Alessandro Salvi, Ph.D.
Alessandro Salvi, Ph.D.
Italian Ministry of Education
Верификована је имејл адреса на icmbeneventano.edu.it
Distributed consensus strategy for platooning of vehicles in the presence of time-varying heterogeneous communication delays
M Di Bernardo, A Salvi, S Santini
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 16 (1), 102-112, 2014
A consensus-based approach for platooning with intervehicular communications and its validation in realistic scenarios
S Santini, A Salvi, AS Valente, A Pescapé, M Segata, RL Cigno
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 66 (3), 1985-1999, 2016
Design, analysis, and experimental validation of a distributed protocol for platooning in the presence of time-varying heterogeneous delays
M di Bernardo, P Falcone, A Salvi, S Santini
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology 24 (2), 413-427, 2015
Adaptive multi-agents synchronization for collaborative driving of autonomous vehicles with multiple communication delays
A Petrillo, A Salvi, S Santini, AS Valente
Transportation research part C: emerging technologies 86, 372-392, 2018
A consensus-based approach for platooning with inter-vehicular communications
S Santini, A Salvi, AS Valente, A Pescapè, M Segata, RL Cigno
2015 IEEE Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM), 1158-1166, 2015
Platooning maneuvers in vehicular networks: A distributed and consensus-based approach
S Santini, A Salvi, AS Valente, A Pescapè, M Segata, RL Cigno
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Vehicles 4 (1), 59-72, 2018
Cooperative shock waves mitigation in mixed traffic flow environment
M Di Vaio, G Fiengo, A Petrillo, A Salvi, S Santini, M Tufo
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 20 (12), 4339-4353, 2019
Design, analysis and performance evaluation of a third order distributed protocol for platooning in the presence of time-varying delays and switching topologies
A Salvi, S Santini, AS Valente
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 80, 360-383, 2017
Design and experimental validation of a distributed interaction protocol for connected autonomous vehicles at a road intersection
M Di Vaio, P Falcone, R Hult, A Petrillo, A Salvi, S Santini
IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 68 (10), 9451-9465, 2019
Adaptive synchronization of linear multi-agent systems with time-varying multiple delays
A Petrillo, A Salvi, S Santini, AS Valente
Journal of the Franklin Institute 354 (18), 8586-8605, 2017
A fuzzy approach based on heterogeneous metrics for scaling out public clouds
V Persico, D Grimaldi, A Pescape, A Salvi, S Santini
IEEE Transactions on Parallel and Distributed Systems 28 (8), 2117-2130, 2017
Third-order consensus in vehicles platoon with heterogeneous time-varying delays
M di Bernardo, A Salvi, S Santini, AS Valente
IFAC-PapersOnLine 48 (12), 358-363, 2015
Extended cooperative adaptive cruise control
U Montanaro, M Tufo, G Fiengo, M di Bernardo, A Salvi, S Santini
2014 IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium Proceedings, 605-610, 2014
A feedback-control approach for resource management in public clouds
D Grimaldi, V Persico, A Pescapè, A Salvi, S Santini
2015 IEEE Global Communications Conference (GLOBECOM), 1-7, 2015
A map-based platform for smart mobility services
P Marchetta, E Natale, A Pescapé, A Salvi, S Santini
2015 IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communication (ISCC), 19-24, 2015
Design of a platoon management strategy and its hardware-in-the loop validation
AS Valente, U Montanaro, M Tufo, A Salvi, S Santini
2014 IEEE 79th Vehicular Technology Conference (VTC Spring), 1-5, 2014
A control strategy for reducing traffic waves in delayed vehicular networks
G Fiengo, A Petrillo, A Salvi, S Santini, M Tufo
2016 IEEE 55th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC), 2462-2467, 2016
Model reference adaptive control of a full-bridge buck inverter with minimal controller synthesis
A Salvi, S Santini, D Biel, JM Olm, M di Bernardo
52nd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 3469-3474, 2013
S2-MOVE: Smart and Social Move
P Marchetta, A Salvi, E Natale, A Tirri, M Tufo, D De Pasquale
2012 Global Information Infrastructure and Networking Symposium (GIIS), 1-6, 2012
A robust ensemble technique in forecasting workload of local healthcare departments
F Piccialli, F Giampaolo, A Salvi, S Cuomo
Neurocomputing 444, 69-78, 2021
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