Okan Tüysüz
Okan Tüysüz
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Tethyan sutures of northern Turkey
AI Okay, O Tüysüz
Geological Society, London, Special Publications 156 (1), 475-515, 1999
The North Anatolian fault: A new look
AMC Şengör, O Tüysüz, C Imren, M Sakınç, H Eyidoğan, N Görür, ...
Annu. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci. 33, 37-112, 2005
Geology and tectonic evolution of the Pontides
Y Yilmaz, O Tüysüz, E Yiğitbaş, ŞC Genç, AMC Şengor
Timing and climatic impact of Greenland interstadials recorded in stalagmites from northern Turkey
D Fleitmann, H Cheng, S Badertscher, RL Edwards, M Mudelsee, ...
Geophysical Research Letters 36 (19), 2009
Obduction, subduction and collision as reflected in the Upper Cretaceous–Lower Eocene sedimentary record of western Turkey
AI Okay, I Tansel, O TUeYSUeZ
Geological Magazine 138 (2), 117-142, 2001
Tectonic evolution of the central Anatolian basins
N Görür, O Tüysüz, AM Celal Şengör
International Geology Review 40 (9), 831-850, 1998
The tectonics of the Strandja Massif: late-Variscan and mid-Mesozoic deformation and metamorphism in the northern Aegean
A Okay, M Satır, O Tüysüz, S Akyüz, F Chen
International Journal of Earth Sciences 90, 217-233, 2001
Climate on the southern Black Sea coast during the Holocene: implications from the Sofular Cave record
OM Göktürk, D Fleitmann, S Badertscher, H Cheng, RL Edwards, ...
Quaternary Science Reviews 30 (19-20), 2433-2445, 2011
Cretaceous and Triassic subduction-accretion, high-pressure–low-temperature metamorphism, and continental growth in the Central Pontides, Turkey
AI Okay, O Tüysüz, M Satır, S Ozkan-Altiner, D Altiner, S Sherlock, ...
Geological Society of America Bulletin 118 (9-10), 1247-1269, 2006
The Black Sea basins structure and history: New model based on new deep penetration regional seismic data. Part 2: Tectonic history and paleogeography
AM Nikishin, A Okay, O Tüysüz, A Demirer, M Wannier, N Amelin, ...
Marine and Petroleum Geology 59, 656-670, 2015
Pleistocene water intrusions from the Mediterranean and Caspian seas into the Black Sea
S Badertscher, D Fleitmann, H Cheng, RL Edwards, OM Göktürk, ...
Nature Geoscience 4 (4), 236-239, 2011
The Black Sea basins structure and history: New model based on new deep penetration regional seismic data. Part 1: Basins structure and fill
AM Nikishin, AI Okay, O Tüysüz, A Demirer, N Amelin, E Petrov
Marine and petroleum Geology 59, 638-655, 2015
Petrology and geochemistry of post-collisional Middle Eocene volcanic units in North-Central Turkey: evidence for magma generation by slab breakoff following the closure of the …
M Keskin, ŞC Genç, O Tüysüz
Lithos 104 (1-4), 267-305, 2008
Rift formation in the Gökova region, southwest Anatolia: implications for the opening of the Aegean Sea
N Görür, AMC Sengör, M Sakinü, R Akkök, E Yiğitbaş, FY Oktay, A Barka, ...
Geological Magazine 132 (6), 637-650, 1995
Early Cretaceous sedimentation and orogeny on the active margin of Eurasia: Southern Central Pontides, Turkey
AI Okay, G Sunal, S Sherlock, D Alt ner, O Tüysüz, ...
Tectonics 32 (5), 1247-1271, 2013
Geology of the Cretaceous sedimentary basins of the Western Pontides
O Tüysüz
Geological Journal 34 (1‐2), 75-93, 1999
Tectonic evolution of a part of the Tethyside orogenic collage: the Kargi Massif, northern Turkey
O Tüysüz
Tectonics 9 (1), 141-160, 1990
Palaeogeographic and tectonic position of the Carboniferous rocks of the western Pontides (Turkey) in the frame of the Variscan belt
N Goeruer, O Monod, AI Okay, CAM Sengör, O Tueysuez, E Yigitbas, ...
Bulletin-Societe Geologique de France 168, 197-206, 1997
Geology of the Saros graben and its implications for the evolution of the North Anatolian fault in the Ganos–Saros region, northwestern Turkey
O Tüysüz, A Barka, E Yiğitbaş
Tectonophysics 293 (1-2), 105-126, 1998
Tectonic setting of the Jurassic bimodal magmatism in the Sakarya Zone (Central and Western Pontides), Northern Turkey: a geochemical and isotopic approach
ŞC Genç, O Tüysüz
Lithos 118 (1-2), 95-111, 2010
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