Enrique Moriones
Enrique Moriones
Profesor Investigación IHSM-UMA-CSIC
Верификована је имејл адреса на eelm.csic.es
Geminivirus strain demarcation and nomenclature
CM Fauquet, RW Briddon, JK Brown, E Moriones, J Stanley, M Zerbini, ...
Archives of virology 153, 783-821, 2008
ICTV Virus Taxonomy Profile: Geminiviridae
FM Zerbini, RW Briddon, A Idris, DP Martin, E Moriones, J Navas-Castillo, ...
Journal of general virology 98 (2), 131-133, 2017
Revision of Begomovirus taxonomy based on pairwise sequence comparisons
JK Brown, FM Zerbini, J Navas-Castillo, E Moriones, R Ramos-Sobrinho, ...
Archives of virology 160, 1593-1619, 2015
Tomato yellow leaf curl virus, an emerging virus complex causing epidemics worldwide
E Moriones, J Navas-Castillo
Virus research 71 (1-2), 123-134, 2000
A natural recombinant between the geminiviruses Tomato yellow leaf curl Sardinia virus and Tomato yellow leaf curl virus exhibits a novel pathogenic phenotype and is becoming …
F Monci, S Sánchez-Campos, J Navas-Castillo, E Moriones
Virology 303 (2), 317-326, 2002
A genome-wide pairwise-identity-based proposal for the classification of viruses in the genus Mastrevirus (family Geminiviridae)
B Muhire, DP Martin, JK Brown, J Navas-Castillo, E Moriones, FM Zerbini, ...
Archives of virology 158, 1411-1424, 2013
Establishment of three new genera in the family Geminiviridae: Becurtovirus, Eragrovirus and Turncurtovirus
A Varsani, J Navas-Castillo, E Moriones, C Hernández-Zepeda, A Idris, ...
Archives of virology 159, 2193-2203, 2014
Capulavirus and Grablovirus: two new genera in the family Geminiviridae
A Varsani, P Roumagnac, M Fuchs, J Navas-Castillo, E Moriones, A Idris, ...
Archives of Virology 162, 1819-1831, 2017
Recommendations for the classification and nomenclature of the DNA-β satellites of begomoviruses
RW Briddon, JK Brown, E Moriones, J Stanley, M Zerbini, X Zhou, ...
Archives of virology 153, 763-781, 2008
World management of geminiviruses
MR Rojas, MA Macedo, MR Maliano, M Soto-Aguilar, JO Souza, ...
Annual review of phytopathology 56 (1), 637-677, 2018
Tomato yellow leaf curl virus-Is causes a novel disease of common bean and severe epidemics in tomato in Spain
J Navas-Castillo, S Sánchez-Campos, JA Díaz, E Sáez-Alonso, ...
Plant Disease 83 (1), 29-32, 1999
Displacement of tomato yellow leaf curl virus (TYLCV)-Sr by TYLCV-Is in tomato epidemics in Spain
S Sánchez-Campos, J Navas-Castillo, R Camero, C Soria, JA Diaz, ...
Phytopathology 89 (11), 1038-1043, 1999
Begomovirus genetic diversity in the native plant reservoir Solanum nigrum: evidence for the presence of a new virus species of recombinant nature
S García-Andrés, F Monci, J Navas-Castillo, E Moriones
Virology 350 (2), 433-442, 2006
Founder effect, plant host, and recombination shape the emergent population of begomoviruses that cause the tomato yellow leaf curl disease in the Mediterranean basin
S García-Andrés, GP Accotto, J Navas-Castillo, E Moriones
Virology 359 (2), 302-312, 2007
EcoTILLING for the identification of allelic variants of melon eIF4E, a factor that controls virus susceptibility
C Nieto, F Piron, M Dalmais, CF Marco, E Moriones, ...
BMC plant biology 7, 1-9, 2007
Tomato yellow leaf curl viruses: ménage à trois between the virus complex, the plant and the whitefly vector
JA DÍAZ‐PENDÓN, MC Cañizares, E Moriones, ER Bejarano, H Czosnek, ...
Molecular plant pathology 11 (4), 441-450, 2010
Typing of tomato yellow leaf curl viruses in Europe
GP Accotto, J Navas-Castillo, E Noris, E Moriones, D Louro
European Journal of Plant Pathology 106, 179-186, 2000
Synergistic interaction between Tomato chlorosis virus and Tomato spotted wilt virus results in breakdown of resistance in tomato
E García-Cano, RO Resende, R Fernández-Muñoz, E Moriones
Phytopathology 96 (11), 1263-1269, 2006
Recombination as a motor of host switches and virus emergence: geminiviruses as case studies
P Lefeuvre, E Moriones
Current Opinion in Virology 10, 14-19, 2015
Severe Yellowing Outbreaks in Tomato in Spain Associated with Infections of Tomato chlorosis virus
J Navas-Castillo, R Camero, M Bueno, E Moriones
Plant disease 84 (8), 835-837, 2000
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