lorenza costa
lorenza costa
Dra, FCAyF (Universidad Nacional de La Plata) - CONICET
Верификована је имејл адреса на agro.unlp.edu.ar
UV-C treatment delays postharvest senescence in broccoli florets
L Costa, AR Vicente, PM Civello, AR Chaves, GA Martínez
Postharvest Biology and Technology 39 (2), 204-210, 2006
Effect of heat treatments on cell wall degradation and softening in strawberry fruit
AR Vicente, ML Costa, GA Martínez, AR Chaves, PM Civello
Postharvest biology and Technology 38 (3), 213-222, 2005
Effect of ethephon and 6-benzylaminopurine on chlorophyll degrading enzymes and a peroxidase-linked chlorophyll bleaching during post-harvest senescence of broccoli (Brassica …
ML Costa, PM Civello, AR Chaves, GA Martínez
Postharvest Biology and Technology 35 (2), 191-199, 2005
‘Senescence‐associated vacuoles’ are involved in the degradation of chloroplast proteins in tobacco leaves
DE Martínez, ML Costa, FM Gomez, MS Otegui, JJ Guiamet
The Plant Journal 56 (2), 196-206, 2008
Senescence‐associated degradation of chloroplast proteins inside and outside the organelle
DE Martínez, ML Costa, JJ Guiamet
Plant Biology 10, 15-22, 2008
In vivo inhibition of cysteine proteases provides evidence for the involvement of ‘senescence-associated vacuoles’ in chloroplast protein degradation during dark …
CA Carrión, ML Costa, DE Martínez, C Mohr, K Humbeck, JJ Guiamet
Journal of experimental botany 64 (16), 4967-4980, 2013
Is the electrolyte leakage assay an unequivocal test of membrane deterioration during leaf senescence?
N Rolny, L Costa, C Carrión, JJ Guiamet
Plant physiology and biochemistry 49 (10), 1220-1227, 2011
Effect of hot air treatments on senescence and quality parameters of harvested broccoli (Brassica oleracea L var Italica) heads
ML Costa, PM Civello, AR Chaves, GA Martínez
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 85 (7), 1154-1160, 2005
Application of low intensity light pulses to delay postharvest senescence of Ocimum basilicum leaves
L Costa, YM Montano, C Carrión, N Rolny, JJ Guiamet
Postharvest biology and technology 86, 181-191, 2013
Characterization of Mg-dechelatase activity obtained from Fragaria× ananassa fruit
ML Costa, PM Civello, AR Chaves, GA Martínez
Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 40 (2), 111-118, 2002
Hot air treatment decreases chlorophyll catabolism during postharvest senescence of broccoli (Brassica oleracea L. var. italica) heads
ML Costa, PM Civello, AR Chaves, GA Martínez
Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture 86 (7), 1125-1131, 2006
Chloroplast protein degradation in senescing leaves: Proteases and lytic compartments
A Buet, ML Costa, DE Martínez, JJ Guiamet
Frontiers in Plant Science 10, 747, 2019
Pulses of low intensity light as promising technology to delay postharvest senescence of broccoli
N Favre, A Bárcena, JV Bahima, G Martínez, L Costa
Postharvest Biology and Technology 142, 107-114, 2018
Senescence-associated vacuoles, a specific lytic compartment for degradation of chloroplast proteins?
CA Carrión, DE Martínez, ML Costa, JJ Guiamet
Plants 3 (4), 498-512, 2014
Low intensity light treatment improves purple kale (Brassica oleracea var. sabellica) postharvest preservation at room temperature
A Bárcena, G Martínez, L Costa
Heliyon 5 (9), 2019
Extra‐plastidial degradation of chlorophyll and photosystem I in tobacco leaves involving ‘senescence‐associated vacuoles’
FM Gomez, CA Carrion, ML Costa, C Desel, T Kieselbach, C Funk, ...
The Plant Journal 99 (3), 465-477, 2019
The degradation of chloroplast components during postharvest senescence of broccoli florets is delayed by low-intensity visible light pulses
A Bárcena, JV Bahima, V Casajús, G Martinez, D Lauff, JJ Guiamet, ...
Postharvest Biology and Technology 168, 111249, 2020
Shade cloths and polyethylene covers have opposite effects on tipburn development in greenhouse grown lettuce
A Bárcena, C Graciano, T Luca, JJ Guiamet, L Costa
Scientia Horticulturae 249, 93-99, 2019
The spatial distribution of phosphate in the root system modulates N metabolism and growth in Eucalyptus grandis young plants
L Costa, LI Faustino, C Graciano
Trees 31, 247-257, 2017
Chloroplast protein degradation: involvement of senescence-associated vacuoles
ML Costa, DE Martínez, FM Gomez, CA Carrión, JJ Guiamet
Plastid development in leaves during growth and senescence, 417-433, 2013
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