Joanne M Dickson
Joanne M Dickson
Верификована је имејл адреса на ecu.edu.au
A meta-analysis of the prevalence of different functions of non-suicidal self-injury
PJ Taylor, K Jomar, K Dhingra, R Forrester, U Shahmalak, JM Dickson
Journal of affective disorders 227, 759-769, 2018
Approach and avoidance goals and plans: Their relationship to anxiety and depression
JM Dickson, AK MacLeod
Cognitive Therapy and Research 28, 415-432, 2004
Maladaptive cognitive schemas in alcohol dependence: Changes associated with a brief residential abstinence program
L Roper, JM Dickson, C Tinwell, PG Booth, J McGuire
Cognitive therapy and research 34, 207-215, 2010
From socioeconomic disadvantage to obesity: the mediating role of psychological distress and emotional eating
J Spinosa, P Christiansen, JM Dickson, V Lorenzetti, CA Hardman
Obesity 27 (4), 559-564, 2019
A systematic review of adult attachment and social anxiety
RPC Manning, JM Dickson, J Palmier-Claus, A Cunliffe, PJ Taylor
Journal of affective disorders 211, 44-59, 2017
Brief report anxiety, depression and approach and avoidance goals
J Dickson, A MacLeod
Cognition and Emotion 18 (3), 423-430, 2004
Experiences of shame and guilt in anorexia and bulimia nervosa: A systematic review
SPM Blythin, HL Nicholson, VG Macintyre, JM Dickson, JRE Fox, ...
Psychology and Psychotherapy: Theory, Research and Practice 93 (1), 134-159, 2020
Women’s subjective experiences of living with vulvodynia: a systematic review and meta-ethnography
R Shallcross, JM Dickson, D Nunns, C Mackenzie, G Kiemle
Archives of sexual behavior 47, 577-595, 2018
Factors influencing the resilience of carers of individuals with dementia
MG Cherry, P Salmon, JM Dickson, D Powell, S Sikdar, J Ablett
Reviews in clinical gerontology 23 (4), 251-266, 2013
To approach or avoid alcohol? Automatic and self‐reported motivational tendencies in alcohol dependence
H Barkby, JM Dickson, L Roper, M Field
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research 36 (2), 361-368, 2012
Depressed people are not less motivated by personal goals but are more pessimistic about attaining them.
JM Dickson, NJ Moberly, P Kinderman
Journal of abnormal psychology 120 (4), 975, 2011
Dysphoric adolescents’ causal explanations and expectancies for approach and avoidance goals
JM Dickson, AK MacLeod
Journal of adolescence 29 (2), 177-191, 2006
A systematic review of the antecedents and prevalence of suicide, self-harm and suicide ideation in Australian Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander youth
JM Dickson, K Cruise, CA McCall, PJ Taylor
International journal of environmental research and public health 16 (17), 3154, 2019
Attachment style and its relationship to working alliance in the supervision of British clinical psychology trainees
JM Dickson, NJ Moberly, Y Marshall, J Reilly
Clinical psychology & psychotherapy 18 (4), 322-330, 2011
The human affectome
D Schiller, NC Alessandra, N Alia-Klein, S Becker, HC Cromwell, ...
Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews 158, 105450, 2024
Psychological correlates of self-harm within gay, lesbian and bisexual UK university students
PJ Taylor, K Dhingra, JM Dickson, E McDermott
Archives of suicide research, 2020
Eating to live or living to eat? Exploring the causal attributions of self-perceived food addiction
HK Ruddock, JM Dickson, M Field, CA Hardman
Appetite 95, 262-268, 2015
Goal fluency, pessimism and disengagement in depression
JM Dickson, NJ Moberly, C O’Dea, M Field
PloS one 11 (11), e0166259, 2016
Reduced specificity of personal goals and explanations for goal attainment in major depression
JM Dickson, NJ Moberly
PloS one 8 (5), e64512, 2013
Perceived consequences underlying approach goals and avoidance goals in relation to anxiety
JM Dickson
Personality and Individual Differences 41 (8), 1527-1538, 2006
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