Xiao-Ping Zhang, PhD, IEEE Fellow, IET Fellow
Xiao-Ping Zhang, PhD, IEEE Fellow, IET Fellow
Professor of Electrical Power Systems, University of Birmingham
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Flexible AC transmission systems: modelling and control
XP Zhang, C Rehtanz, BC Pal
Springer, 2006
Modeling of plug-in hybrid electric vehicle charging demand in probabilistic power flow calculations
G Li, XP Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 3 (1), 492-499, 2012
Small signal stability analysis and optimal control of a wind turbine with doubly fed induction generator
F Wu, XP Zhang, K Godfrey, P Ju
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 1 (5), 751-760, 2007
A review on electric vehicle charging infrastructure development in the UK
T Chen, XP Zhang, J Wang, J Li, C Wu, M Hu, H Bian
Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy 8 (2), 193-205, 2020
Basic topology and key devices of the five-terminal DC grid
G Tang, Z He, H Pang, X Huang, X Zhang
CSEE Journal of power and energy systems 1 (2), 22-35, 2015
Multiterminal voltage-sourced converter-based HVDC models for power flow analysis
XP Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 19 (4), 1877-1884, 2004
Initial review of methods for cascading failure analysis in electric power transmission systems IEEE PES CAMS task force on understanding, prediction, mitigation and …
R Baldick, B Chowdhury, I Dobson, Z Dong, B Gou, D Hawkins, H Huang, ...
2008 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting-Conversion and Delivery …, 2008
Artificial intelligence based smart energy community management: A reinforcement learning approach
S Zhou, Z Hu, W Gu, M Jiang, XP Zhang
CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems 5 (1), 1-10, 2019
Real-time scheduling of residential appliances via conditional risk-at-value
Z Wu, S Zhou, J Li, XP Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 5 (3), 1282-1291, 2014
Modeling and control of AWS-based wave energy conversion system integrated into power grid
F Wu, XP Zhang, P Ju, MJH Sterling
IEEE Transactions on Power systems 23 (3), 1196-1204, 2008
Advanced modeling of the multicontrol functional static synchronous series compensator (SSSC) in Newton power flow
XP Zhang
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 18 (4), 1410-1416, 2003
Modelling of the interline power flow controller and the generalised unified power flow controller in Newton power flow
XP Zhang
IEE Proceedings-Generation, Transmission and Distribution 150 (3), 268-274, 2003
Elimination of commutation failures of LCC HVDC system with controllable capacitors
Y Xue, XP Zhang, C Yang
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 31 (4), 3289-3299, 2015
Decentralized nonlinear control of wind turbine with doubly fed induction generator
F Wu, XP Zhang, P Ju, MJH Sterling
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 23 (2), 613-621, 2008
Real-time energy control approach for smart home energy management system
S Zhou, Z Wu, J Li, X Zhang
Electric Power Components and Systems 42 (3-4), 315-326, 2014
Modeling of the generalized unified power flow controller (GUPFC) in a nonlinear interior point OPF
XP Zhang, E Handschin, M Yao
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 16 (3), 367-373, 2001
Commutation failure elimination of LCC HVDC systems using thyristor-based controllable capacitors
Y Xue, XP Zhang, C Yang
IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery 33 (3), 1448-1458, 2017
Small signal stability analysis and control of the wind turbine with the direct-drive permanent magnet generator integrated to the grid
F Wu, XP Zhang, P Ju
Electric Power Systems Research 79 (12), 1661-1667, 2009
Optimal siting and sizing of distributed generation in distribution systems with PV solar farm utilized as STATCOM (PV-STATCOM)
L Luo, W Gu, XP Zhang, G Cao, W Wang, G Zhu, D You, Z Wu
Applied Energy 210, 1092-1100, 2018
A solution to the chance-constrained two-stage stochastic program for unit commitment with wind energy integration
Z Wu, P Zeng, XP Zhang, Q Zhou
IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 31 (6), 4185-4196, 2016
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