Mart Saarna
Mart Saarna
Senior lecturer Tallinn University of Technology
Верификована је имејл адреса на taltech.ee
Design and testing of sandwich structures with different core materials
H Herranen, O Pabut, M Eerme, J Majak, M Pohlak, K Jaan, M Saarna, ...
Materials Science 18 (1), 45-50, 2012
Effect of milling time on dual-nanoparticulate-reinforced aluminum alloy matrix composite materials
H Kwon, M Saarna, S Yoon, A Weidenkaff, M Leparoux
Materials Science and Engineering: A 590, 338-345, 2014
Selective laser melted Ti6Al4V split-P TPMS lattices for bone tissue engineering
M Rezapourian, I Jasiuk, M Saarna, I Hussainova
International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 251, 108353, 2023
Surface fatigue and wear of PVD coated punches during fine blanking operation
F Sergejev, P Peetsalu, A Sivitski, M Saarna, E Adoberg
Engineering Failure Analysis 18 (7), 1689-1697, 2011
Particulate filled composite plastic materials from recycled glass fibre reinforced plastics
A Aruniit, K Jaan, D Goljandin, M Saarna, T Kaspar, J Majak, H Herranen
Materials Science 17 (3), 276-281, 2011
Surface fatigue processes at impact wear of powder materials
P Kulu, R Veinthal, M Saarna, R Tarbe
Wear 263 (1-6), 463-471, 2007
Effect of lattice surface treatment on performance of hardmetal-titanium interpenetrating phase composites
Y Holovenko, L Kollo, M Saarna, R Rahmani, T Soloviova, M Antonov, ...
International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials 86, 105087, 2020
Processing and properties of bulk ultrafine-grained pure niobium
L Kommel, E Kimmari, M Saarna, M Viljus
Journal of Materials Science 48, 4723-4729, 2013
The role of silicon in the hot dip galvanizing process.
S Sepper, P Peetsalu, P Kulu, M Saarna, V Mikli
Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences 65 (2), 2016
Methods for evaluating the appearance of hot dip galvanized coatings
S Sepper, P Peetsalu, M Saarna
Agronomy Research 9 (S1), 229-236, 2011
Impact of Alkali and silane treatment on hemp/PLA composites’ performance: From micro to macro scale
PF Alao, L Marrot, MD Burnard, G Lavrič, M Saarna, J Kers
Polymers 13 (6), 851, 2021
Application of the indentation method for cracking resistance evaluation of hard coatings on tool steels
A Sivitski, A Gregor, M Saarna, P Kulu, F Sergejev
Estonian Journal of Engineering 15 (4), 309-317, 2009
Rail and rail weld testing
M Saarna, A Laansoo
Proceedings of 4th International DAAAM Conference on Industrial Engineering …, 2004
Wear resistance and mechanisms of composite hardfacings at abrasive impact erosion wear
A Surzhenkov, M Viljus, T Simson, R Tarbe, M Saarna, F Casesnoves
Journal of Physics: Conference Series 843 (1), 012060, 2017
Mechanical recycling of electronic wastes for materials recovery
V Laurmaa, J Kers, K Tall, V Mikli, D Goljandin, K Vilsaar, P Peetsalu, ...
Recycling of Electronic Waste II: Proceedings of the Second Symposium, 1-10, 2011
Preliminary investigation into tensile characteristics of long flax fibre reinforced composite material
J Kers, P Peetsalu, M Saarna, A Viikna, A Krumme, A Menind
Proceedings of International Scientific Conference “Biosystems Engineering …, 2009
The effect of substrate microstructure on morphology of zinc coatings
S Sepper, P Peetsalu, V Mikli, M Saarna
8th International DAAM Baltic Conference, INDUSTRIAL ENGINEERING, Talin, Estonia, 2012
Comparative study of the PVD coatings on the plasma nitrided steel
A Surzhenkov, P Podra, F Sergejev, M Saarna, E Adoberg, V Mikli, ...
Materials Science 18 (1), 40-44, 2012
Materjaliõpetuse praktikumide ja kodutööde juhendid
P Kulu, M Saarna, R Tarbe, J Kers, R Veinthal
Tallinn: TTÜ kirjastus. ttu. ee/public/m/Mehaanikateaduskond/Instituudid …, 2010
Study of surface fatigue of wear resistant powder metallurgical materials
M Saarna, P Kulu, R Veinthal, R Tarbe
Proc. Estonian Acad. Sci. Eng 12 (4), 377-387, 2006
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