Neil Jordan
Neil Jordan
Centre for Ecosystem Science, UNSW Sydney
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Intrasexual competition and sexual selection in cooperative mammals
TH Clutton-Brock, SJ Hodge, G Spong, AF Russell, NR Jordan, ...
Nature 444 (7122), 1065-1068, 2006
Latrine distribution and patterns of use by wild meerkats: implications for territory and mate defence
NR Jordan, MI Cherry, MB Manser
Animal Behaviour 73 (4), 613-622, 2007
Does wildlife resource selection accurately inform corridor conservation?
B Abrahms, SC Sawyer, NR Jordan, JW McNutt, AM Wilson, JS Brashares
Journal of Applied Ecology 54 (2), 412-422, 2017
Lessons from integrating behaviour and resource selection: activity‐specific responses of A frican wild dogs to roads
B Abrahms, NR Jordan, KA Golabek, JW McNutt, AM Wilson, ...
Animal Conservation 19 (3), 247-255, 2016
Sneeze to leave: African wild dogs (Lycaon pictus) use variable quorum thresholds facilitated by sneezes in collective decisions
RH Walker, AJ King, JW McNutt, NR Jordan
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 284 (1862), 20170347, 2017
Helpers increase the reproductive potential of offspring in cooperative meerkats
AF Russell, AJ Young, G Spong, NR Jordan, TH Clutton-Brock
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 274 (1609), 513-520, 2007
Scent marking within and between groups of wild banded mongooses
NR Jordan, F Mwanguhya, S Kyabulima, P Rüedi, MA Cant
Journal of Zoology 280 (1), 72-83, 2010
Addressing inequality and intolerance in human–wildlife coexistence
NR Jordan, BP Smith, RG Appleby, LM van Eeden, HS Webster
Conservation Biology 34 (4), 803-810, 2020
Cortisol levels are positively associated with pup-feeding rates in male meerkats
AA Carlson, MB Manser, AJ Young, AF Russell, NR Jordan, AS McNeilly, ...
Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences 273 (1586), 571-577, 2006
Elevated prolactin levels immediately precede decisions to babysit by male meerkat helpers
AA Carlson, AF Russell, AJ Young, NR Jordan, AS McNeilly, AF Parlow, ...
Hormones and Behavior 50 (1), 94-100, 2006
Energy cost and return for hunting in African wild dogs and cheetahs
TY Hubel, JP Myatt, NR Jordan, OP Dewhirst, JW McNutt, AM Wilson
Nature Communications 7 (1), 11034, 2016
Adaptive size modification by dominant female meerkats
AF Russell, AA Carlson, GM McIlrath, NR Jordan, T Clutton‐Brock
Evolution 58 (7), 1600-1607, 2004
Scent-marking investment is determined by sex and breeding status in meerkats
NR Jordan
Animal Behaviour 74 (3), 531-540, 2007
Scent marking in wild banded mongooses: 1. Sex-specific scents and overmarking
NR Jordan, MB Manser, F Mwanguhya, S Kyabulima, P Rüedi, MA Cant
Animal Behaviour 81 (1), 31-42, 2011
‘False feeding’and aggression in meerkat societies
TH Clutton-Brock, AF Russell, LL Sharpe, NR Jordan
Animal Behaviour 69 (6), 1273-1284, 2005
Behavioral responses of terrestrial mammals to COVID-19 lockdowns
MA Tucker, AM Schipper, TSF Adams, N Attias, T Avgar, NL Babic, ...
Science 380 (6649), 1059-1064, 2023
Additive opportunistic capture explains group hunting benefits in African wild dogs
TY Hubel, JP Myatt, NR Jordan, OP Dewhirst, JW McNutt, AM Wilson
Nature communications 7 (1), 11033, 2016
Ecological predictors of African wild dog ranging patterns in northern Botswana
MA Pomilia, JW McNutt, NR Jordan
Journal of Mammalogy 96 (6), 1214-1223, 2015
Scent‐Mark Identification and Scent‐Marking Behaviour in African Wild Dogs (Lycaon pictus)
NR Jordan, KA Golabek, PJ Apps, GD Gilfillan, JW McNutt
Ethology 119 (8), 644-652, 2013
Fine‐scale spatiotemporal patterns of genetic variation reflect budding dispersal coupled with strong natal philopatry in a cooperatively breeding mammal
HJ Nichols, NR Jordan, GA Jamie, MA Cant, JI Hoffman
Molecular ecology 21 (21), 5348-5362, 2012
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