Sung-Chan Pauline
Sung-Chan Pauline
Верификована је имејл адреса на polyu.edu.hk
Family‐based models for childhood‐obesity intervention: a systematic review of randomized controlled trials
P Sung‐Chan, YW Sung, X Zhao, RC Brownson
Obesity Reviews 14 (4), 265-278, 2013
A preliminary validation of the Brief Spousal Assault Form for the Evaluation of Risk (B-SAFER) in Hong Kong
A Au, G Cheung, R Kropp, C Yuk-Chung, GLT Lam, P Sung
Journal of Family Violence 23, 727-735, 2008
Searching for a capacity building model in social work education in China
HB Ku, SC Yeung, P Sung‐Chan
Social Work Education 24 (2), 213-233, 2005
Bridging the theory–practice gap in social work education: a reflection on an action research in China
P Sung‐Chan, A Yuen‐Tsang
Social Work Education 27 (1), 51-69, 2008
Reconciling conflicts: The “accidental” women leaders in contemporary China
AY Tsang, PS Chan, L Zhang
Affilia 26 (3), 314-326, 2011
Families on the move in China: Challenges, strategies, and implications
J Chen, K Wu, PLP Sung-Chan
China Journal of Social Work 5 (2), 109-122, 2012
Reflections on building a reflective practice community in China
P Sung-Chan, A Yuen-Tsang
Critical reflection in health and social care, 57-72, 2006
Action research and social development in China: Creating synergy between marginalized populations and government officials
P Sung-Chan, A Yuen-Tsang, GN Yadama, A Sze
Action research 6 (2), 193-212, 2008
Our journey nurturing the voices of unemployed women in China through collaborative-action research
P Sung-Chan, A Yuen-Tsang
Qualitative Social Work 7 (1), 61-80, 2008
Learning from an action experiment: putting Schon's reciprocal-reflection theory into practice
PPL Sung-Chan
Cybernetics & Human Knowing 7 (2-3), 17-30, 2000
Cultural values and choice of strategic move in therapy: a case of low back pain in a Chinese woman
PWL Leung, PPL Sung-Chan
Clinical Case Studies 1 (4), 342-352, 2002
Re-uniting family among rural migrants in Beijing
K Wu, PPS Chan, J Chen
Ethnology, 305-317, 2011
Generating practice knowledge for social work education: A teacher's experience in Hong Kong
P Sung‐Chan
Social Work Education 26 (6), 601-615, 2007
A collaborative-action research into the teaching and learning of systemic family practice to school social work in Hong Kong.
PLP Sung-Chan
University of Nottingham, 2000
The social construction of identity through the life course: a study on the cultural themes in the narrative of Chinese women experiencing marital crises in China.
A Yuen-Tsang, P Sung-Chan
Women in Welfare Education 8 (1), 2006
Educating Social Work professionals through a Community-based Reflective Practicum
P Sung-Chan, A Yuen-Tsang
Enhancing Professional Education through Experiential Learning. Hong Kong …, 2003
Becoming a reflective social work
P Sung-Chan
Becoming a Social Worker: Global Narratives, 194, 2013
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