Muhammad Ashar
Muhammad Ashar
Верификована је имејл адреса на um.ac.id
Digital Comic Media for Teaching Secondary School Science.
H Habiddin, M Ashar, A Hamdan, KR Nasir
Int. J. Interact. Mob. Technol. 16 (3), 159-166, 2022
Professional Skills Development Through the Network Learning Community Using an Online Learning Platform.
M Ashar, W Kamdi, DT Kurniawan
Int. J. Interact. Mob. Technol. 15 (12), 202, 2021
Smart online courses using computational intelligence
I Wahyono, D Saryono, K Asfani, M Ashar, S Sunarti
International Association of Online Engineering, 2020
A new computational intelligence for face emotional detection in ubiquitous
ID Wahyono, M Ashar, I Fadlika, K Asfani, D Saryono
2019 International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Information …, 2019
Face emotional detection using computational intelligence based ubiquitous computing
ID Wahyono, D Saryono, M Ashar, K Asfani
2019 International Seminar on Application for Technology of Information and …, 2019
Exploring the laboratory-based learning model to improve students' outcomes on Learning for Autism course
MN Ashar, IK Ainin
Special and Inclusive Education Journal (SPECIAL) 5 (1), 1-8, 2024
Entrepreneurship Game Apps to Enhancement Student Skill Thinking Analytic in Class Online.
H Pratikto, R Hanafiya, M Ashar, MI Akbar, YT Harsono
Int. J. Interact. Mob. Technol. 15 (8), 155-162, 2021
Priority medical image delivery using DTN for healthcare workers in volcanic emergency
M Ashar, H Suwa, Y Arakawa, K Yasumoto
Scientific Phone Apps and Mobile Devices 2, 1-13, 2016
Smart garden with iot based real time communication using mqtt protocol
D Kurniawan, RJ Putra, A Bella, M Ashar, K Dedes
2021 7th international conference on electrical, electronics and information …, 2021
Transfer teknologi pembuatan curriculum vitae dan poster untuk siswa pondok pesantren al-munawwaroh
AP Wibawa, M Ashar, S Patmanthara
Belantika Pendidikan 4 (2), 77-81, 2021
Literasi siswa penyandang disabilitas rungu di kelas inklusif
SD Novialassafitri, A Wijiastuti, Y Yuliyati, F Ardianingsih, IK Ainin, ...
JPI (Jurnal Pendidikan Inklusi) 4 (2), 113-125, 2020
Designing User Interface Design" Qalifa" Apps With Design Thinking Method Approach: Human Centered Design and Heuristic Evaluation for Ergonomic Efficiency and User Visual Literacy
AS Pahlevi, M Ashar, A Gunawan, F Iskandar, UN Malang
ISoLEC Proceedings, 299-310, 2019
Implementation of a Vacuum Sealer to Improve the Quality and Quantity of Neng Nana’s UMKM
DD Prasetya, S Sendari, M Ashar, MZ Falah, S Sujito, WT Handoko
TRIDARMA: Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PkM) 6 (1), 45-52, 2023
Ubiquitous Learning Environment for Smart Improving Disruption Activities in Classroom on Media
M Ashar, H Rosyid, A Taufani, K Nasir
International Association of Online Engineering, 2020
OrangeO: pemanfataan teknologi wirausaha wisata outbond dalam pemberdayaan masyarakat disekitar kebun jeruk Desa Selorejo Dau Malang
M Ashar, DD Prasetya
Jurnal Karinov 1 (1), 1-7, 2018
Time series forecast for rainfall intensity in Malang City with Naive bayes methodology
M Muthmainnah, M Ashar, IM Wirawan, T Widiyaningtyas
2018 International Conference on Sustainable Information Engineering and …, 2018
The design of the patient's room facilities controller using an eye blink
IAE Zaeni, AP Wibawa, M Ashar
2017 5th International Conference on Electrical, Electronics and Information …, 2017
Pelatihan Guru Dan Orang Tua Siswa Sebagai Pendamping Kelas Siswa Difabel
MV Roesminingsih, MN Ashar, A Wijiastuti, W Nusantara, ...
Community Development Journal: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat 3 (3), 2020-2030, 2022
Learning Innovation Online Course Based on Blended Learning for Interactive Learning in The Era of Education 4.0
A Putra, AH Zahro, A Mukhadis, N Ulfatin, M Ashar
Journal of Disruptive Learning Innovation (JODLI) 1 (1), 46-55, 2019
IPv6 vs IPv4 Performance Simulation and Analysis using Dynamic Routing OSPF
M Ashar, AP Wibawa
2021 4th International Conference of Computer and Informatics Engineering …, 2021
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