Celine Gueguen
Celine Gueguen
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Effects of increased pCO2 and temperature on the North Atlantic spring bloom. I. The phytoplankton community and biogeochemical response
Y Feng, CE Hare, K Leblanc, JM Rose, Y Zhang, GR DiTullio, PA Lee, ...
Marine Ecology Progress Series 388, 13-25, 2009
Influence of humic substances on the toxic effects of cadmium and zinc to the green alga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata
B Koukal, C Guéguen, M Pardos, J Dominik
Chemosphere 53 (8), 953-961, 2003
Characterization of biochar-derived dissolved organic matter using UV–visible absorption and excitation–emission fluorescence spectroscopies
T Jamieson, E Sager, C Guéguen
Chemosphere 103, 197-204, 2014
Binding interactions of algal-derived dissolved organic matter with metal ions
AM McIntyre, C Guéguen
Chemosphere 90 (2), 620-626, 2013
Partitioning of trace metals between particulate, colloidal and truly dissolved fractions in a polluted river: the Upper Vistula River (Poland)
C Guéguen, J Dominik
Applied Geochemistry 18 (3), 457-470, 2003
Speciation and fluxes of nutrients (N, P, Si) from the upper Yukon River
L Guo, JZ Zhang, C Guéguen
Global Biogeochemical Cycles 18 (1), 2004
Influence of water chemistry and dissolved organic matter (DOM) molecular size on copper and mercury binding determined by multiresponse fluorescence quenching
WB Chen, DS Smith, C Guéguen
Chemosphere 92 (4), 351-359, 2013
Characterization of aquatic dissolved organic matter by asymmetrical flow field-flow fractionation coupled to UV–Visible diode array and excitation emission matrix fluorescence
C Guéguen, CW Cuss
Journal of Chromatography A 1218 (27), 4188-4198, 2011
Relationships between molecular weight and fluorescence properties for size-fractionated dissolved organic matter from fresh and aged sources
CW Cuss, C Guéguen
Water Research 68, 487-497, 2015
Genomic evidence for the degradation of terrestrial organic matter by pelagic Arctic Ocean Chloroflexi bacteria
D Colatriano, PQ Tran, C Guéguen, WJ Williams, C Lovejoy, DA Walsh
Communications biology 1 (1), 90, 2018
Photobleaching of fluorescent dissolved organic matter in Beaufort Sea and North Atlantic Subtropical Gyre
PG Dainard, C Guéguen, N McDonald, WJ Williams
Marine chemistry 177, 630-637, 2015
Water toxicity and metal contamination assessment of a polluted river: the Upper Vistula River (Poland)
C Guéguen, R Gilbin, M Pardos, J Dominik
Applied Geochemistry 19 (1), 153-162, 2004
Chemical characteristics and origin of dissolved organic matter in the Yukon River
C Guéguen, L Guo, D Wang, N Tanaka, CC Hung
Biogeochemistry 77, 139-155, 2006
Distributions and characteristics of colored dissolved organic matter in the western Arctic Ocean
C Guéguen, L Guo, N Tanaka
Continental Shelf Research 25 (10), 1195-1207, 2005
Characterisation of colored dissolved organic matter in Hudson Bay and Hudson Strait using parallel factor analysis
C Guéguen, MA Granskog, G McCullough, DG Barber
Journal of Marine Systems 88 (3), 423-433, 2011
Inorganic carbon uptake by Southern Ocean phytoplankton
PD Tortell, C Payne, C Gueguen, RF Strzepek, PW Boyd, B Rost
Limnology and Oceanography 53 (4), 1266-1278, 2008
Distinguishing dissolved organic matter at its origin: size and optical properties of leaf-litter leachates
CW Cuss, C Guéguen
Chemosphere 92 (11), 1483-1489, 2013
Organic colloid separation in contrasting aquatic environments with tangential flow filtration
C Guéguen, C Belin, J Dominik
Water Research 36 (7), 1677-1684, 2002
Determination of relative molecular weights of fluorescent components in dissolved organic matter using asymmetrical flow field-flow fractionation and parallel factor analysis
CW Cuss, C Guéguen
Analytica chimica acta 733, 98-102, 2012
Distribution of PARAFAC modeled CDOM components in the North Pacific Ocean, Bering, Chukchi and Beaufort seas
PG Dainard, C Guéguen
Marine Chemistry 157, 216-223, 2013
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