Regina Gairal-Casadó
Regina Gairal-Casadó
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Schools that ‘open doors’ to prevent child abuse in confinement by COVID-19
E Roca, P Melgar, R Gairal-Casadó, MA Pulido-Rodríguez
Sustainability 12 (11), 4685, 2020
Children, Young people and Mobility as a Service: Opportunities and barriers for future mobility
RG Casadó, D Golightly, K Laing, R Palacin, L Todd
Transportation research interdisciplinary perspectives 4, 100107, 2020
Dialogic literary gatherings and out‐of‐home child care: Creation of new meanings through classic literature
C Garcia Yeste, R Gairal Casadó, A Munté Pascual, T Plaja Viñas
Child & Family Social Work 23 (1), 62-70, 2018
How the psychology of education contributes to research with a social impact on the education of students with special needs: the case of successful educational actions
E Duque, R Gairal, S Molina, E Roca
Frontiers in Psychology 11, 439, 2020
Sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression-based violence in Catalan universities: qualitative findings from university students and staff
EM Gallardo-Nieto, A Gómez, R Gairal-Casadó, M del Mar Ramis-Salas
Archives of public health 79, 1-13, 2021
The scientific self-literacy of ordinary people: scientific dialogic gatherings
N Buslón, R Gairal, S León, M Padrós, E Reale
Qualitative Inquiry 26 (8-9), 977-982, 2020
Scientific workshop program to improve science identity, science capital and educational aspirations of children at risk of social exclusion
Z Salvadó, C Garcia-Yeste, R Gairal-Casado, M Novo
Children and Youth Services Review 129, 106189, 2021
Out of school learning scientific workshops: Stimulating institutionalized Adolescents' educational aspirations
R Gairal-Casadó, C Garcia-Yeste, MT Novo-Molinero, Z Salvadó-Belarta
Children and Youth Services Review 103, 116-126, 2019
Empoderamiento e inclusión social de mujeres inmigrantes a través de las tertulias literarias dialógicas
C García-Yeste, R Gairal, O Ríos
Revista Internacional de Educación para la Justicia Social 6 (2), 2017
The participation of Roma and Moroccan women in family education: educational and psychosocial benefits/Participación de mujeres gitanas y marroquíes en la formación de …
S Girbés-Peco, R Gairal-Casadó, L Torrego-Egido
Culture and Education 31 (4), 754-779, 2019
Inclusivity, friendship and language learning: boosting collaboration in interactive groups
M Santiago-Garabieta, H Zubiri-Esnaola, R García-Carrión, ...
Educational Research 65 (2), 189-203, 2023
Study to Change Destiny. elements that promote successful trajectories in young people who have been in residential care
R Gairal-Casadó, C Garcia-Yeste, A Munté Pascual, M Padrós Cuxart
The British Journal of Social Work 52 (4), 2253-2270, 2022
Aprendo para que tú aprendas más: contribuyendo a la mejora del sistema educativo a través de la formación de familiares en comunidades de aprendizaje
C García Yeste, R Gairal Casadó, A Gómez González
‘My friends are like my family’: The positive impact of high‐quality friendships on former foster care youth
R Gairal‐Casadó, E Duque, M Ramis‐Salas, R Valls
Children & Society 37 (6), 1829-1845, 2023
Participación de mujeres gitanas y marroquíes en la formación de familiares: beneficios educativos y psicosociales
S Girbés-Peco, R Gairal-Casadó, L Torrego-Egido
Culture and Education, Cultura y Educación 31 (4), 766-779, 2019
Dialogic popular education in Spain and its impact on society, educational and social theory, and European research
L Ruiz-Eugenio, I Tellado, R Valls-Carol, R Gairal-Casadó
European journal for Research on the Education and Learning of Adults 14 (1 …, 2023
Schools that ‘open doors’ to prevent child abuse in confinement by COVID-19. Sustainability, 12 (11), 4685
E Roca, P Melgar, R Gairal-Casadó, MA Pulido-Rodríguez
Comunidades de aprendizaje: actuaciones de éxito para el desarrollo de la competencia global desde la inclusión
PÁ Cifuentes, CG Yeste, RG Casadó
Padres y Maestros/Journal of Parents and Teachers, 40-44, 2021
An Instagram hashtag fostering science education of vulnerable groups during the pandemic
L Puigvert, B Villarejo-Carballido, R Gairal-Casadó, A Gómez, ...
International journal of environmental research and public health 19 (4), 1974, 2022
Roma students’ experiences: practices contributing to participation in post-compulsory education
L Natividad-Sancho, R Gairal-Casadó, T Sordé Martí, C Garcia Yeste
Educational Research 66 (1), 18-33, 2024
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