Travel and the built environment: A meta-analysis R Ewing, R Cervero Journal of the American planning association 76 (3), 265-294, 2010 | 7817* | 2010 |
Travel demand and the 3Ds: Density, diversity, and design R Cervero, K Kockelman Transportation research part D: Transport and environment 2 (3), 199-219, 1997 | 6075 | 1997 |
An ecological approach to creating active living communities JF Sallis, RB Cervero, W Ascher, KA Henderson, MK Kraft, J Kerr Annual review of public health 27 (1), 297-322, 2006 | 4276 | 2006 |
The transit metropolis: a global inquiry R Cervero | 2134 | 1998 |
Just a better taxi? A survey-based comparison of taxis, transit, and ridesourcing services in San Francisco L Rayle, D Dai, N Chan, R Cervero, S Shaheen Transport policy 45, 168-178, 2016 | 1511 | 2016 |
Walking, bicycling, and urban landscapes: evidence from the San Francisco Bay Area R Cervero, M Duncan American journal of public health 93 (9), 1478-1483, 2003 | 1328 | 2003 |
Built environments and mode choice: toward a normative framework R Cervero Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 7 (4), 265-284, 2002 | 1226 | 2002 |
Mixed land-uses and commuting: Evidence from the American Housing Survey R Cervero Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice 30 (5), 361-377, 1996 | 1139 | 1996 |
Influences of built environments on walking and cycling: lessons from Bogotá R Cervero, OL Sarmiento, E Jacoby, LF Gomez, A Neiman International journal of sustainable transportation 3 (4), 203-226, 2009 | 1109 | 2009 |
Transit-oriented development in the United States: Experiences, challenges, and prospects R Cervero Transportation Research Board, 2004 | 1038 | 2004 |
Transit villages in the 21st century M Bernick, R Cervero | 1005 | 1997 |
Jobs-housing balancing and regional mobility R Cervero Journal of the american planning association 55 (2), 136-150, 1989 | 957 | 1989 |
Travel choices in pedestrian versus automobile oriented neighborhoods R Cervero, C Radisch Transport policy 3 (3), 127-141, 1996 | 792 | 1996 |
America's suburban centers: the land use-transportation link R Cervero Routledge, 2018 | 736 | 2018 |
Commuting in transit versus automobile neighborhoods R Cervero, R Gorham Journal of the American planning Association 61 (2), 210-225, 1995 | 712 | 1995 |
Informal transport: A global perspective R Cervero, A Golub Transport policy 14 (6), 445-457, 2007 | 698 | 2007 |
Transforming cities with transit: Transit and land-use integration for sustainable urban development H Suzuki, R Cervero, K Iuchi World Bank Publications, 2013 | 674 | 2013 |
Linking urban transport and land use in developing countries R Cervero Journal of transport and land use 6 (1), 7-24, 2013 | 667 | 2013 |
Bus rapid transit impacts on land uses and land values in Seoul, Korea R Cervero, CD Kang Transport policy 18 (1), 102-116, 2011 | 651 | 2011 |
Informal transport in the developing world R Cervero Un-habitat, 2000 | 612 | 2000 |