Juan Cruz Colazo
Juan Cruz Colazo
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Soil dry aggregate stability and wind erodible fraction in a semiarid environment of Argentina
JC Colazo, DE Buschiazzo
Geoderma 159 (1-2), 228-236, 2010
The impact of agriculture on soil texture due to wind erosion
JC Colazo, D Buschiazzo
Land Degradation & Development 26 (1), 62-70, 2015
Relative soil water content as a factor for wind erodibility in soils with different texture and aggregation
LA de Oro, JC Colazo, F Avecilla, DE Buschiazzo, C Asensio
Aeolian Research 37, 25-31, 2019
RWEQ–Wind erosion predictions for variable soil roughness conditions
LA de Oro, JC Colazo, DE Buschiazzo
Aeolian research 20, 139-146, 2016
Organic carbon and nitrogen in soils of semiarid Argentina
MJ Mendez, LD Oro, JE Panebianco, JC Colazo, DE Buschiazzo
Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 61 (4), 230-235, 2006
Effect of zinc application strategies on maize grain yield and zinc concentration in mollisols
N Martínez-Cuesta, W Carciochi, H Sainz-Rozas, F Salvagiotti, JC Colazo, ...
Journal of Plant Nutrition 44 (4), 486-497, 2021
Can edaphic variables improve DTPA‐based zinc diagnosis in corn?
PA Barbieri, HR Sainz Rozas, N Wyngaard, M Eyherabide, ...
Soil Science Society of America Journal 81 (3), 556-563, 2017
Digital soil texture maps of Argentina and their relationship to soil-forming factors and processes
GA Schulz, DM Rodríguez, M Angelini, LM Moretti, GF Olmedo, ...
Geopedology: An Integration of Geomorphology and Pedology for Soil and …, 2023
El cultivo de maíz en San Luis
JA Garay, JC Colazo
Buenos Aires, Argentina: INTA Ediciones Información Técnica 188, 2015
Determining Mehlich‐3 and DTPA extractable soil zinc optimum economic threshold for maize
N Martínez Cuesta, N Wyngaard, H Saínz Rozas, N Reussi Calvo, ...
Soil Use and Management 37 (4), 736-748, 2021
Using crop diversity and conservation cropping to develop more sustainable arable cropping systems
J Hendrickson, JC Colazo
Agroecosystem Diversity, 93-108, 2019
Soil erosion
JC Colazo, P Carfagno, J Gvozdenovich, D Buschiazzo
The soils of Argentina, 239-250, 2019
Influence of sand gradation on compaction of loess soils
J de Dios Herrero, JC Colazo, D Buschiazzo, J Galantini
Soil and Tillage Research 196, 104414, 2020
El análisis de suelo permite diagnosticar la deficiencia de zinc en el cultivo de maíz
P Barbieri, HS Rozas, H Echeverría, F Salvagiotti, P Barbagelata, ...
Informaciones Agronómicas de Hispanoamérica,(19) 18, 2015
Contribution of integrated crop livestock systems to climate smart agriculture in Argentina
J Cruz Colazo, J de Dios Herrero, R Sager, ML Guzmán, M Zaman
Land 11 (11), 2060, 2022
Estabilidad estructural en suelos de la Argentina
JC Colazo, P Blanco, A Becker, P Bouza, H Del Valle, C Quintero, ...
XX Congreso Argentino de la Ciencia del Suelo. Salta-Jujuy, Argentina. pág 120, 2006
El Cultivo de Sorgo en San Luis
JC Colazo, J Garay, J Veneciano
Ediciones INTA, 2012
Balance hídrico de diferentes escenarios en la cuenca El Morro
CA Saenz, NE Rusoci, JC Colazo
Ediciones INTA, 2016
Mejora de propiedades edáficas con inclusión de cultivos de cobertura en agroecosistemas pampeanos
C Alvarez, M Barraco, C Cazorla, JC Colazo, JDD Herrero, A Lardone, ...
Proceedings of XXV Congreso Argentino de la Ciencia del Suelo 10, 2016
Cultivo de cobertura post maní para controlar la erosión eólica en el S de Córdoba
ME Vicondo, MI Genero, R Haro, JC Colazo
Actas del XXV Congreso Argentino de la Ciencia del Suelo, 2016
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