Dr Andrew Flinn
Dr Andrew Flinn
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Whose memories, whose archives? Independent community archives, autonomy and the mainstream
A Flinn, M Stevens, E Shepherd
Archival science 9, 71-86, 2009
Community histories, community archives: Some opportunities and challenges
A Flinn
Journal of the Society of Archivists 28 (2), 151-176, 2007
Archival activism: Independent and community-led archives, radical public history and the heritage professions
A Flinn
InterActions: UCLA Journal of Education and Information Studies 7 (2), 2011
New frameworks for community engagement in the archive sector: from handing over to handing on
M Stevens, A Flinn, E Shepherd
Heritage and Community Engagement, 67-84, 2013
Social justice impact of archives: a preliminary investigation
WM Duff, A Flinn, KE Suurtamm, DA Wallace
Archival Science 13, 317-348, 2013
‘It is noh mistri, wi mekin histri’: Telling our own story: Independent and community archives in the UK, challenging and subverting the mainstream
A Flinn, M Stevens
Community archives: The shaping of memory, 3-27, 2009
Computation and the humanities: towards an oral history of digital humanities
J Nyhan, A Flinn
Springer Nature, 2016
Communists and British Society 1920-1991
K Morgan, G Cohen, A Flinn
Rivers Oram Press, 2007
Independent Community Archives and Community-Generated Content: ‘Writing, Saving and Sharing our Histories’
A Flinn
Convergence 16 (1), 39-51, 2010
Community archives: What are we really talking about
A Gilliland, A Flinn
Retrieved from CIRN Prato Community Informatics Conference, 2013
Information governance, records management, and freedom of information: A study of local government authorities in England
E Shepherd, A Stevenson, A Flinn
Government Information Quarterly 27 (4), 337-345, 2010
“Humanizing an inevitability political craft”: Introduction to the special issue on archiving activism and activist archiving
A Flinn, B Alexander
Archival Science 15, 329-335, 2015
An attack on professionalism and scholarship? Democratising archives and the production of knowledge
A Flinn
Ariadne, 2010
Community archives, community spaces: Heritage, memory and identity
J Bastian, A Flinn
Facet Publishing, 2019
The impact of independent and community archives on professional archival thinking and practice
A Flinn
The future of archives and recordkeeping: A reader, 145-169, 2011
Oral History and the Hidden Histories project: towards histories of computing in the humanities
J Nyhan, A Flinn, A Welsh
Digital Scholarship in the Humanities 30 (1), 71-85, 2015
Agents of the Revolution: New Biographical Approaches to the History of International Communism in the Age of Lenin and Stalin
K Morgan
Peter Lang, 2005
Open government data: critical information management perspectives
E Shepherd, J Bunn, A Flinn, E Lomas, A Sexton, S Brimble, K Chorley, ...
Records Management Journal 29 (1/2), 152-167, 2019
Child social-care recording and the information rights of care-experienced people: A recordkeeping perspective
V Hoyle, E Shepherd, A Flinn, E Lomas
The British Journal of Social Work 49 (7), 1856-1874, 2019
Towards a human-centred participatory approach to child social care recordkeeping
E Shepherd, V Hoyle, E Lomas, A Flinn, A Sexton
Archival Science 20, 307-325, 2020
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