Hadi Mosadegh
Hadi Mosadegh
Assistant Professor, Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic)
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Type II robotic assembly line balancing problem: An evolution strategies algorithm for a multi-objective model
A Yoosefelahi, M Aminnayeri, H Mosadegh, HD Ardakani
Journal of Manufacturing Systems 31 (2), 139-151, 2012
Stochastic mixed-model assembly line sequencing problem: Mathematical modeling and Q-learning based simulated annealing hyper-heuristics
H Mosadegh, SMTF Ghomi, GA Süer
European Journal of Operational Research 282 (2), 530-544, 2020
Simultaneous solving of balancing and sequencing problems with station-dependent assembly times for mixed-model assembly lines
H Mosadegh, M Zandieh, SMTF Ghomi
Applied Soft Computing 12 (4), 1359-1370, 2012
A new approach for maintenance scheduling of generating units in electrical power systems based on their operational hours
M Fattahi, M Mahootchi, H Mosadegh, F Fallahi
Computers & Operations Research 50, 61-79, 2014
A hybrid method of 2-TSP and novel learning-based GA for job sequencing and tool switching problem
E Ahmadi, B Goldengorin, GA Süer, H Mosadegh
Applied Soft Computing 65, 214-229, 2018
Two-machine robotic cell scheduling problem with sequence-dependent setup times
MHF Zarandi, H Mosadegh, M Fattahi
Computers & Operations Research 40 (5), 1420-1434, 2013
Intelligent inventory management approaches for perishable pharmaceutical products in a healthcare supply chain
E Ahmadi, H Mosadegh, R Maihami, I Ghalehkhondabi, M Sun, GA Süer
Computers & Operations Research 147, 105968, 2022
Sustainable planning in mining supply chains with renewable energy integration: A real-life case study
M Fattahi, H Mosadegh, A Hasani
Resources Policy 74, 101296, 2021
Heuristic approaches for mixed-model sequencing problem with stochastic processing times
H Mosadegh, SMT Fatemi Ghomi, GA Süer
International Journal of Production Research 55 (10), 2857-2880, 2017
Cellular manufacturing design 1996–2021: A review and introduction to applications of Industry 4.0
R YounesSinaki, A Sadeghi, H Mosadegh, N Almasarwah, G Suer
International Journal of Production Research 61 (16), 5585-5636, 2023
Simultaneous solving of balancing and sequencing problems in mixed-model assembly line systems
H Mosadegh, SMTF Ghomi, M Zandieh
International Journal of Production Research 50 (18), 4994-5016, 2012
A fuzzy multi-objective goal programming model for solving an aggregate production planning problem with uncertainty
H Mosadegh, E Khakbazan, A Salmasnia, H Mokhtari
International Journal of Information and Decision Sciences 9 (2), 97-115, 2017
Social cost-vehicle routing problem and its application to the delivery of water in post-disaster humanitarian logistics
A Sadeghi, F Aros-Vera, H Mosadegh, R YounesSinaki
Transportation research part E: logistics and transportation review 176, 103189, 2023
Two-machine robotic cell scheduling problem with sequence-dependent setup times
MH Fazel Zarandi, H Mosadegh, M Fattahi
Computers and Operations Research 40 (5), 1420-1434, 2013
A control theoretical modelling for velocity tuning of the conveyor belt in a dynamic mixed-model assembly line
H Mosadegh, SMT Fatemi Ghomi, GA Süer
International Journal of Production Research 55 (24), 7473-7495, 2017
Improving lung cancer detection via MobileNetV2 and stacked-GRU with explainable AI
A Bagheri Tofighi, A Ahmadi, H Mosadegh
International Journal of Information Technology 17 (2), 1189-1196, 2025
Two-machine robotic cell considering different loading and unloading times
AM Kimiagari, H Mosadegh
Journal of Industrial Engineering International 7 (14), 41-52, 2011
Differential return on investment optimization: pricing, lotsizing, and shipment considerations in a two-echelon supply chain
RG Yaghin, H Mosadegh, SMTF Ghomi
Handbook of Research on Applied Optimization Methodologies in Manufacturing …, 2018
Multi-mode resource constrained project selection and scheduling considering the reinvestment strategy in a flexible time horizon
S Moomivand, H Davari-Ardakani, H Mosadegh, M Abouei Ardakan
Journal of Computational Methods in Engineering 40 (1), 17-42, 2022
Robotics and Control Systems
MH Fazel Zarandi, H Mosadegh
Fuzzy Logic in Its 50th Year: New Developments, Directions and Challenges …, 2016
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