Okello Julius
Okello Julius
Dr Julius Okello - Development Economics, University of KwaZulu-Natal
Верификована је имејл адреса на ukzn.ac.za
Public–private partnerships and collective action in high value fruit and vegetable supply chains
C Narrod, D Roy, J Okello, B Avendaño, K Rich, A Thorat
Food policy 34 (1), 8-15, 2009
Adoption and adaptation of natural resource management innovations in smallholder agriculture: reflections on key lessons and best practices
BA Shiferaw, J Okello, RV Reddy
Environment, development and sustainability 11, 601-619, 2009
Impact of information and communication technology-based market information services on smallholder farm input use and productivity: The case of Kenya
SO Ogutu, JJ Okello, DJ Otieno
World development 64, 311-321, 2014
Global food security, contributions from sustainable potato agri-food systems
A Devaux, JP Goffart, A Petsakos, P Kromann, M Gatto, J Okello, V Suarez, ...
The potato crop: Its agricultural, nutritional and social contribution to …, 2020
Impact of mobile phone-based money transfer services in agriculture: evidence from Kenya
OK Kirui, JJ Okello, RA Nyikal, GW Njiraini
Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture 52 (2), 141-162, 2013
Compliance with international food safety standards in Kenya's green bean industry: Comparison of a small‐and a large‐scale farm producing for export
JJ Okello, SM Swinton
Applied Economic Perspectives and Policy 29 (2), 269-285, 2007
Impact of Contract Farming on Smallholder Poultry Farmers' Income in Kenya.
PW Wainaina, JJ Okello, JM Nzuma
The role of product information on consumer sensory evaluation, expectations, experiences and emotions of cricket-flour-containing buns
KO Pambo, JJ Okello, RM Mbeche, JN Kinyuru, MH Alemu
Food Research International 106, 532-541, 2018
Drivers of use of information and communication technologies by farm households: The case of smallholder farmers in Kenya
J Okello, O Kirui, G Njiraini, Z Gitonga
Food safety requirements in African green bean exports and their impact on small farmers
JJ Okello, C Narrod, D Roy
Intl Food Policy Res Inst, 2007
Resilient agri-food systems for nutrition amidst COVID-19: evidence and lessons from food-based approaches to overcome micronutrient deficiency and rebuild livelihoods after crises
S Heck, H Campos, I Barker, JJ Okello, A Baral, E Boy, L Brown, E Birol
Food Security 12 (4), 823-830, 2020
Food health risk perceptions among consumers, farmers, and traders of leafy vegetables in Nairobi
CJ Lagerkvist, S Hess, J Okello, H Hansson, N Karanja
Food Policy 38, 92-104, 2013
The role of varietal attributes on adoption of improved seed varieties: the case of sorghum in Kenya
AG Timu, R Mulwa, J Okello, M Kamau
Agriculture & Food Security 3, 1-7, 2014
From circle of poison to circle of virtue: pesticides, export standards and Kenya’s green bean farmers
JJ Okello, SM Swinton
Journal of agricultural economics 61 (2), 209-224, 2010
Using ICT to integrate smallholder farmers into agricultural value Chain: The case of DrumNet project in Kenya
JJ Okello, E Ofwona-Adera, OLE Mbatia, RM Okello
Technology, Sustainability, and Rural Development in Africa, 44-58, 2013
Compliance with international food safety standards: The case of green bean production in Kenyan family farms
JJ Okello
Michigan State University, 2005
Uses of information and communication technology (ICT) in agriculture and rural development in sub-Saharan Africa: Experiences from South Africa and Kenya
BM Maumbe, JJ Okello
Technology, Sustainability, and Rural Development in Africa, 113-134, 2013
Productivity and food security effects of using of certified seed potato: the case of Kenya’s potato farmers
JJ Okello, Y Zhou, N Kwikiriza, S Ogutu, I Barker, E Schulte-Geldermann, ...
Agriculture & Food Security 6, 1-9, 2017
Consumer willingness to pay for safer vegetables in urban markets of a developing country: The case of Kale in Nairobi, Kenya
CJ Lagerkvist, S Hess, J Okello, N Karanja
The Journal of Development Studies 49 (3), 365-382, 2013
Means-End Chain approach to understanding farmers' motivations for pesticide use in leafy vegetables: The case of kale in peri-urban Nairobi, Kenya
CJ Lagerkvist, M Ngigi, JJ Okello, N Karanja
Crop protection 39, 72-80, 2012
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