Juan Alberti
Juan Alberti
Instituo de Investigaciones Marinas y Costeras (IIMyC; UNMdP - CONICET)
Верификована је имејл адреса на mdp.edu.ar
Herbivores and nutrients control grassland plant diversity via light limitation
ET Borer, EW Seabloom, DS Gruner, WS Harpole, H Hillebrand, EM Lind, ...
Nature 508 (7497), 517-520, 2014
Local loss and spatial homogenization of plant diversity reduce ecosystem multifunctionality
Y Hautier, F Isbell, ET Borer, EW Seabloom, WS Harpole, EM Lind, ...
Nature Ecology & Evolution 2 (1), 50-56, 2018
The distribution and ecological effects of the introduced Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas (Thunberg, 1793) in northern Patagonia
CM Escapa, JP Isacch, P Daleo, J Alberti, OO Iribarne, ME Borges, ...
Natl Shellfisheries Assoc, 2004
Impact of burrowing crabs on C and N sources, control, and transformations in sediments andfood webs of SW Atlantic estuaries
F Botto, I Valiela, O Iribarne, P Martinetto, J Alberti
Marine Ecology Progress Series 293, 155-164, 2005
General destabilizing effects of eutrophication on grassland productivity at multiple spatial scales
Y Hautier, P Zhang, M Loreau, KR Wilcox, EW Seabloom, ET Borer, ...
Nature Communications 11 (1), 5375, 2020
Increasing effects of chronic nutrient enrichment on plant diversity loss and ecosystem productivity over time
EW Seabloom, PB Adler, J Alberti, L Biederman, YM Buckley, ...
Ecology 102 (2), e03218, 2021
Predicting invasion in grassland ecosystems: is exotic dominance the real embarrassment of richness?
EW Seabloom, ET Borer, Y Buckley, EE Cleland, K Davies, J Firn, ...
Global Change Biology 19 (12), 3677-3687, 2013
To Kurashima-san 論文掲載おめでとうございます! Nature Communications
Nature communications 3 (1034), 2012
Mycorrhizal fungi determine salt-marsh plant zonation depending on nutrient supply
P Daleo, J Alberti, A Canepuccia, M Escapa, E Fanjul, BR Silliman, ...
Journal of Ecology, 431-437, 2008
Crab herbivory regulates plant facilitative and competitive processes in Argentinean marshes
J Alberti, M Escapa, O Iribarne, B Silliman, M Bertness
Ecology 89 (1), 155-164, 2008
Abiotic stress mediates top-down and bottom-up control in a Southwestern Atlantic salt marsh
J Alberti, A Méndez Casariego, P Daleo, E Fanjul, B Silliman, M Bertness, ...
Oecologia 163, 181-191, 2010
Local and geographic variation in grazing intensity by herbivorous crabs in SW Atlantic salt marshes
J Alberti, M Escapa, P Daleo, O Iribarne, BR Silliman, M Bertness
Marine Ecology Progress Series 349, 235-243, 2007
High abundance and diversity of consumers associated with eutrophic areas in a semi-desert macrotidal coastal ecosystem in Patagonia, Argentina
P Martinetto, P Daleo, M Escapa, J Alberti, JP Isacch, E Fanjul, F Botto, ...
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 88 (3), 357-364, 2010
Herbivores safeguard plant diversity by reducing variability in dominance
B Mortensen, B Danielson, WS Harpole, J Alberti, CA Arnillas, ...
Journal of Ecology 106 (1), 101-112, 2018
Grazer facilitation of fungal infection and the control of plant growth in south-western Atlantic salt marshes
P Daleo, B Silliman, J Alberti, M Escapa, A Canepuccia, N Peña, ...
Journal of Ecology, 781-787, 2009
Biological invasions and the neutral theory
P Daleo, J Alberti, O Iribarne
Diversity and Distributions 15 (4), 547-553, 2009
Crab bioturbation and herbivory may account for variability in carbon sequestration and stocks in south west atlantic salt marshes
P Martinetto, DI Montemayor, J Alberti, CSB Costa, O Iribarne
Frontiers in Marine Science 3, 122, 2016
Herbivore exclusion promotes a more stochastic plant community assembly in a natural grassland
J Alberti, ES Bakker, R van Klink, H Olff, C Smit
Ecology 98 (4), 961-970, 2017
Increased grassland arthropod production with mammalian herbivory and eutrophication: a test of mediation pathways
EM Lind, KJ La Pierre, EW Seabloom, J Alberti, O Iribarne, J Firn, ...
Ecology 98 (12), 3022-3033, 2017
Spatial heterogeneity in species composition constrains plant community responses to herbivory and fertilisation
D Hodapp, ET Borer, WS Harpole, EM Lind, EW Seabloom, PB Adler, ...
Ecology letters 21 (9), 1364-1371, 2018
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