alan nicol
alan nicol
Principal Researcher
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Ground water security and drought in Africa: linking availability, access, and demand
RC Calow, AM MacDonald, AL Nicol, NS Robins
Groundwater 48 (2), 246-256, 2010
Adopting a sustainable livelihoods approach to water projects: implications for policy and practice
A Nicol
Overseas Development Institute, 2000
Global environmental justice and the right to water: The case of peri-urban Cochabamba and Delhi
L Mehta, J Allouche, A Nicol, A Walnycki
Geoforum 54, 158-166, 2014
GERD: new norms of cooperation in the Nile Basin?
AE Cascão, A Nicol
Water International 41 (4), 550-573, 2016
Against the flow–new power dynamics and upstream mobilisation in the Nile Basin
A Nicol, AE Cascão
Review of African Political Economy 38 (128), 317-325, 2011
The Nile: moving beyond cooperation
A Nicol, M Shahin
UNESCO, 2003
Water-smart agriculture in East Africa
A Nicol, S Langan, M Victor, J Gonsalves
IWMI, 2015
The cost of a knowledge silo: a systematic re-review of water, sanitation and hygiene interventions
M Loevinsohn, L Mehta, K Cuming, A Nicol, O Cumming, JHJ Ensink
Health policy and planning 30 (5), 660-674, 2015
Caught in the act: new stakeholders, decentralisation and water management processes in Zimbabwe
S Mtisi, A Nicol
Institute of Development Studies, University of Sussex, 2003
Transboundary water management as an international public good
A Nicol, F van Steenbergen, H Sunman, AR Turton, T Slaymaker, JA Allan, ...
Stockholm, Sweden: Ministry of Foreign Affairs, 2001
Introduction:‘some for all rather than more for some’? Contested pathways and politics since the 1990 New Delhi statement
A Nicol, L Mehta, J Allouche
IDS bulletin 43 (2), 1-9, 2012
The struggle for water: drought, water security and rural livelihoods
RC Calow, AM MacDonald, AL Nicol, NS Robins, S Kebede
British Geological Survey, 2006
Water governance and collective action
D Suhardiman, A Nicol, E Mapedza
Multiscale Challenges. London and New York: Routledge, 2017
Review of climate change science, knowledge and impacts on water resources in South Asia
G Lacombe, P Chinnasamy, A Nicol
International Water Management Institute (IWMI), 2019
Adaptation’s thirst: accelerating the convergence of water and climate action. Background paper prepared for the 2019 report of the global commission on adaptation
DM Smith, JH Matthews, L Bharati, E Borgomeo, MP McCartney, ...
The dynamics of river basin cooperation: The Nile and Okavango basins
A Nicol
Transboundary Rivers, Sovereignty and Development: Hydropolitical Drivers in …, 2003
South Asia climate change risks in water management: Climate risks and solutions-adaptation frameworks for water resources planning, development, and management in South Asia
R Hirji, A Nicol, R Davis
World Bank, Washington, DC, 1905
Water security: Towards the human securitization of water
J Allouche, A Nicol, L Mehta
Whitehead J. Dipl. & Int'l Rel. 12, 153, 2011
Planning for groundwater drought in Africa
R Calow, N Robins, A Macdonald, A Nicol, WRG Orpen
Proceedings of the international conference on integrated drought management …, 1999
Gender and water technologies: Water lifting for irrigation and multiple purposes in Ethiopia
L Nigussie, N Lefore, P Schmitter, A Nicol
International Water Management Institute, East Africa and Nile Basin Office …, 2017
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