Distribution and characterization of microplastics in beach sediments from Karnataka (India) coastal environments Y Naveenkumar, Ashok, S Senthilmurugan, M Kaustubha Marine Pollution Bulletin 169, 2021 | 101 | 2021 |
Identification, extraction of microplastics from edible salts and its removal from contaminated seawater NA Yaranal, S Subbiah, K Mohanty Environmental Technology & Innovation 21, 101253, 2021 | 80 | 2021 |
An analysis of the effects of pressure-assisted osmotic backwashing on the high recovery reverse osmosis system NA Yaranal, S Kumari, S Narayanasamy, S Subbiah Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology—AQUA 69 (3), 298-318, 2020 | 11 | 2020 |
POLYM ERI CN AN OCOM POSI TES FOR DEHYDRATION OF ISOPROPYL ALCOHOL–W ATER MIX TURES BY PERV APORATI ON AA Kittur, GM Madhu, SH Rashmi, SS Rajanna, NA Yaranal Chemistry 12 (3), 310-317, 2018 | 5 | 2018 |
Identification, removal of microplastics and surfactants from laundry wastewater using electrocoagulation method NA Yaranal, SA Kuchibhotla, S Subbiah, K Mohanty Water Emerging Contaminants & Nanoplastics 3 (1), N/A-N/A, 2023 | 4 | 2023 |
Microplastics in the environment: sources, pathways, and abundance NA Yaranal, S Subbiah, K Mohanty Assessing the Effects of Emerging Plastics on the Environment and Public …, 2022 | 2 | 2022 |
Synthesis of La1-xSrxAlO3 Perovskites by Reverse Strike Co-Precipitation Method and Its Soot Oxidation Activity HD SD Neelapala, N LAshok Yaranal Iranian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering 38 (4), 69-77, 2019 | 2* | 2019 |
Microplastics in edible salts and their removal strategy NA Yaranal, S Senthilmurugan, K Mohanty AIJR Abstracts, 2021 | | 2021 |