Thermal properties of shape-stabilized phase change materials using fatty acid ester and exfoliated graphite nanoplatelets for saving energy in buildings S Wi, J Seo, SG Jeong, SJ Chang, Y Kang, S Kim Solar energy materials and solar cells 143, 168-173, 2015 | 150 | 2015 |
A novel enhancement of shape/thermal stability and energy-storage capacity of phase change materials through the formation of composites with 3D porous (3, 6)-connected metal … DG Atinafu, SJ Chang, KH Kim, W Dong, S Kim Chemical Engineering Journal 389, 124430, 2020 | 136 | 2020 |
Energy efficient thermal storage montmorillonite with phase change material containing exfoliated graphite nanoplatelets SG Jeong, SJ Chang, S We, S Kim Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells 139, 65-70, 2015 | 93 | 2015 |
Tuning surface functionality of standard biochars and the resulting uplift capacity of loading/energy storage for organic phase change materials DG Atinafu, SJ Chang, KH Kim, S Kim Chemical Engineering Journal 394, 125049, 2020 | 88 | 2020 |
Improvement of thermal inertia effect in buildings using shape stabilized PCM wallboard based on the enthalpy-temperature function S Wi, SJ Chang, S Kim Sustainable Cities and Society 56, 102067, 2020 | 85 | 2020 |
Spent coffee grounds as supporting materials to produce bio-composite PCM with natural waxes J Yoo, SJ Chang, S Wi, S Kim Chemosphere 235, 626-635, 2019 | 83 | 2019 |
Optimal energy retrofit plan for conservation and sustainable use of historic campus building: Case of cultural property building HM Cho, BY Yun, S Yang, S Wi, SJ Chang, S Kim Applied Energy 275, 115313, 2020 | 81 | 2020 |
Thermal characteristics of mortar containing hexadecane/xGnP SSPCM and energy storage behaviors of envelopes integrated with enhanced heat storage composites for energy … S Kim, SJ Chang, O Chung, SG Jeong, S Kim Energy and buildings 70, 472-479, 2014 | 80 | 2014 |
An experimental study on applying organic PCMs to gypsum-cement board for improving thermal performance of buildings in different climates SG Jeong, S Wi, SJ Chang, J Lee, S Kim Energy and Buildings 190, 183-194, 2019 | 79 | 2019 |
Energy retrofit of PCM-applied apartment buildings considering building orientation and height JH Park, U Berardi, SJ Chang, S Wi, Y Kang, S Kim Energy 222, 119877, 2021 | 73 | 2021 |
Impact of a passive retrofit shading system on educational building to improve thermal comfort and energy consumption JH Park, BY Yun, SJ Chang, S Wi, J Jeon, S Kim Energy and Buildings 216, 109930, 2020 | 69 | 2020 |
Climatic cycling assessment of red clay/perlite and vermiculite composite PCM for improving thermal inertia in buildings S Wi, S Yang, JH Park, SJ Chang, S Kim Building and Environment 167, 106464, 2020 | 62 | 2020 |
Hygrothermal behavior evaluation of walls improving heat and moisture performance on gypsum boards by adding porous materials Y Kang, SJ Chang, S Kim Energy and Buildings 165, 431-439, 2018 | 61 | 2018 |
Hygrothermal performance improvement of the Korean wood frame walls using macro-packed phase change materials (MPPCM) SJ Chang, Y Kang, S Wi, SG Jeong, S Kim Applied Thermal Engineering 114, 457-465, 2017 | 58 | 2017 |
Thermal bridging analysis of connections in cross-laminated timber buildings based on ISO 10211 SJ Chang, S Wi, S Kim Construction and Building Materials 213, 709-722, 2019 | 53 | 2019 |
Design and analysis of phase change material based floor heating system for thermal energy storage BY Yun, S Yang, HM Cho, SJ Chang, S Kim Environmental research 173, 480-488, 2019 | 50 | 2019 |
Optimization of phase change materials to improve energy performance within thermal comfort range in the South Korean climate JH Park, J Lee, S Wi, J Jeon, SJ Chang, JD Chang, S Kim Energy and Buildings 185, 12-25, 2019 | 50 | 2019 |
Hygrothermal and energy retrofit planning of masonry façade historic building used as museum and office: A cultural properties case study HM Cho, S Yang, S Wi, SJ Chang, S Kim Energy 201, 117607, 2020 | 47 | 2020 |
Development of thermal enhanced n-octadecane/porous nano carbon-based materials using 3-step filtered vacuum impregnation method J Lee, S Wi, SG Jeong, SJ Chang, S Kim Thermochimica Acta 655, 194-201, 2017 | 45 | 2017 |
Infiltration properties of n-alkanes in mesoporous biochar: The capacity of smokeless support for stability and energy storage DG Atinafu, SJ Chang, S Kim Journal of Hazardous Materials 399, 123041, 2020 | 43 | 2020 |