Anna Grau Galofre
Anna Grau Galofre
CNRS researcher, LPG/CNRS/ Nantes Universite
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Valley formation on early Mars by subglacial and fluvial erosion
A Grau Galofre, AM Jellinek, GR Osinski
Nature Geoscience 13 (10), 663-668, 2020
The CanMars Mars sample return analogue mission
GR Osinski, M Battler, CM Caudill, R Francis, T Haltigin, VJ Hipkin, ...
Planetary and Space Science 166, 110-130, 2019
Subglacial drainage patterns of Devon Island, Canada: detailed comparison of rivers and subglacial meltwater channels
A Grau Galofre, AM Jellinek, GR Osinski, M Zanetti, A Kukko
The Cryosphere 12 (4), 1461-1478, 2018
Did Martian valley networks substantially modify the landscape?
A Grau Galofre, RS Bahia, AM Jellinek, KX Whipple, R Gallo
Earth and Planetary Science Letters 547, 116482, 2020
The geometry and complexity of spatial patterns of terrestrial channel networks: Distinctive fingerprints of erosional regimes
A Grau Galofre, AM Jellinek
Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 122 (4), 1037-1059, 2017
Past, present, and future of Mars polar science: Outcomes and outlook from the 7th International Conference on Mars Polar Science and Exploration
P Becerra, IB Smith, S Hibbard, C Andres, J Bapst, AM Bramson, ...
The Planetary Science Journal 2 (5), 209, 2021
CanMars mission Science Team operational results: Implications for operations and the sample selection process for Mars Sample Return (MSR)
CM Caudill, AJ Pontefract, GR Osinski, LL Tornabene, EA Pilles, M Battler, ...
Planetary and Space Science 172, 43-56, 2019
Valley networks and the record of glaciation on ancient Mars
A Grau Galofre, KX Whipple, PR Christensen, SJ Conway
Geophysical Research Letters 49 (14), e2022GL097974, 2022
High Arctic channel incision modulated by climate change and the emergence of polygonal ground
SM Chartrand, AM Jellinek, A Kukko, AG Galofre, GR Osinski, S Hibbard
Nature Communications 14 (1), 5297, 2023
Mars as a" natural laboratory" for studying surface activity on a range of planetary bodies
S Diniega, A Bramson, B Buratti, P Buhler, D Burr, M Chojnacki, ...
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 53 (4), 123, 2021
A comparative view of glacial and periglacial landforms on Earth and Mars
AG Galofre, CN Andres, P Becerra, A Bhardwaj, A Bramson, F Butcher, ...
Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society 53 (4), 101, 2021
Insights into the interaction between defrosting seasonal ices and gully activity from CaSSIS and HiRISE observations in Sisyphi Cavi, Mars
K Pasquon, SJ Conway, M Vincendon, M Massé, J Raack, A Noblet, ...
Planetary and Space Science 235, 105743, 2023
Patterns of martian glacial deformation: Implications for glacio-geology, internal structure, and regional climate
A Grau Galofre, JK Serla, P Becerra, A Noblet, SJ Conway
Planetary and Space Science 221, 105548, 2022
Advances in Mars research and exploration
A Bhardwaj, L Sam, MF Buchroithner, AG Galofre
Frontiers in Astronomy and Space Sciences 9, 971104, 2022
Discordance Mapping of Argyre Basin: An Insight into the Fluvial and Subglacial Origin of Valley Networks in Southern Mars
RS Bahia, AG Galofre, S Covey-Crump, M Jones, N Mitchell
52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 1117, 2021
The Importance of the Climate Record in the Martian Polar Layered Deposits
P Becerra
Glacial sculpting of a martian cratered landscape on the northeastern flank of the Hellas basin
AG Galofre, AD Howard, AM Morgan, SA Wilson, JM Moore
Icarus 420, 116211, 2024
Geological Record of Water and Wind Processes on Mars as Observed by the Mars Express High Resolution Stereo Camera
R Jaumann, D Tirsch, S Adeli, R Bahia, G Michael, L Le Deit, ...
Space Science Reviews 220 (4), 45, 2024
Solar-system-wide significance of Mars polar science
I Smith, WM Calvin, DE Smith, C Hansen, S Diniega, A McEwen, ...
Bulletin of the AAS, 2021
Valley networks and the fingerprints of Martian wet based glaciation
A Grau Galofre, KX Whipple, PR Christensen
52nd Lunar and Planetary Science Conference, 1879, 2021
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