Sophy McCully Phillips
Sophy McCully Phillips
Principal Fisheries Scientist, Cefas
Верификована је имејл адреса на cefas.gov.uk
A review of capture and post‐release mortality of elasmobranchs
JR Ellis, SR McCully Phillips, F Poisson
Journal of fish biology 90 (3), 653-722, 2017
European Red List of marine fishes
A Nieto, GM Ralph, M Comeros-Raynal, J Kemp, M García Criado, ...
Coherent assessments of Europe’s marine fishes show regional divergence and megafauna loss
PG Fernandes, GM Ralph, A Nieto, M García Criado, P Vasilakopoulos, ...
Nature Ecology & Evolution 1 (7), 0170, 2017
Lengths at maturity and conversion factors for skates (Rajidae) around the British Isles, with an analysis of data in the literature
SR McCully, F Scott, JR Ellis
ICES Journal of Marine Science 69 (10), 1812-1822, 2012
Diving into the vertical dimension of elasmobranch movement ecology
S Andrzejaczek, TCD Lucas, MC Goodman, NE Hussey, AJ Armstrong, ...
Science Advances 8 (33), eabo1754, 2022
Latitudinal differences in the timing of otolith growth: a comparison between the Barents Sea and southern North Sea
H Høie, RS Millner, S McCully, KH Nedreaas, GM Pilling, J Skadal
Fisheries Research 96 (2-3), 319-322, 2009
An overview of the biology and status of undulate ray Raja undulata in the north‐east Atlantic Ocean
JR Ellis, SR McCully, MJ Brown
Journal of Fish Biology 80 (5), 1057-1074, 2012
Productivity and susceptibility analysis: application and suitability for data poor assessment of elasmobranchs in northern European seas
SR McCully, F Scott, JR Ellis, GM Pilling
Collect Vol Sci Pap 69 (4), 1679-98, 2013
UK fisheries for skates (Rajidae): History and development of the fishery, recent management actions and survivorship of discards
JR Ellis, JF Silva, SR McCully, T Catchpole
ASC 2010-Theme session E, 2010
Cetacean stock assessments in relation to exploration and production industry activity and other human pressures: review and data needs
F Thomsen, SR McCully, LR Weiss, DT Wood, KJ Warr, J Barry, RJ Law
Aquatic Mammals 37 (1), 1-93, 2011
Having confidence in productivity susceptibility analyses: A method for underpinning scientific advice on skate stocks?
SR McCully Phillips, F Scott, JR Ellis
Fisheries research 171, 87-100, 2015
A generic investigation into noise profiles of marine dredging in relation to the acoustic sensitivity of the marine fauna in UK waters with particular emphasis on aggregate …
F Thomsen, S McCully, D Wood, F Pace, P White
Fisheries & Aquaculture Science, Suffolk 61, 2009
Angel sharks (Squatinidae): A review of biological knowledge and exploitation
JR Ellis, J Barker, SR McCully Phillips, EKM Meyers, M Heupel
Journal of Fish Biology 98 (3), 592-621, 2021
Changes in the timing of otolith zone formation in North Sea cod from otolith records: an early indicator of climate-induced temperature stress?
RS Millner, GM Pilling, SR McCully, H Høie
Marine Biology 158, 21-30, 2011
Informing CITES Parties: Strengthening science‐based decision‐making when listing marine species
K Friedman, M Braccini, M Bjerregaard‐Walsh, R Bonfil, CJA Bradshaw, ...
Fish and Fisheries 21 (1), 13-31, 2020
Reproductive characteristics and life‐history relationships of starry smooth‐hound Mustelus asterias in British waters
SR McCully Phillips, JR Ellis
Journal of Fish Biology 87 (6), 1411-1433, 2015
At‐vessel mortality of skates (Rajidae) taken in coastal fisheries and evidence of longer‐term survival
JR Ellis, GJ Burt, G Grilli, SR McCully Phillips, TL Catchpole, DL Maxwell
Journal of fish biology 92 (6), 1702-1719, 2018
Organohalogen contaminants and trace metals in North-East Atlantic porbeagle shark (Lamna nasus)
VA Bendall, JL Barber, A Papachlimitzou, T Bolam, L Warford, ...
Marine pollution bulletin 85 (1), 280-286, 2014
Having confidence in productivity susceptibility analyses: A method for underpinning scientific advice on skate stocks?
SRMC Phillips, F Scott, JR Ellis
Fisheries research 171, 87-100, 2015
Diet composition of starry smooth‐hound Mustelus asterias and methodological considerations for assessing the trophic level of predatory fish
SR McCully Phillips, A Grant, JR Ellis
Journal of fish biology 96 (3), 590-600, 2020
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