Lorenzo Pérez-Camacho
Lorenzo Pérez-Camacho
PhD. Researcher and Laboratory technician, Forest Ecology and Restoration Group, Alcalá University
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Global distribution of earthworm diversity
HRP Phillips, CA Guerra, MLC Bartz, MJI Briones, G Brown, TW Crowther, ...
Science 366 (6464), 480-485, 2019
Plant functional trait responses to interannual rainfall variability, summer drought and seasonal grazing in Mediterranean herbaceous communities
L Pérez‐Camacho, S Rebollo, V Hernández‐Santana, G García‐Salgado, ...
Functional Ecology 26 (3), 740-749, 2012
Global data on earthworm abundance, biomass, diversity and corresponding environmental properties
HRP Phillips, EM Bach, MLC Bartz, JM Bennett, R Beugnon, MJI Briones, ...
Scientific data 8 (1), 136, 2021
Recruitment in a Mediterranean annual plant community: seed bank, emergence, litter, and intra‐and inter‐specific interactions
S Rebollo, L Pérez‐Camacho, MT García‐de Juan, JM Rey Benayas, ...
Oikos 95 (3), 485-495, 2001
Predation and aridity slow down the spread of 21-year-old planted woodland islets in restored Mediterranean farmland
JM Rey Benayas, L Martínez-Baroja, L Pérez-Camacho, P Villar-Salvador, ...
New Forests 46, 841-853, 2015
Effects of seasonal grazing and precipitation regime on the soil macroinvertebrates of a Mediterranean old-field
A Morón-Ríos, MÁ Rodríguez, L Pérez-Camacho, S Rebollo
European Journal of Soil Biology 46 (2), 91-96, 2010
Effects of land use on nocturnal birds in a Mediterranean agricultural landscape
D Moreno-Mateos, JM Rey Benayas, L Pérez-Camacho, E Montaña, ...
Acta Ornithologica 46 (2), 173-182, 2011
Evaluation of trail-cameras for analyzing the diet of nesting raptors using the Northern Goshawk as a model
G García-Salgado, S Rebollo, L Pérez-Camacho, S Martínez-Hesterkamp, ...
PLoS One 10 (5), e0127585, 2015
Spatial relationships and mechanisms of coexistence between dominant and subordinate top predators
S Rebollo, S MartÍnez-Hesterkamp, G GarcÍa-Salgado, L PÍrez-Camacho, ...
Journal of Avian Biology 48 (9), 1226-1237, 2017
Higher reproductive success of small males and greater recruitment of large females may explain strong reversed sexual dimorphism (RSD) in the northern goshawk
L Pérez-Camacho, G García-Salgado, S Rebollo, S Martínez-Hesterkamp, ...
Oecologia 177, 379-387, 2015
Massive and effective acorn dispersal into agroforestry systems by an overlooked vector, the Eurasian magpie (Pica pica)
L Martínez‐Baroja, L Pérez‐Camacho, P Villar‐Salvador, S Rebollo, ...
Ecosphere 10 (12), e02989, 2019
Prey preferences and recent changes in diet of a breeding population of the Northern Goshawk Accipiter gentilis in Southwestern Europe
S Rebollo, G García-Salgado, L Pérez-Camacho, S Martínez-Hesterkamp, ...
Bird Study 64 (4), 464-475, 2017
Effective nut dispersal by magpies (Pica pica L.) in a Mediterranean agroecosystem
J Castro, M Molina-Morales, AB Leverkus, L Martínez-Baroja, ...
Oecologia 184, 183-192, 2017
Breeding habitat preferences and reproductive success of Northern Goshawk (Accipiter gentilis) in exotic Eucalyptus plantations in southwestern Europe
G García-Salgado, S Rebollo, L Pérez-Camacho, S Martínez-Hesterkamp, ...
Forest Ecology and Management 409, 817-825, 2018
Drivers of oak establishment in Mediterranean old fields from 25-year-old woodland islets planted to assist natural regeneration
L Martinez-Baroja, JM Rey-Benayas, L Perez-Camacho, P Villar-Salvador
European Journal of Forest Research 141 (1), 17-30, 2022
Vole mound effects and disturbance rate in a Mediterranean plant community under different grazing and irrigation regimes
S Rebollo, L Perez-Camacho, J Valencia, A Gomez-Sal
Plant ecology 169, 227-243, 2002
Structural complexity of hunting habitat and territoriality increase the reversed sexual size dimorphism in diurnal raptors
L Pérez‐Camacho, S Martínez‐Hesterkamp, S Rebollo, ...
Journal of Avian Biology 49 (10), e01745, 2018
Caching territoriality and site preferences by a scatter‐hoarder drive the spatial pattern of seed dispersal and affect seedling emergence
L Martínez‐Baroja, L Pérez‐Camacho, P Villar‐Salvador, S Rebollo, ...
Journal of Ecology 109 (6), 2342-2353, 2021
Territoriality in diurnal raptors: relative roles of recent evolution, diet and nest site
S Martínez-Hesterkamp, S Rebollo, PL Kennedy, L Pérez-Camacho, ...
Biological Journal of the Linnean Society 124 (1), 126-137, 2018
Servicios de la avifauna (high-mobile link species) en mosaicos agroforestales: regeneración forestal y regulación de plagas
S Rebollo, JM Rey-Benayas, P Villar-Salvador, L Pérez-Camacho, ...
Ecosistemas 28 (2), 32-41, 2019
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