Leonid Olifer
Leonid Olifer
Postdoctoral fellow, University of Alberta
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On the role of last closed drift shell dynamics in driving fast losses and Van Allen radiation belt extinction
L Olifer, IR Mann, SK Morley, LG Ozeke, D Choi
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 123 (5), 3692-3703, 2018
Rapid outer radiation belt flux dropouts and fast acceleration during the March 2015 and 2013 storms: The role of ultra‐low frequency wave transport from a dynamic outer boundary
LG Ozeke, IR Mann, L Olifer, KY Dufresne, SK Morley, SG Claudepierre, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 125 (2), e2019JA027179, 2020
On the relative strength of electric and magnetic ULF wave radial diffusion during the March 2015 geomagnetic storm
L Olifer, IR Mann, LG Ozeke, IJ Rae, SK Morley
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 124 (4), 2569-2587, 2019
The March 2015 superstorm revisited: Phase space density profiles and fast ULF wave diffusive transport
LG Ozeke, IR Mann, SG Claudepierre, M Henderson, SK Morley, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 124 (2), 1143-1156, 2019
A tale of two radiation belts: The energy‐dependence of self‐limiting electron space radiation
L Olifer, IR Mann, A Kale, BH Mauk, SG Claudepierre, DN Baker, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 48 (20), e2021GL095779, 2021
On the formation of phantom electron phase space density peaks in single spacecraft radiation belt data
L Olifer, IR Mann, LG Ozeke, SK Morley, HL Louis
Geophysical Research Letters 48 (11), e2020GL092351, 2021
A natural limit to the spectral hardness of worst case electron radiation in the terrestrial Van Allen belt
L Olifer, IR Mann, SG Claudepierre, DN Baker, HE Spence, LG Ozeke
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 127 (8), e2022JA030506, 2022
On the similarity and repeatability of fast radiation belt loss: Role of the last closed drift shell
L Olifer, IR Mann, LG Ozeke, SG Claudepierre, DN Baker, HE Spence
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 126 (11), e2021JA029957, 2021
Intense chorus waves are the cause of flux-limiting in the heart of the outer radiation belt
S Chakraborty, IR Mann, CEJ Watt, IJ Rae, L Olifer, LG Ozeke, JK Sandhu, ...
Scientific Reports 12 (1), 21717, 2022
Statistical characteristics of energetic electron pitch angle distributions in the Van Allen Probe era: 1. Butterfly distributions with flux peaks at preferred pitch angles
LG Ozeke, IR Mann, L Olifer, SG Claudepierre, HE Spence, DN Baker
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 127 (3), e2021JA029907, 2022
A New Four‐Component L*‐Dependent Model for Radial Diffusion Based on Solar Wind and Magnetospheric Drivers of ULF Waves
KR Murphy, J Sandhu, IJ Rae, T Daggitt, S Glauert, RB Horne, CEJ Watt, ...
Space Weather 21 (7), e2023SW003440, 2023
Swarm observations of dawn/dusk asymmetries between Pedersen conductance in upward and downward field‐aligned current regions
L Olifer, C Feltman, R Ghaffari, S Henderson, D Huyghebaert, J Burchill, ...
Earth and Space Science 8 (7), e2020EA001167, 2021
Outer radiation belt flux and phase space density response to sheath regions: Van Allen Probes and GPS observations
MMH Kalliokoski, MG Henderson, SK Morley, EKJ Kilpua, A Osmane, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 128 (2), e2022JA030708, 2023
Rapid acceleration bursts in the Van Allen radiation belt
L Olifer, SK Morley, LG Ozeke, IR Mann, MMH Kalliokoski, MG Henderson, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 129 (5), e2024JA032544, 2024
The response of electron pitch angle distributions to the upper limit on stably trapped particles
SD Walton, IR Mann, L Olifer, LG Ozeke, C Forsyth, IJ Rae, MT Walach, ...
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 128 (11), e2023JA031988, 2023
The relationship between electron precipitation and the population of trapped electrons in LEO: New evidence supporting a natural limit to the flux of energetic electrons
LG Ozeke, IR Mann, L Olifer, S Chakraborty, JM Pettit
Journal of Geophysical Research: Space Physics 129 (5), e2023JA031964, 2024
Intense energetic electron precipitation caused by the self‐limiting of space radiation
L Olifer, IR Mann, LG Ozeke, SD Walton, AW Breneman, K Murphy
Geophysical Research Letters 50 (21), e2023GL105392, 2023
The RADiation impacts on climate and atmospheric loss satellite (RADICALS) mission
I Mann, C Cully, R Fedosejevs, RE Zee, D Milling, R Rankin, M Connors, ...
44th COSPAR Scientific Assembly. Held 16-24 July 44, 735, 2022
On the signatures of magnetopause shadowing losses in the Van Allen radiation belts of the Earth
L Olifer
Outer radiation belt flux and phase space density response to sheath regions: Van Allen Probes and GPS observations
MMH Kalliokoski, MG Henderson, SK Morley, E Kilpua, A Osmane, ...
Authorea Preprints, 2022
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