Чланци са овлашћеним јавним приступом - Barbara MinskerСазнајте више
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Identification of landscape preferences by using social media analysis
A Rai, B Minsker, J Diesner, K Karahalios, Y Sun
2018 International Workshop on Social Sensing (SocialSens), 44-49, 2018
Овлашћења: US National Science Foundation
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Crowdsourcing methods for data collection in geophysics: State of the art, issues, and future directions
F Zheng, R Tao, HR Maier, L See, D Savic, T Zhang, Q Chen, ...
Reviews of Geophysics 56 (4), 698-740, 2018
Овлашћења: National Natural Science Foundation of China, European Commission
Impacts of human behavioral heterogeneity on the benefits of probabilistic flood warnings: An agent‐based modeling framework
E Du, S Rivera, X Cai, L Myers, A Ernest, B Minsker
JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association 53 (2), 316-332, 2017
Овлашћења: US National Science Foundation
A novel computational green infrastructure design framework for hydrologic and human benefits
A Rai, B Minsker, W Sullivan, L Band
Environmental Modelling & Software 118, 252-261, 2019
Овлашћења: US National Science Foundation
Cost/benefit assessment of green infrastructure: Spatial scale effects on uncertainty and sensitivity
B Heidari, AR Schmidt, B Minsker
Journal of Environmental Management 302, 114009, 2022
Овлашћења: US National Science Foundation
Spatio‐temporal analysis of hypoxia in the central basin of Lake Erie of North America
W Xu, PD Collingsworth, R Kraus, B Minsker
Water Resources Research 57 (10), e2020WR027676, 2021
Овлашћења: US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Statistical and hybrid methods implemented in a web application for predicting reservoir inflows during flood events
T Zhao, B Minsker, F Salas, D Maidment, V Diev, J Spoelstra, P Dhingra
JAWRA Journal of the American Water Resources Association 54 (1), 69-89, 2018
Овлашћења: US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Detecting spatial patterns of rivermouth processes using a geostatistical framework for near-real-time analysis
W Xu, P Collingsworth, B Bailey, MC Mazur, J Schaeffer, B Minsker
Environmental Modelling & Software 97, 72-85, 2017
Овлашћења: US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Algorithmic characterization of lake stratification and deep chlorophyll layers from depth profiling water quality data
W Xu, PD Collingsworth, B Minsker
Water Resources Research 55 (5), 3815-3834, 2019
Овлашћења: US National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
Do infrastructure deserts exist? Measuring and mapping infrastructure equity: A case study in Dallas, Texas, USA
Z Li, X Wang, J Zarazaga, J Smith-Colin, B Minsker
Cities 130, 103927, 2022
Овлашћења: US National Science Foundation
Brown dog: making the digital world a better place, a few files at a time
SP Satheesan, J Alameda, S Bradley, M Dietze, B Galewsky, G Jansen, ...
Proceedings of the Practice and Experience on Advanced Research Computing …, 2018
Овлашћења: US National Science Foundation
An Architecture for Automatic Deployment of Brown Dog Services at Scale into Diverse Computing Infrastructures
S Padhy, J Alameda, R Kooper, R Liu, SP Satheesan, I Zharnitsky, ...
Proceedings of the XSEDE16 Conference on Diversity, Big Data, and Science at …, 2016
Овлашћења: US National Science Foundation, US Department of Energy
Brown Dog: Making the Digital World a Better Place, a Few Files at a Time
S Puthanveetil, J Alameda, S Bradley, M Dietze, B Galewsky, G Jansen, ...
Овлашћења: US National Science Foundation
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