Felix Rafael Segundo Sevilla
Felix Rafael Segundo Sevilla
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Techno-economic analysis of battery storage and curtailment in a distribution grid with high PV penetration
FRS Sevilla, D Parra, N Wyrsch, MK Patel, F Kienzle, P Korba
Journal of Energy Storage 17, 73-83, 2018
Innovative primary frequency control in low‐inertia power systems based on wide‐area RoCoF sharing
HR Chamorro, FRS Sevilla, F Gonzalez‐Longatt, K Rouzbehi, H Chavez, ...
IET Energy Systems Integration 2 (2), 151-160, 2020
State-of-the-art of data collection, analytics, and future needs of transmission utilities worldwide to account for the continuous growth of sensing data
FRS Sevilla, Y Liu, E Barocio, P Korba, M Andrade, F Bellizio, J Bos, ...
International journal of electrical power & energy systems 137, 107772, 2022
Online coherency identification and stability condition for large interconnected power systems using an unsupervised data mining technique
E Barocio, P Korba, W Sattinger, FR Segundo Sevilla
IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution 13 (15), 3323-3333, 2019
Fast-training feedforward neural network for multi-scale power quality monitoring in power systems with distributed generation sources
O Cortes-Robles, E Barocio, A Obushevs, P Korba, FRS Sevilla
Measurement 170, 108690, 2021
Fault‐tolerant control design to enhance damping of inter‐area oscillations in power grids
FR Segundo Sevilla, I Jaimoukha, B Chaudhuri, P Korba
International Journal of Robust and Nonlinear Control 24 (8-9), 1304-1316, 2014
Convolutional neural nets with hyperparameter optimization and feature importance for power system static security assessment
M Ramirez-Gonzalez, FRS Sevilla, P Korba, R Castellanos-Bustamante
Electric power systems research 211, 108203, 2022
Fast hierarchical coordinated controller for distributed battery energy storage systems to mitigate voltage and frequency deviations
GE Mejia-Ruiz, MRA Paternina, FRS Sevilla, P Korba
Applied Energy 323, 119622, 2022
Three-way unsupervised data mining for power system applications based on tensor decomposition
B Sandoval, E Barocio, P Korba, FRS Sevilla
Electric Power Systems Research 187, 106431, 2020
Inter-area oscillation control based on eigensystem realization approach
J Dobrowolski, FR Segundo, MRA Paternina
2018 IEEE International Autumn Meeting on Power, Electronics and Computing …, 2018
Scaling version of kundur’s two-areas system for electromechanical oscillations representation
D Baltensperger, J Dobrowolski, A Obushevs, FRS Sevilla, P Korba
2020 International Symposium on Power Electronics, Electrical Drives …, 2020
Perspectives of Power-to-X technologies in Switzerland
T Kober, C Bauer, C Bach, M Beuse, G Georges, M Held, S Heselhaus, ...
White Paper, 2019
Evaluation of the ENTSO-E initial dynamic model of continental Europe subject to parameter variations
FRS Sevilla, P Korba, K Uhlen, E Hillberg, G Lindahl, W Sattinger
Romania 1194 (1171), 654, 2017
A semidefinite relaxation procedure for fault-tolerant observer design
FRS Sevilla, IM Jaimoukha, B Chaudhuri, P Korba
IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control 60 (12), 3332-3337, 2015
Time delay compensation in power system control
P Korba, R Segundo, A Paice, B Berggren, R Majumder
European Union Patent EP08 156, 785, 2008
A Three-layer Severity Index for Power System Voltage Stability Assessment using Time-series from Dynamic Simulations
L Vanfretti, FRS Sevilla
IEEE ISGT Europe 2014, 2014
Convolutional neural network based approach for static security assessment of power systems
M Ramirez-Gonzalez, FRS Sevilla, P Korba
2021 World Automation Congress (WAC), 106-110, 2021
Perspectives of power-to-x technologies in switzerland: A white paper
T Kober, C Bauer, C Bach, M Beuse, G Georges, M Held, S Heselhaus, ...
ETH Zurich, 2019
On the estimation of an optimum size of energy storage system for local load shifting
C Park, V Knazkins, FRS Sevilla, P Korba, J Poland
2015 IEEE Power & Energy Society General Meeting, 1-5, 2015
A small-signal stability index for power system dynamic impact assessment using time-domain simulations
FRS Sevilla, L Vanfretti
2014 IEEE PES General Meeting| Conference & Exposition, 1-5, 2014
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