hoogleraar Jeugdstudies
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Sexual harassment of adolescents perpetrated by teachers and by peers: An exploration of the dynamics of power, culture, and gender in secondary schools
G Timmerman
Sex roles 48, 231-244, 2003
Teacher educators modelling their teachers?
G Timmerman
European journal of teacher education 32 (3), 225-238, 2009
Sexual harassment and health among male and female police officers.
S De Haas, G Timmerman, M Höing
Journal of Occupational Health Psychology 14 (4), 390, 2009
The impact of organizational culture on perceptions and experiences of sexual harassment
G Timmerman, C Bajema
Journal of Vocational Behavior 57 (2), 188-205, 2000
Interventions aimed at preventing and reducing overweight/obesity among children and adolescents: a meta‐synthesis
A Kobes, T Kretschmer, G Timmerman, P Schreuder
Obesity reviews 19 (8), 1065-1079, 2018
Sexual harassment in northwest Europe
G Timmerman, C Bajema
European Journal of Women's Studies 6 (4), 419-439, 1999
Incidence and methodology in sexual harassment research in Northwest Europe
G Timmerman, C Bajema
Women's Studies International Forum 22 (6), 673-681, 1999
Sexual abuse of children and youth in residential care: An international review
MC Timmerman, PR Schreuder
Aggression and violent behavior 19 (6), 715-720, 2014
Prevalence and characteristics of sexual violence in the Netherlands, the risk of revictimization and pregnancy: results from a national population survey.
S De Haas, W van Berlo, F Bakker, I Vanwesenbeeck
Violence & Victims 27 (4), 2012
Sexual harassment in the context of double male dominance
S De Haas, G Timmerman
European journal of work and organizational psychology 19 (6), 717-734, 2010
Youth policy and participation: An analysis of pedagogical ideals in municipal youth policy in the Netherlands
G Timmerman
Children and Youth Services Review 31 (5), 572-576, 2009
Seksueel grensoverschrijdend gedrag onder jongeren en volwassenen in Nederland
S De Haas
Tijdschrift voor seksuologie 36 (2), 136-145, 2012
A comparison between girls' and boys' experiences of unwanted sexual behaviour in secondary schools
G Timmerman
Educational Research 47 (3), 291-306, 2005
Teaching skills and personal characteristics of sex education teachers
G Timmerman
Teaching and teacher education 25 (3), 500-506, 2009
Lesbian, gay, and bisexual adults: Childhood gender nonconformity, childhood trauma, and sexual victimization
H Bos, S de Haas, L Kuyper
Journal of Interpersonal Violence 34 (3), 496-515, 2019
Beperkt weerbaar: een onderzoek naar seksueel geweld bij mensen met een lichamelijke, zintuiglijke of verstandelijke beperking
W van Berlo, S De Haas, N Van Oosten, L Van Dijk, L Brants, S Tonnon, ...
Movisie, 2011
A comparison between unwanted sexual behavior by teachers and by peers in secondary schools
G Timmerman
Journal of Youth and Adolescence 31, 397-404, 2002
Effects of rock and water: An intervention to prevent sexual aggression
I de Graaf, S de Haas, M Zaagsma, C Wijsen
Journal of Sexual Aggression 22 (1), 4-19, 2016
Teaching reading and writing in local language using the child-centred pedagogy in Uganda
DL Akello, G Timmerman, S Namusisi
Language and Education 30 (3), 252-266, 2016
Interpreting survey questions about sexual aggression in cross-cultural research: A qualitative study with young adults from nine European countries
B Krahé, S De Haas, I Vanwesenbeeck, G Bianchi, J Chliaoutakis, ...
Sexuality & Culture 20, 1-23, 2016
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