Alberto Ledesma
Alberto Ledesma
UPC, Technical University of Catalunya
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Prediction of ground displacements and velocities from groundwater level changes at the Vallcebre landslide (Eastern Pyrenees, Spain)
J Corominas, J Moya, A Ledesma, A Lloret, JA Gili
Landslides 2, 83-96, 2005
Static and dynamic behaviour of soils: a rational approach to quantitative solutions. II. Semi-saturated problems
OC Zienkiewicz, YM Xie, BA Schrefler, A Ledesma, N Biĉaniĉ
Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. A. Mathematical and Physical …, 1990
Experimental and numerical analysis of desiccation of a mining waste
R Rodríguez, M Sánchez, A Ledesma, A Lloret
Canadian Geotechnical Journal 44 (6), 644-658, 2007
Experimental evidence of size effect in soil cracking
MR Lakshmikantha, PC Prat, A Ledesma
Canadian Geotechnical Journal 49 (3), 264-284, 2012
Experimental study on fracture toughness and tensile strength of a clay
JJ Wang, JG Zhu, CF Chiu, H Zhang
Engineering Geology 94 (1-2), 65-75, 2007
Estimation of parameters in geotechnical backanalysis—I. Maximum likelihood approach
A Ledesma, A Gens, EE Alonso
Computers and geotechnics 18 (1), 1-27, 1996
Adaptation of the van Genuchten expression to the effects of temperature and density for compacted bentonites
AC Jacinto, MV Villar, R Gómez-Espina, A Ledesma
Applied Clay Science 42 (3-4), 575-582, 2009
Negative skin friction on piles: a simplified analysis and prediction procedure
EE Alonso, A Josa, A Ledesma
Geotechnique 34 (3), 341-357, 1984
Influence of water density on the water-retention curve of expansive clays
AC Jacinto, MV Villar, A Ledesma
Géotechnique 62 (8), 657-667, 2012
Image analysis for the quantification of a developing crack network on a drying soil
MR Lakshmikantha, PC Prat, A Ledesma
Geotechnical Testing Journal 32 (6), 505-515, 2009
Estimation of parameters in geotechnical backanalysis—II. Application to a tunnel excavation problem
A Gens, A Ledesma, EE Alonso
Computers and Geotechnics 18 (1), 29-46, 1996
Parameter and variance estimation in geotechnical backanalysis using prior information
A Ledesma, A Gens, EE Alonso
International Journal for Numerical and Analytical Methods in Geomechanics …, 1996
Characterisation of a volcanic residual soil and its implications for large landslide phenomena: application to Tenerife, Canary Islands
M Hürlimann, A Ledesma, J Martı
Engineering Geology 59 (1-2), 115-132, 2001
A stress point algorithm for an elastoplastic model in unsaturated soils
J Vaunat, JC Cante, A Ledesma, A Gens
International Journal of Plasticity 16 (2), 121-141, 2000
Deep enclosures versus pumping to reduce settlements during shaft excavations
E Pujades, E Vázquez-Suñé, J Carrera, V Vilarrasa, S De Simone, ...
Engineering Geology 169, 100-111, 2014
Backanalysis of thermohydraulic bentonite properties from laboratory tests
X Pintado, A Ledesma, A Lloret
Engineering Geology 64 (2-3), 91-115, 2002
Causes and mobility of large volcanic landslides: application to Tenerife, Canary Islands
M Hürlimann, JO Garcia-Piera, A Ledesma
Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research 103 (1-4), 121-134, 2000
Boundary effects in the desiccation of soil layers with controlled environmental conditions
MR Lakshmikantha, PC Prat, A Ledesma
Geotechnical Testing Journal 41 (4), 675-697, 2018
Bentonite THM behaviour at high temperatures: experimental and numerical analysis
M Åkesson, AC Jacinto, C Gatabin, M Sanchez, A Ledesma
Géotechnique 59 (4), 307-318, 2009
Conditions favouring catastrophic landslides on Tenerife (Canary Islands)
M Hürlimann, A Ledesma, J Martí
Terra Nova 11 (2‐3), 106-111, 1999
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