seyed Abdolmehdi Hashemi
seyed Abdolmehdi Hashemi
Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering Faculty, University of Kashan
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Flame stability analysis of the premixed methane-air combustion in a two-layer porous media burner by numerical simulation
SM Hashemi, SA Hashemi
Fuel 202, 56-65, 2017
Experimental study on pollutant emissions in the novel combined porous-free flame burner
SA Ghorashi, SA Hashemi, SM Hashemi, M Mollamahdi
Energy 162, 517-525, 2018
Investigation of the effect of air turbulence intensity on NOx emission in non-premixed hydrogen and hydrogen-hydrocarbon composite fuel combustion
SA Hashemi, A Fattahi, GA Sheikhzadeh, MA Mehrabian
international journal of hydrogen energy 36 (16), 10159-10168, 2011
Experimental study of operating range and radiation efficiency of a metal porous burner
SA Hashemi, M Nikfar, R Motaghedifard
Thermal science 19 (1), 11-20, 2015
The effect of chain initiation reaction on the stability of gaseous detonations
Combustion Science and Technology 179 (8), 1701-1736, 2007
Experimental investigation on flame characteristics in a porous-free flame burner
SA Ghorashi, SA Hashemi, M Mollamahdi, M Ghanbari, Y Mahmoudi
Heat and Mass Transfer 56, 2057-2064, 2020
Numerical study of the effect of thermal boundary conditions and porous medium properties on the combustion in a combined porous-free flame burner
SA Hashemi, M Nikfar, SA Ghorashi
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of …, 2018
Numerical investigation of the flame stabilization in a divergent porous media burner
SM Hashemi, SA Hashemi
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of …, 2017
The effect of inlet condition on the combustion in a porous–free flame burner
SA Hashemi, M Nikfar
Journal of Porous Media 20 (9), 2017
Numerical study of the flame stability of premixed methane–air combustion in a combined porous-free flame burner
SM Hashemi, SA Hashemi
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of …, 2019
The effects of porous wall as a novel flame stabilization method on flame characteristics in a premixed burner for CH4/air mixture by numerical simulation
M Mollamahdi, SA Hashemi
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of …, 2020
Investigation of the effect of the flame holder geometry on the flame structure in non-premixed hydrogen-hydrocarbon composite fuel combustion
SA Hashemi, N Hajialigol, K Mazaheri, A Fattahi
Combustion, Explosion, and Shock Waves 50, 32-41, 2014
Investigation of the premixed methane–air combustion through the combined porous-free flame burner by numerical simulation
SM Hashemi, SA Hashemi
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of …, 2019
The effect of oxidant flow rate on a coaxial oxy-fuel flame
SA Hashemi, A Fattahi, GA Sheikhzadeh, MA Mehrabian
Heat and Mass Transfer 48 (9), 1615-1626, 2012
Numerical study of detonation instability for a two-step kinetics model
K Mazaheri
Scientia Iranica 11 (4), 2004
Numerical study of the O2/CO2, O2/CO2/N2, and O2/N2-syngas MILD combustion: Effects of oxidant temperature, O2 mole fraction, and fuel blends
A Shaker, SA Hashemi, EE Fordoei
International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 48 (79), 30909-30929, 2023
Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Two Different Traditional Hand-Baking Flatbread Bakery Units in Kashan, Iran
S Sadripour, M Estajloo, SA Hashemi, M Adibi
International Journal of Engineering, Transaction B: Applications 31 (8 …, 2018
An Experimental Study of the Effect of Thickness and Porosity on the Performance of a Porous Metal Radiation Burner
SA Hashemi, H Atoof
FUEL AND COMBUSTION 2 (2), 11-24, 2009
A numerical study on the flame characteristics and pollutant emissions in a premixed burner: Comparison between porous and solid bluff bodies
M Mollamahdi, SA Hashemi
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of …, 2020
Numerical study on the combustion characteristics in a porous-free flame burner for lean mixtures
SA Ghorashi, SM Hashemi, SA Hashemi, M Mollamahdi
Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of …, 2020
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