothers, N Touesnard, M Tyndall
Journal of studies on alcohol and drugs 82 (1), 158-160, 2021
Patient-centred care in opioid agonist treatment could improve outcomes
TD Brothers, M Bonn
Cmaj 191 (17), E460-E461, 2019
Identifying barriers and facilitators to COVID-19 vaccination uptake among People Who Use Drugs in Canada: a National Qualitative Study
F Ali, A Kaura, C Russell, M Bonn, J Bruneau, N Dasgupta, S Imtiaz, ...
Harm Reduction Journal 20 (1), 99, 2023
Progress and remaining challenges to address hepatitis C, other infectious diseases, and drug-related harms to improve the health of people who use drugs.
J Grebely, AB Collins, AA Artenie, R Sutherland, JP Meyer, JA Barocas, ...
Securing safe supply during COVID-19 and beyond: Scoping review and knowledge mobilization
M Bonn, N Touesnard, B Cheng, M Pugliese, E Comeau, C Bodkin, ...
Public reimbursement policies in Canada for direct-acting antiviral treatment of hepatitis C virus infection: a descriptive study
G Snell, AD Marshall, J van Gennip, M Bonn, J Butler-McPhee, ...
Canadian Liver Journal 6 (2), 190-200, 2023
“2.5 g, I could do that before noon”: a qualitative study on people who use drugs’ perspectives on the impacts of British Columbia’s decriminalization of illegal drugs …
F Ali, C Russell, A Greer, M Bonn, D Werb, J Rehm
Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy 18 (1), 32, 2023
Spotting as a risk mitigation method: a qualitative study comparing organization-based and informal methods
M Perri, A Guta, N Kaminski, M Bonn, G Kolla, A Bayoumi, L Challacombe, ...
International Journal of Drug Policy 111, 103905, 2023
Social and structural determinants of injection drug use‐associated bacterial and fungal infections: A qualitative systematic review and thematic synthesis
TD Brothers, M Bonn, D Lewer, E Comeau, I Kim, D Webster, A Hayward, ...
Addiction 118 (10), 1853-1877, 2023
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