Impacts of climate change on marine organisms and ecosystems AS Brierley, MJ Kingsford Current biology 19 (14), R602-R614, 2009 | 848 | 2009 |
Sensory environments, larval abilities and local self-recruitment MJ Kingsford, JM Leis, A Shanks, KC Lindeman, SG Morgan, J Pineda Bulletin of Marine Science 70 (1), 309-340, 2002 | 742 | 2002 |
Predicting self-recruitment in marine populations: biophysical correlates and mechanisms S Sponaugle, RK Cowen, A Shanks, SG Morgan, JM Leis, J Pineda, ... Bulletin of Marine Science 70 (1), 341-375, 2002 | 635 | 2002 |
Smelling home can prevent dispersal of reef fish larvae G Gerlach, J Atema, MJ Kingsford, KP Black, V Miller-Sims Proceedings of the national academy of sciences 104 (3), 858-863, 2007 | 586 | 2007 |
Impact of changes in flow of freshwater on estuarine and open coastal habitats and the associated organisms RN Gibson, M Barnes, RJA Atkinson Oceanography and marine biology: an annual review 40, 233, 2002 | 432 | 2002 |
Climate change and coral reef connectivity PL Munday, JM Leis, JM Lough, CB Paris, MJ Kingsford, ML Berumen, ... Coral reefs 28, 379-395, 2009 | 394 | 2009 |
Larval reef fish could use odour for detection, retention and orientation to reefs J Atema, MJ Kingsford, G Gerlach Marine Ecology Progress Series 241, 151-160, 2002 | 361 | 2002 |
Elements in otoliths may elucidate the contribution of estuarine recruitment to sustaining coastal reef populations of a temperate reef fish BM Gillanders, MJ Kingsford Marine Ecology Progress Series 141, 13-20, 1996 | 299 | 1996 |
Patterns in shallow subtidal marine assemblages along the coast of New South Wales AJ Underwood, MJ Kingsford, NL Andrew Australian Journal of Ecology 16 (2), 231-249, 1991 | 277 | 1991 |
Influence of surface slicks on the distribution and onshore movements of small fish MJ Kingsford, JH Choat Marine Biology 91, 161-171, 1986 | 260 | 1986 |
Studying temparate marine environments: A handbook for ecologists M Kingsford, C Battershill New Zealand: Canterbury University Press; ISBN 0-908812-54-X, 1998 | 256 | 1998 |
Elemental fingerprints of otoliths of fish may distinguish estuarine'nursery'habitats BM Gillanders, MJ Kingsford Marine Ecology Progress Series 201, 273-286, 2000 | 250 | 2000 |
How do riverine plumes of different sizes influence fish larvae: do they enhance recruitment? CB Grimes, MJ Kingsford Marine and Freshwater Research 47 (2), 191-208, 1996 | 240 | 1996 |
Biotic and abiotic structure in the pelagic environment: importance to small fishes MJ Kingsford Bulletin of Marine Science 53 (2), 393-415, 1993 | 206 | 1993 |
The fauna associated with drift algae captured with a plankton‐mesh purse seine net 1 MJ Kingsford, JH Choat Limnology and Oceanography 30 (3), 618-630, 1985 | 204 | 1985 |
Drift algae and small fish in coastal waters of northeastern New Zealand MJ Kingsford Marine Ecology Progress Series, 41-55, 1992 | 180 | 1992 |
Elevated temperature restricts growth potential of the coral reef fish Acanthochromis polyacanthus PL Munday, MJ Kingsford, M O’callaghan, JM Donelson Coral Reefs 27, 927-931, 2008 | 173 | 2008 |
Spatial and temporal variation in predation on reef fishes by coral trout (Plectropomus leopardus, Serranidae) MJ Kingsford Coral reefs 11, 193-198, 1992 | 170 | 1992 |
Linear oceanographic features: a focus for research on recruitment processes MJ Kingsford Australian Journal of Ecology 15 (4), 391-401, 1990 | 170 | 1990 |
Humans as predators on rocky reefs in New South Wales, Australia. MJ Kingsford, AJ Underwood, SJ Kennelly Marine ecology progress series. Oldendorf 72 (102), 1-14, 1991 | 166 | 1991 |