Gill PPS
Gill PPS
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Effect of calcium on cold storage and post-storage quality of peach
N Gupta, SK Jawandha, PS Gill
Journal of food science and technology 48, 225-229, 2011
Efficacy of postharvest sodium nitroprusside application to extend storability by regulating physico-chemical quality of pear fruit
T Adhikary, PPS Gill, SK Jawandha, RD Bhardwaj, RK Anurag
Food Chemistry 346, 128934, 2021
Physico-chemical changes during progressive ripening of mango (Mangifera indica L.) cv. Dashehari under different temperature regimes
PPS Gill, SK Jawandha, N Kaur, N Singh
Journal of Food Science and Technology 54, 1964-1970, 2017
Effect of foliar sprays of potassium on fruit size and quality of ‘Patharnakh’pear
PPS Gill, MY Ganaie, WS Dhillon, NP Singh
Indian Journal of Horticulture 69 (4), 512-516, 2012
Browning and quality management of pear fruit by salicylic acid treatment during low temperature storage
T Adhikary, PS Gill, SK Jawandha, RD Bhardwaj, RK Anurag
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 101 (3), 853-862, 2021
Chitosan-enriched salicylic acid coatings preserves antioxidant properties and alleviates internal browning of pear fruit under cold storage and supermarket conditions
A Sinha, PPS Gill, SK Jawandha, P Kaur, SK Grewal
Postharvest Biology and Technology 182, 111721, 2021
Effect of post-harvest treatments of putrescine on storage of mango cv. Langra
SK Jawandha, MS Gill, N Singh, PPS Gill, N Singh
African Journal of Agricultural Research 7 (48), 6432-6436, 2012
Comparison of cultivated and wild chickpea genotypes for nutritional quality and antioxidant potential
K Kaur, SK Grewal, PS Gill, S Singh
Journal of food science and technology 56, 1864-1876, 2019
Suppression of fruit softening and extension of shelf life of pear by putrescine application
V Singh, SK Jawandha, PPS Gill, MS Gill
Scientia Horticulturae 256, 108623, 2019
Physico-chemical characterization of unexploited mango diversity in sub-mountane zone of Northern India
NP Singh, N Jerath, G Singh, PPS Gill
Indian journal of plant genetic resources 25 (03), 261-269, 2012
Effect of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium fertilization on growth, yield and quality of pomegranate'Kandhari'
WS Dhillon, PPS Gill, NP Singh
Acta Horticulturae 890 (890), 327-332, 2011
Preharvest and harvest factors influencing the postharvest quality of tropical and subtropical fruits
N Benkeblia, DPF Tennant, SK Jawandha, PS Gill
postharvest biology and Technology of Tropical and Subtropical Fruits, 112-142e, 2011
Effect of pre-harvest treatments on the cellulase activity and quality of ber fruit under cold storage conditions
Notulae Scientia Biologicae 1 (1), 88-91, 2009
Salicylic acid enriched beeswax coatings suppress fruit softening in pears by modulation of cell wall degrading enzymes under different storage conditions
A Sinha, PPS Gill, SK Jawandha, P Kaur, SK Grewal
Food Packaging and Shelf Life 32, 100821, 2022
Edible coatings enriched with plant-based extracts preserve postharvest quality of fruits: A review
K Bajaj, T Adhikary, PPS Gill, A Kumar
Progress in Organic Coatings 182, 107669, 2023
Effect of foliar application of K and N fertilizers on fruit quality of Kinnow mandarin
PS Gill, SN Singh, AS Dhatt
Indian Journal of Horticulture 62 (3), 282-284, 2005
Influence of pre-harvest sprays of calcium nitrate on storability and quality attributes of plum fruits
A Sinha, SK Jawandha, PPS Gill, H Singh
Journal of food science and technology 56, 1427-1437, 2019
Ripening quality of Dusehri mango in relation to harvest time
R Kour, M Singh, PPS Gill, SK Jawandha
Journal of food science and technology 55, 2395-2400, 2018
Composite coating of chitosan with salicylic acid retards pear fruit softening under cold and supermarket storage
A Sinha, PPS Gill, SK Jawandha, SK Grewal
Food Research International 160, 111724, 2022
Growth, yield and nutrient uptake of guava (Psidium Guavaja L.) affected by soil matric potential, fertigation and mulching under drip irrigation
JN Khan, AK Jain, R Sharda, NP Singh, PS Gill, S Kaur
Agricultural Engineering International: CIGR Journal 15 (3), 17-28, 2013
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