Abdullah ÖKSÜZ
Abdullah ÖKSÜZ
Necmettin Erbakan University
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Freshness assessment of cultured sea bream (Sparus aurata) by chemical, physical and sensory methods
C Alasalvar, KDA Taylor, A Öksüz, T Garthwaite, MN Alexis, K Grigorakis
Food chemistry 72 (1), 33-40, 2001
Physicochemical properties of cold pressed sunflower, peanut, rapeseed, mustard and olive oils grown in the Eastern Mediterranean region
DB Konuskan, M Arslan, A Oksuz
Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences 26 (2), 340-344, 2019
A comparative study on proximate, mineral and fatty acid compositions of deep seawater rose shrimp (Parapenaeus longirostris, Lucas 1846) and red shrimp (Plesionika martia, A …
A Oksuz, A Ozyilmaz, M Aktas, G Gercek, J Motte
Journal of Animal and Veterinary Advances 8 (1), 183-189, 2009
Comparison of freshness quality of cultured and wild sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax)
C Alasalvar, KDA Taylor, A Öksüz, F Shahidi, M Alexis
Journal of food science 67 (9), 3220-3226, 2002
Levels of heavy metals in some commercial fish species captured from the Black Sea and Mediterranean coast of Turkey
C Turan, M Dural, A Oksuz, B Öztürk
Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 82, 601-604, 2009
Changes in fatty acid compositions of Black Sea anchovy (Engraulis encrasicolus L. 1758) during catching season
A Öksüz, A Özyılmaz
Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 10 (3), 2010
The fatty acid composition of cultured mussels (Mytilus galloprovincialis Lamarck 1819) in offshore longline system in the Black Sea
S Dernekbaşı, A Öksüz, YM Çelik, İ Karayücel, S Karayücel
Journal of Aquaculture & Marine Biology 2 (6), 46-53, 2015
Fatty acid composition and mineral content of Upeneus moluccensis and Mullus surmuletus
A Öksüz, A ÖZYILMAZ, Ş Küver
Turkish Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 11 (1), 69-75, 2011
Yaşam boyu sağlıklı ve dengeli beslenme için balık tüketiminin önemi
ŞB Alkan, H Taşkın, M Ayrancı, A Öksüz
Production of a dry sausage from African catfish (Clarias gariepinus, Burchell, 1822): microbial, chemical and sensory evaluations
A Oksuz, G Akdemir Evrendilek, MS Calis, A Ozeren
International Journal of Food Science and Technology 43 (1), 166-172, 2008
Comparison of meat yield, flesh colour, fatty acid, and mineral composition of wild and cultured mediterranean amberjack (Seriola dumerili, risso 1810)
A Öksüz
Journal of FisheriesSciences. com 6 (2), 164, 2012
Comparative study on fatty acid profiles of anchovy from Black Sea and Mediterranean Sea (Engraulis encrasicholus L., 1758)
A Oeksuez, A Özyılmaz, C Turan
Asian Journal of Chemistry 21 (4), 3081-3086, 2009
Determination of proximate composition and fatty acid profiles of Astacus leptodactylus Eschscholtz, 1823 in Turkish freshwater resources
A Öksüz, Y Mazlum
Crustaceana 89 (10), 1135-1147, 2016
Determination of the biochemical properties of liver oil from selected cartilaginous fish living in the northeastern Mediterranean
A Özyılmaz, A Öksüz
Journal of Animal and Plant Sciences 25 (1), 160-167, 2015
Element compositions, fatty acid profiles, and proximate compositions of marbled spinefoot (Siganus rivulatus, Forsskal, 1775) and dusky spinefoot (Siganus luridus, Ruppell, 1878).
A Öksüz, A Özyılmaz, H Sevimli
Heavy metals, trace elements and biochemical composition of different honey produce in Turkey
N Sahinler, A Gnl, E Akyol
Asian Journal of Chemistry 21 (3), 1887, 2009
Proximate composition, fatty acid profile and mineral content of wild brown trout (Salmo trutta sp.) from Munzur River in Tunceli, Turkey
M Kayim, M Kocabas, E Can, V Kizak, M Ates
Asian Journal of Chemistry 23 (8), 3533, 2011
Balık ve balık ürünlerinde biyojenik aminler ve amin üretiminde rol oynayan bakteriler
F Turantaş, A Öksüz
Gıda Teknolojisi 3 (5), 58-65, 1998
Practical evaluation of fish quality
C Alasalvar, T Garthwaite, A Öksüz
Seafoods—Quality, Technology and Nutraceutical Applications, 17-31, 2002
Farklı keten tür ve çeşitlerinin besin bileşenleri, yağ asitleri ve mineral içeriklerinin karşılaştırılması
A Öksüz, NP Bahadırlı, MU Yıldırım, EO Sarıhan
Journal of Food and Health Sciences 1 (2), 124-134, 2015
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