Sadoon Morad
Sadoon Morad
Ad Terra Group, Geneva, Switzerland
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The impact of diagenesis on the heterogeneity of sandstone reservoirs: A review of the role of depositional facies and sequence stratigraphy
S Morad, K Al-Ramadan, JM Ketzer, LF De Ros
AAPG bulletin 94 (8), 1267-1309, 2010
Spatial and temporal distribution of diagenetic alterations in siliciclastic rocks: implications for mass transfer in sedimentary basins
S Morad, JM Ketzer, LF De Ros
Sedimentology 47, 95-120, 2000
Clay minerals in sandstones: controls on formation, distribution and evolution
RH Worden, S Morad
Clay mineral cements in sandstones, 1-41, 1999
Quartz cementation in oil field sandstones: a review of the key controversies
RH Worden, S Morad
Quartz cementation in sandstones, 1-20, 2000
Carbonate cementation in sandstones: distribution patterns and geochemical evolution
S Morad
Carbonate cementation in sandstones: distribution patterns and geochemical …, 1998
Diagenesis and reservoir-quality evolution of fluvial sandstones during progressive burial and uplift: Evidence from the Upper Jurassic Boipeba Member, Recôncavo Basin …
AM Salem, S Morad, LF Mato, IS Al-Aasm
AAPG bulletin 84 (7), 1015-1040, 2000
Diagenetic albitization of detrital K-feldspar in Jurassic, Lower Cretaceous, and Tertiary clastic reservoir rocks from offshore Norway; I, Textures and origin
GC Saigal, S Morad, K Bjorlykke, PK Egeberg, P Aagaard
Journal of Sedimentary Research 58 (6), 1003-1013, 1988
Diagenesis and reservoir quality evolution of palaeocene deep-water, marine sandstones, the Shetland-Faroes Basin, British continental shelf
H Mansurbeg, S Morad, A Salem, R Marfil, MAK El-Ghali, JP Nystuen, ...
Marine and Petroleum Geology 25 (6), 514-543, 2008
Albitization of detrital plagioclase in Triassic reservoir sandstones from the Snorre Field, Norwegian North Sea
S Morad, M Bergan, R Knarud, JP Nystuen
Journal of Sedimentary Research 60 (3), 411-425, 1990
Diagenetic albitization of detrital K-feldspars in Jurassic, Lower Cretaceous and Tertiary clastic reservoir rocks from offshore Norway; II, Formation water chemistry and …
P Aagaard, PK Egeberg, GC Saigal, S Morad, K Bjorlykke
Journal of sedimentary Research 60 (4), 575-581, 1990
Diagenesis and reservoir-quality evolution of incised-valley sandstones: evidence from the Abu Madi gas reservoirs (Upper Miocene), The Nile Delta Basin, Egypt
AM Salem, JM Ketzer, S Morad, RR Rizk, IS Al-Aasm
Journal of Sedimentary Research 75 (4), 572-584, 2005
Sequence stratigraphic distribution of diagenetic alterations in coal‐bearing, paralic sandstones: evidence from the Rio Bonito Formation (early Permian), southern Brazil
JM Ketzer, M Holz, S Morad, IS Al‐Aasm
Sedimentology 50 (5), 855-877, 2003
Predictive diagenetic clay‐mineral distribution in siliciclastic rocks within a sequence stratigraphic framework
JM Ketzer, S Morad, A Amorosi
Clay mineral cements in sandstones, 43-61, 1999
Identification of primary Ce-anomaly signatures in fossil biogenic apatite: implication for the Cambrian oceanic anoxia and phosphogenesis
S Morad, S Felitsyn
Sedimentary Geology 143 (3-4), 259-264, 2001
Distribution of diagenetic alterations in fluvial, deltaic, and shallow marine sandstones within a sequence stratigraphic framework: evidence from the Mullaghmore Formation …
JM Ketzer, S Morad, R Evans, IS Al-Aasm
Journal of Sedimentary Research 72 (6), 760-774, 2002
Impact of diagenesis on the spatial and temporal distribution of reservoir quality in the Jurassic Arab D and C members, offshore Abu Dhabi oilfield, United Arab Emirates
S Morad, IS Al-Aasm, FH Nader, A Ceriani, M Gasparrini, H Mansurbeg
GeoArabia 17 (3), 17-56, 2012
Diagenesis and formation water chemistry of Triassic reservoir sandstones from southern Tunisia
S Morad, HN Ben Ismail, LF De Ros, IS Al‐Aasm, NE Serrhini
Sandstone Diagenesis: Recent and Ancient, 583-602, 2003
Saddle (baroque) dolomite in carbonates and sandstones: A reappraisal of a burial‐diagenetic concept
C Spötl, JK Pitman
Carbonate cementation in sandstones: Distribution patterns and geochemical …, 1998
Distribution of diagenetic alterations in siliciclastic shoreface deposits within a sequence stratigraphic framework: evidence from the Upper Jurassic, Boulonnais, NW France
K Al-Ramadan, S Morad, JN Proust, I Al-Aasm
Journal of Sedimentary Research 75 (5), 943-959, 2005
Linking diagenesis to sequence stratigraphy: an integrated tool for understanding and predicting reservoir quality distribution
S Morad, JM Ketzer, LF De Ros
Linking diagenesis to sequence stratigraphy, 1-36, 2013
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