Tim J. F. Vink
Tim J. F. Vink
University of Zurich
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Regulation of Heat Exchange across the Hornbill Beak: Functional Similarities with Toucans
TMFN van de Ven, RO Martin, TJF Vink, AE McKechnie, SJ Cunningham
PLOS one 11 (e0154768), 1-14, 2016
Sacrificial males: the potential role of copulation and predation in contributing to copepod sex‐skewed ratios
RJ Wasserman, M Weston, OLF Weyl, PW Froneman, RJ Welch, TJF Vink, ...
Oikos 127 (7), 970-980, 2018
Sex and species specific isotopic niche specialisation increases with trophic complexity: evidence from an ephemeral pond ecosystem
T Dalu, RJ Wasserman, TJF Vink, OLF Weyl
Scientific Reports 7, 43229, 2017
Long‐term movements and home‐range changes: Rapid territory shifts in meerkats
B Kranstauber, GEC Gall, T Vink, T Clutton‐Brock, MB Manser
Journal of Animal Ecology 89 (3), 772-783, 2020
Hyperbenthic and pelagic predators regulate alternate key planktonic copepods in shallow temperate estuaries
RJ Wasserman, TJF Vink, R Kramer, PW Froneman
Marine & Freshwater Research, 2013
Utilization of mangrove crab-burrow micro-habitats by the goby Redigobius dewaali: Evidence for dominance hierarchy
R Kramer, CD McQuaid, TJF Vink, BP Mostert, RJ Wasserman
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology, 2015
Spawning and nest guarding of the river goby (Glossogobius callidus) from the Eastern Cape province of South Africa
RJ Wasserman, TJF Vink, DJ Woodford, PW Froneman
African Journal of Ecology 53 (4), 609-612, 2015
Fish predation regimes modify benthic diatom community structures: Experimental evidence from an in situ mesocosm study
RJ Wasserman, TJF Vink, T Dalu, PW Froneman
Austral Ecology 40 (7), 806-815, 2015
Preliminary evidence for the organisation of a bacterial community by zooplanktivores at the top of an estuarine planktonic food web
RJ Wasserman, GF Matcher, TJF Vink, PW Froneman
Microbial ecology 69, 245-253, 2015
Conspecific alarm cue sensitivity by the estuarine calanoid copepod, Paracartia longipatella
RJ Wasserman, R Kramer, TJF Vink, PW Froneman
Austral Ecology 39 (6), 732-738, 2014
Effect of mate guarding on the swimming behaviour of female Euterpina acutifrons (Copepoda, Harpacticoida)
RJ Wasserman, TJF Vink
Journal of Plankton Research 36 (5), 1385-1390, 2014
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