Luís Neves
Luís Neves
Professor do Departamento de Ciências da Terra da Universidade de Coimbra
Верификована је имејл адреса на dct.uc.pt
European atlas of natural radiation
M Achatz, J Ajtić, C Ballabio, I Barnet, P Bossew, E Brattich, A Briganti, ...
Publications Office of the European Union, Luxembourg, 2019
Occurrence and origin of andalusite in peraluminous felsic igneous rocks
DB Clarke, M Dorais, B Barbarin, D Barker, B Cesare, G Clarke, ...
Journal of Petrology 46 (3), 441-472, 2005
On the influence of faulting on small-scale soil-gas radon variability: a case study in the Iberian Uranium Province
A Pereira, MM Godinho, L Neves
Journal of environmental radioactivity 101 (10), 875-882, 2010
Estimation of the radon production rate in granite rocks and evaluation of the implications for geogenic radon potential maps: A case study in Central Portugal
A Pereira, R Lamas, M Miranda, F Domingos, L Neves, N Ferreira, ...
Journal of environmental radioactivity 166, 270-277, 2017
Radioactividade natural e ordenamento do território: o contributo das Ciências da Terra
LF Neves, AC Pereira
Geonovas 18, 103-114, 2004
Trace element content and partitioning between biotite and muscovite of granitic rocks; a study in the Viseu region (central Portugal)
LJPF Neves
European Journal of Mineralogy 9 (4), 849-857, 1997
Estimation of the radiological background and dose assessment in areas with naturally occurring uranium geochemical anomalies-a case study in the Iberian Massif (Central Portugal).
AJ Pereira, LJ Neves
Journal of environmental radioactivity 112, 96-107, 2012
Environmental groundwater vulnerability assessment in urban water mines (Porto, NW Portugal)
MJ Afonso, L Freitas, A Pereira, L Neves, L Guimarães, L Guilhermino, ...
Water 8 (11), 499, 2016
Evaluation of groundwater quality based on radiological and hydrochemical data from two uraniferous regions of Western Iberia: Nisa (Portugal) and Ciudad Rodrigo (Spain)
A Pereira, MD Pereira, L Neves, JMM Azevedo, ABA Campos
Environmental Earth Sciences 73, 2717-2731, 2015
A radiological study of some ornamental stones: the bluish granites from Extremadura (Spain)
D Pereira, L Neves, A Pereira, M Peinado, JA Blanco, JJ Tejado
Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci. 12, 395-401, 2012
The influence of geological factors on radon risk in groundwater and dwellings in the region of Amarante (Northern Portugal)
LMO Martins, MEP Gomes, LJPF Neves, AJSC Pereira
Environmental Earth Sciences 68, 733-740, 2013
Environmental evaluation and remediation methodologies of abandoned radioactive mines in Portugal
JM Nero, JM Dias, JA Torrinha, AJ Pereira, LJ Neves
Environmental contamination from uranium production facilities and their …, 2005
Geochemistry of granites and metasediments of the urban area of Vila Real (northern Portugal) and correlative radon risk
MEP Gomes, L Neves, F Coelho, A Carvalho, M Sousa, A Pereira
Environmental Earth Sciences 64, 497-502, 2011
Intrinsic vs. spurious long-range memory in high-frequency records of environmental radioactivity: Critical re-assessment and application to indoor 222Rn …
RV Donner, SM Potirakis, SM Barbosa, JAO Matos, AJSC Pereira, ...
The European Physical Journal Special Topics 224, 741-762, 2015
Evaluation of the radiological hazards from uranium mining and milling wastes (Urgeiriça–Central Portugal)
A Pereira, L Neves, JMM Dias, ABA Campos, SVT Barbosa
XI International Congress of the International Radiation Protection Association, 2004
Potential human health impact of groundwater in non-exploited uranium ores: The case of Horta da Vilariça (NE Portugal)
MR Costa, A Pereira, L Neves, A Ferreira
Journal of Geochemical Exploration 183, 191-196, 2017
Indoor radon risk associated to post-tectonic biotite granites from Vila Pouca de Aguiar pluton, northern Portugal
LMO Martins, MEP Gomes, RJS Teixeira, A Pereira, L Neves
Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 133, 164-175, 2016
Natural radioactivity in Portugal: influencing geological factors and implications for land use planning
AJSC Pereira, LJPF Neves, MM Godinho, JMM Dias
Radioproteccao (S. Joao da Talha) 2, 2003
A radioactividade das rochas como factor de risco ambiental no território continental português
L Neves, A Pereira, MM Godinho, JM Dias
V Conferência Nacional sobre a Qualidade do Ambiente 1, 641-649, 1996
3-D distribution of the radioelements in the granitic rocks of Northern and Central Portugal and geothermal implications
R Lamas, MM Miranda, A Pereira, LJPF Neves, N Ferreira, NV Rodrigues
Journal of Iberian Geology 43, 3-12, 2017
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