A cloud-based scheme for protecting source-location privacy against hotspot-locating attack in wireless sensor networks MMEA Mahmoud, X Shen IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 23 (10), 1805-1818, 2011 | 221 | 2011 |
B-ride: Ride sharing with privacy-preservation, trust and fair payment atop public blockchain M Baza, N Lasla, MMEA Mahmoud, G Srivastava, M Abdallah IEEE Transactions on Network Science and Engineering 8 (2), 1214-1229, 2019 | 209 | 2019 |
Blockchain-based firmware update scheme tailored for autonomous vehicles M Baza, M Nabil, N Lasla, K Fidan, M Mahmoud, M Abdallah 2019 IEEE wireless communications and networking conference (WCNC), 1-7, 2019 | 161 | 2019 |
Detecting sybil attacks using proofs of work and location in vanets M Baza, M Nabil, MMEA Mahmoud, N Bewermeier, K Fidan, W Alasmary, ... IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing 19 (1), 39-53, 2020 | 137 | 2020 |
Privacy-preserving smart parking system using blockchain and private information retrieval W Al Amiri, M Baza, K Banawan, M Mahmoud, W Alasmary, K Akkaya 2019 international conference on smart applications, communications and …, 2019 | 136 | 2019 |
Privacy-preserving blockchain-based energy trading schemes for electric vehicles M Baza, A Sherif, MMEA Mahmoud, S Bakiras, W Alasmary, M Abdallah, ... IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 70 (9), 9369-9384, 2021 | 134 | 2021 |
Blockchain-based charging coordination mechanism for smart grid energy storage units M Baza, M Nabil, M Ismail, M Mahmoud, E Serpedin, MA Rahman 2019 IEEE international conference on blockchain (blockchain), 504-509, 2019 | 132* | 2019 |
Secure and reliable routing protocols for heterogeneous multihop wireless networks MMEA Mahmoud, X Lin, X Shen IEEE transactions on parallel and distributed systems 26 (4), 1140-1153, 2013 | 118 | 2013 |
Efficient privacy-preserving electricity theft detection with dynamic billing and load monitoring for AMI networks MI Ibrahem, M Nabil, MM Fouda, MMEA Mahmoud, W Alasmary, ... IEEE Internet of things journal 8 (2), 1243-1258, 2020 | 116 | 2020 |
Load forecasting techniques and their applications in smart grids H Habbak, M Mahmoud, K Metwally, MM Fouda, MI Ibrahem Energies 16 (3), 1480, 2023 | 114 | 2023 |
PPETD: Privacy-preserving electricity theft detection scheme with load monitoring and billing for AMI networks M Nabil, M Ismail, MMEA Mahmoud, W Alasmary, E Serpedin Ieee Access 7, 96334-96348, 2019 | 105 | 2019 |
PIS: A practical incentive system for multihop wireless networks ME Mahmoud, X Shen IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 59 (8), 4012-4025, 2010 | 105 | 2010 |
An integrated stimulation and punishment mechanism for thwarting packet dropping attack in multihop wireless networks ME Mahmoud, X Shen IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 60 (8), 3947-3962, 2011 | 103 | 2011 |
Privacy-preserving ride sharing scheme for autonomous vehicles in big data era ABT Sherif, K Rabieh, MMEA Mahmoud, X Liang IEEE Internet of Things Journal 4 (2), 611-618, 2016 | 100 | 2016 |
Privacy-preserving route reporting schemes for traffic management systems K Rabieh, MMEA Mahmoud, M Younis IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 66 (3), 2703-2713, 2016 | 95 | 2016 |
A light blockchain-powered privacy-preserving organization scheme for ride sharing services M Baza, M Mahmoud, G Srivastava, W Alasmary, M Younis 2020 IEEE 91st Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC2020-Spring), 1-6, 2020 | 88 | 2020 |
FESCIM: fair, efficient, and secure cooperation incentive mechanism for multihop cellular networks ME Mahmoud, X Shen IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 11 (5), 753-766, 2011 | 87 | 2011 |
An optimized steganography hiding capacity and imperceptibly using genetic algorithms R Wazirali, W Alasmary, MMEA Mahmoud, A Alhindi IEEE Access 7, 133496-133508, 2019 | 86 | 2019 |
Secure data obfuscation scheme to enable privacy-preserving state estimation in smart grid AMI networks S Tonyali, O Cakmak, K Akkaya, MMEA Mahmoud, I Guvenc IEEE Internet of Things Journal 3 (5), 709-719, 2015 | 86 | 2015 |
Scalable certificate revocation schemes for smart grid ami networks using bloom filters K Rabieh, MMEA Mahmoud, K Akkaya, S Tonyali IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing 14 (4), 420-432, 2015 | 83 | 2015 |