Stephen George Flood
Stephen George Flood
ICARUS, Maynooth University
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Adaptive and interactive climate futures: systematic review of ‘serious games’ for engagement and decision-making
S Flood, NA Cradock-Henry, P Blackett, P Edwards
Environmental Research Letters 13 (6), 063005, 2018
Seasonal and meteorological associations with depressive symptoms in older adults: A geo-epidemiological study
C O’Hare, V O’Sullivan, S Flood, RA Kenny
Journal of affective disorders 191, 172-179, 2016
Tools for adaptive governance for complex social-ecological systems: a review of role-playing-games as serious games at the community-policy interface
P Edwards, L Sharma-Wallace, A Wreford, L Holt, NA Cradock-Henry, ...
Environmental Research Letters 14 (11), 113002, 2019
The rise of resilience: Evolution of a new concept in coastal planning in Ireland and the US
S Flood, J Schechtman
Ocean & Coastal Management 102, 19-31, 2014
Climate change response in New Zealand communities: Local scale adaptation and mitigation planning
KM Archie, R Chapman, S Flood
Environmental development 28, 19-31, 2018
Adaptation knowledge for New Zealand’s primary industries: Known, not known and needed
NA Cradock-Henry, S Flood, F Buelow, P Blackett, A Wreford
Climate Risk Management 25, 100190, 2019
Mapping emergent public engagement in societal transitions: a scoping review
JG Gerard Mullally, Alexandra Revez, Niall Dunphy, Clodagh Harris, Fionn ...
Energy, Sustainability and Society 12 (2), 1-18, 2022
Synthesis Report RA4: Enhancing capacity and increasing coordination to support decision making
J Lawrence, P Blackett, N Cradock-Henry, S Flood, A Greenaway, ...
Climate change impacts and implications (CCII) for New Zealand to 2100, 2016
National risk assessment of impacts of climate change: bridging the gap to adaptation action
S Flood, S Paterson, E O’Connor, B O’Dwyer, H Whyte, M Le Tissier, ...
Environmental Protecfion Agency. https://www. epa. ie/publicafions/research …, 2020
Towards a heuristic for assessing adaptation knowledge: impacts, implications, decisions and actions
NA Cradock-Henry, F Buelow, S Flood, P Blackett, A Wreford
Environmental Research Letters 14 (9), 093002, 2019
The promise and pitfalls of ecosystem services classification and valuation
S Flood, TG O’Higgins, M Lago
Ecosystem-based management, ecosystem services and aquatic biodiversity …, 2020
Quantifying impacts of potential sea-level rise scenarios on Irish coastal cities
S Flood, J Sweeney
Resilient Cities 2: Cities and Adaptation to Climate Change–Proceedings of …, 2012
A roadmap for local deliberative engagements on transitions to net zero carbon and climate resilience
G Mullally, A Revez, C Harris, NP Dunphy, F Rogan, EP Byrne, ...
Environmental Protection Agency, 2022
Creating resilient futures: Integrating disaster risk reduction, sustainable development goals and climate change adaptation agendas
S Flood, Y Jerez Columbié, M Le Tissier, B O'Dwyer
Springer Nature, 2022
Projected economic impacts of climate change on Irish agriculture
S Flood
Stop Climate Chaos, Ireland, 2013
Risky policies: Local contestation of mainstream flood risk management approaches in Ireland
A Revez, JA Cortes-Vazquez, S Flood
Environment and Planning A: Economy and Space 49 (11), 2497-2516, 2017
Introduction: Can the Sendai Framework, the Paris Agreement, and Agenda 2030 provide a path towards societal resilience?
S Flood, Y Jerez Columbié, M Le Tissier, B O’Dwyer
Creating Resilient Futures: Integrating Disaster Risk Reduction, Sustainable …, 2022
Imagining climate resilient futures: A layered Delphi panel approach
S Flood, F Rogan, A Revez, C McGookin, B O’Dwyer, C Harris, N Dunphy, ...
Futures 147, 103100, 2023
Enhancing integration of disaster risk and climate change adaptation into Irish emergency planning
P Medway, S Flood, D Cubie, M Le Tissier
Creating Resilient Futures: Integrating Disaster Risk Reduction, Sustainable …, 2022
Climate Change Impacts and Implications for New Zealand to 2100
J Lawrence, P Blackett, N Cradock-Henry, S Flood, A Greenaway, ...
Synthesis report RA4: enhancing capacity and increasing coordination to …, 2016
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