Sumaiya Afroz, PhD
Sumaiya Afroz, PhD
Assistant Prof. at Dept. of Civil Engineering, Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology
Верификована је имејл адреса на ce.buet.ac.bd
Autogenous and total shrinkage of limestone calcined clay cement (LC3) concretes
QD Nguyen, S Afroz, Y Zhang, T Kim, W Li, A Castel
Construction and Building Materials 314, 125720, 2022
Influence of calcined clay reactivity on the mechanical properties and chloride diffusion resistance of limestone calcined clay cement (LC3) concrete
QD Nguyen, S Afroz, A Castel
Journal of Marine Science and Engineering 8 (5), 301, 2020
Effect of limestone in General Purpose cement on autogenous shrinkage of high strength GGBFS concrete and pastes
S Afroz, Y Zhang, QD Nguyen, T Kim, A Castel
Construction and Building Materials 327, 126949, 2022
Potential of a microbiologically induced calcite precipitation process for durability enhancement of masonry aggregate concrete
T Manzur, F Rahman, S Afroz, RS Huq, IH Efaz
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 29 (5), 04016290, 2017
Analytical model predicting the concrete tensile stress development in the restrained shrinkage ring test
Y Zhang, S Afroz, QD Nguyen, T Kim, J Eisenträger, A Castel, T Xu
Construction and Building Materials 307, 124930, 2021
Shrinkage of blended cement concrete with fly ash or limestone calcined clay
S Afroz, Y Zhang, QD Nguyen, T Kim, A Castel
Materials and Structures 56 (1), 15, 2023
Evaluation of cracking potential parameters for low to high grade concrete with fly ash or slag
S Afroz, QD Nguyen, Y Zhang, T Kim, A Castel
Construction and Building Materials 350, 128891, 2022
Arrowroot as bio-admixture for performance enhancement of concrete
S Afroz, T Manzur, KMA Hossain
Journal of Building Engineering 30, 101313, 2020
Performance enhancement of brick aggregate concrete using microbiologically induced calcite precipitation
T Manzur, RS Huq, IH Efaz, S Afroz, F Rahman, K Hossain
Case Studies in Construction Materials 11, e00248, 2019
Sorptivity and strength characteristics of commonly used concrete mixes of Bangladesh
S Afroz, F Rahman, S Iffat, T Manzur
Proceedings of the International Conference on Recent Innovation in Civil …, 2015
Potential of starch as organic admixture in cementitious composites
S Afroz, T Manzur, IB Borno, M Hasanuzzaman, KMA Hossain
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 33 (2), 04020449, 2021
The efficiency of recycled glass powder in mitigating the alkali-silica reaction induced by recycled glass aggregate in cementitious mortars
AH Mahmood, S Afroz, A Kashani, T Kim, SJ Foster
Materials and Structures 55 (6), 156, 2022
Cracking of limestone calcined clay blended concrete and mortar under restrained shrinkage
S Afroz, QD Nguyen, Y Zhang, T Kim, A Castel
Construction and Building Materials 386, 131599, 2023
Autogenous shrinkage of fly ash and ground granulated blast furnace slag concrete
Y Zhang, S Afroz, QD Nguyen, T Kim, D Nguyen, A Castel, J Nairn, ...
Magazine of Concrete Research 75 (6), 283-295, 2023
Modeling blended cement concrete tensile creep for standard ring test application
Y Zhang, S Afroz, QD Nguyen, T Kim, A Castel, T Xu
Structural Concrete 24 (2), 2170-2188, 2023
Application of microbiologically induced precipitation process in cement and concrete research: A review
F Rahman, S Afroz, IH Efaz, RS Huq, T Manzur
Int. Conf. on Advances in Civil Infrastructure and Construction Materials …, 2015
Distinct effect of hydration of calcined kaolinitic clay–limestone blended cement on microstructure and autogenous shrinkage
S Afroz, T Kim, A Castel
Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering 35 (12), 04023481, 2023
Potential of starch as bio-admixture for cementitious composites
S Afroz
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), 2018
A simple laboratory process to culture indigenous urease positive bacteria for MICP
S Afroz, F Rahman, T Manzur
Proceedings of the 1st Bangladesh Civil Engineering Summit, BUET, Dhaka …, 2016
Influence of Biotreated Bricks on Concrete Durability
S Afroz, F Rahman
Bangladesh University of Engineering and Technology (BUET), 2015
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