Matthieu Harlaux
Matthieu Harlaux
Research Geologist - BRGM
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Tracing metal sources in peribatholitic hydrothermal W deposits based on the chemical composition of wolframite: The example of the Variscan French Massif Central
M Harlaux, J Mercadier, C Marignac, C Peiffert, C Cloquet, M Cuney
Chemical Geology 479, 58-85, 2018
40 Ma of hydrothermal W mineralization during the Variscan orogenic evolution of the French Massif Central revealed by U-Pb dating of wolframite
M Harlaux, RL Romer, J Mercadier, C Morlot, C Marignac, M Cuney
Mineralium Deposita 53 (1), 21-51, 2018
Geochemical Signature of Magmatic‐Hydrothermal Fluids Exsolved from the Beauvoir Rare‐Metal Granite (Massif Central, France): Insights from LA‐ICPMS Analysis of Primary Fluid …
M Harlaux, J Mercadier, WME Bonzi, V Kremer, C Marignac, M Cuney
Geofluids 2017 (1), 1925817, 2017
Tourmaline as a tracer of late-magmatic to hydrothermal fluid evolution: The world-class San Rafael tin (-copper) deposit, Peru
M Harlaux, K Kouzmanov, S Gialli, O Laurent, A Rielli, A Dini, A Chauvet, ...
Economic Geology 115 (8), 1665-1697, 2020
Fluid mixing as primary trigger for cassiterite deposition: Evidence from in situ δ18O-δ11B analysis of tourmaline from the world-class San Rafael tin (-copper) deposit, Peru
M Harlaux, K Kouzmanov, S Gialli, K Marger, AS Bouvier, ...
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 563, 116889, 2021
The world-class Nanling metallogenic belt (Jiangxi, China): W and Sn deposition at 160 Ma followed by 30 my of hydrothermal metal redistribution
H Legros, M Harlaux, J Mercadier, RL Romer, M Poujol, A Camacho, ...
Ore Geology Reviews 117, 103302, 2020
Origin of the atypical Puy-les-Vignes W breccia pipe (Massif Central, France) constrained by trace element and boron isotopic composition of tourmaline
M Harlaux, J Mercadier, C Marignac, J Villeneuve, B Mouthier, M Cuney
Ore Geology Reviews 114, 103132, 2019
Raman spectra of Ni–Mg kerolite: effect of Ni–Mg substitution on O–H stretching vibrations
M Cathelineau, MC Caumon, F Massei, D Brie, M Harlaux
Journal of Raman Spectroscopy 46 (10), 933-940, 2015
The upper Oligocene San Rafael intrusive complex (Eastern Cordillera, southeast Peru), host of the largest-known high-grade tin deposit
M Harlaux, K Kouzmanov, S Gialli, AH Clark, O Laurent, G Corthay, ...
Lithos 400, 106409, 2021
U/Pb geochronology of wolframite by LA-ICP-MS; mineralogical constraints, analytical procedures, data interpretation, and comparison with ID-TIMS
PA Carr, J Mercadier, M Harlaux, RL Romer, E Moreira, H Legros, ...
Chemical Geology 584, 120511, 2021
Nb-Ti-Y-HREE-W-U oxide minerals with uncommon compositions associated with the tungsten mineralization in the Puy-les-Vignes deposit (Massif Central, France): evidence for rare …
M Harlaux, C Marignac, M Cuney, J Mercadier, R Magott, B Mouthier
The Canadian Mineralogist 53 (4), 653-672, 2015
Capabilities of sequential and quasi-simultaneous LA-ICPMS for the multi-element analysis of small quantity of liquids (pl to nl): insights from fluid inclusion analysis
M Harlaux, O Borovinskaya, DA Frick, D Tabersky, S Gschwind, A Richard, ...
Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 30 (9), 1945-1969, 2015
Multistage development of a hydrothermal W deposit during the Variscan late-orogenic evolution: the Puy-les-Vignes breccia pipe (Massif Central, France)
M Harlaux, C Marignac, J Mercadier, M Poujol, MC Boiron, K Kouzmanov, ...
Bulletin de la Société Géologique de France, 2021
Development and Re‐Evaluation of Tourmaline Reference Materials for In Situ Measurement of Boron δ Values by Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry
K Marger, M Harlaux, A Rielli, LP Baumgartner, A Dini, BL Dutrow, ...
Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research 44 (3), 593-615, 2020
Chemical and boron isotope composition of tourmaline from the Kiaka orogenic gold deposit (Burkina Faso, West African Craton) as a proxy for ore-forming processes
J Gauriau, M Harlaux, AS André-Mayer, A Eglinger, A Richard, A Fontaine, ...
Mineralium Deposita, 1-20, 2020
Alluvial record of an early Eocene hyperthermal within the Castissent Formation, the Pyrenees, Spain
L Honegger, T Adatte, JE Spangenberg, JKC Rugenstein, ...
Climate of the Past 16 (1), 227-243, 2020
Tungsten and rare-metal (Nb, Ta, Sn) hydrothermal metallogenic systems in the late-variscan orogenic context: example of the French Massif Central
M Harlaux
http://docnum.univ-lorraine.fr/public/DDOC_T_2016_0206_HARLAUX.pdf, 576 p, 2016
A felsic meta-igneous source for Li-F-rich peraluminous granites: insights from the Variscan Velay dome (French Massif Central) and implications for rare-metal magmatism
C Ballouard, S Couzinié, P Bouilhol, M Harlaux, J Mercadier, JM Montel
Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 178 (11), 75, 2023
Insights into B-Mg-metasomatism at the Ranger U deposit (NT, Australia) and comparison with Canadian unconformity-related U deposits
J Gigon, RG Skirrow, M Harlaux, A Richard, J Mercadier, IR Annesley, ...
Minerals 9 (7), 432, 2019
The Puy-les-Vignes breccia pipe (Massif Central, France): a unique occurrence of polymetallic W-Nb±Ta-HREE-Bi-Cu-As±Au-Ag mineralization in the Variscan belt
M Harlaux, C Marignac, M Cuney, J Mercadier
Proceedings of the 13th Biennial SGA Meeting, 24–27 August 2015, Nancy …, 2015
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