Hwan Choi
Hwan Choi
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Impact of ankle foot orthosis stiffness on Achilles tendon and gastrocnemius function during unimpaired gait
H Choi, KM Peters, MB MacConnell, KK Ly, ES Eckert, KM Steele
Journal of biomechanics 64, 145-152, 2017
Choosing appropriate prosthetic ankle work to reduce the metabolic cost of individuals with transtibial amputation
KA Ingraham, H Choi, ES Gardinier, CD Remy, DH Gates
Scientific reports 8 (1), 15303, 2018
Deepbbwae-net: A cnn-rnn based deep superlearner for estimating lower extremity sagittal plane joint kinematics using shoe-mounted imu sensors in daily living
MSB Hossain, J Dranetz, H Choi, Z Guo
IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics 26 (8), 3906-3917, 2022
Estimation of lower extremity joint moments and 3d ground reaction forces using imu sensors in multiple walking conditions: A deep learning approach
MSB Hossain, Z Guo, H Choi
IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics 27 (6), 2829-2840, 2023
Using musculoskeletal modeling to evaluate the effect of ankle foot orthosis tuning on musculotendon dynamics: a case study
H Choi, K Bjornson, S Fatone, KM Steele
Disability and Rehabilitation: Assistive Technology 11 (7), 613-618, 2016
Gastrocnemius operating length with ankle foot orthoses in cerebral palsy
H Choi, TAL Wren, KM Steele
Prosthetics and orthotics international 41 (3), 274-285, 2017
Wearable motion capture: Reconstructing and predicting 3d human poses from wearable sensors
M Moniruzzaman, Z Yin, MSB Hossain, H Choi, Z Guo
IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 27 (11), 5345-5356, 2023
Estimation of Hip, Knee, and Ankle Joint Moment Using a Single IMU Sensor on Foot Via Deep Learning
MSB Hossain, Z Guo, H Choi
2022 IEEE/ACM Conference on Connected Health: Applications, Systems and …, 2022
Development of a novel self-sanitizing mask prototype to combat the spread of infectious disease and reduce unnecessary waste
MJ Crawford, S Ramezani, R Jabbari, P Pathak, HJ Cho, BN Kim, H Choi
Scientific Reports 11 (1), 18213, 2021
Estimating lower extremity joint angles during gait using reduced number of sensors count via deep learning
MSB Hossain, H Choi, Z Guo
Fourteenth International Conference on Digital Image Processing (ICDIP 2022 …, 2022
A method for quantifying stiffness of ankle-foot orthoses through motion capture and optimization algorithm
S Ramezani, B Brady, H Kim, MK Carroll, H Choi
Ieee Access 10, 58930-58937, 2022
Blood flow restriction attenuates surface mechanomyography lateral and longitudinal, but not transverse oscillations during fatiguing exercise
EC Hill, CE Proppe, PM Rivera, SM Lubiak, DHG Rojas, JE Lawson, ...
Physiological Measurement 45 (4), 045002, 2024
Dynamic analysis of transfemoral amputee's musculoskeletal system using muscle activation control parameters measured by FES experiments
J Hong, H Choi
Internet: http://www. univvalenciennes. fr/congres/3D2006/Abstracts/169-Hong …, 2013
The smart adaptive socket system and its impact on transtibial prosthesis users: a mixed methods research study
MK Carroll, NK Harold, MJ Highsmith, A Ulric, GA Latlief, AM Courtade, ...
Technology and Innovation, 1-9, 2025
The technology acceptance model and its potential impact on orthotic & prosthetic care
MK Carroll, SI Hou, MJ Highsmith, M Stock, H Choi
Technology and Innovation, 1-5, 2025
Progression and perceptual responses to blood flow restriction resistance training among people with multiple sclerosis
EC Hill, JT Schmidt, KR Reedy, SM Lubiak, CE Proppe, PM Rivera, ...
European Journal of Applied Physiology, 1-14, 2024
Design and characterization of a variable-stiffness ankle-foot orthosis
H Rong, S Ramezani, A Ambro, CH Lei, H Choi
Prosthetics and Orthotics International, 10.1097, 2024
Predicting Lower Extremity Joint Kinematics Using Multi-Modal Data in the Lab and Outdoor Environment
MSB Hossain, Z Guo, N Sui, H Choi
Proceedings of the 57th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2023
Method and apparatus for providing self-sterilizing sanitary barrier
C Hwan, GUO Zhishan, S Ramezani, M Crawford
US Patent App. 17/403,426, 2022
In-silico biomechanical model for affected muscle in transtibial amputees
J Dranetz, S Ramezani, M Stock, MK Carroll, M Varro, H Choi
Biomed Sci Instrum 56 (1), 128-134, 2020
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