Yang Liu
Yang Liu
Assistant Professor, The City College of New York
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An experimental investigation on the unsteady heat transfer process over an ice accreting airfoil surface
Y Liu, H Hu
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 122, 707-718, 2018
A comparison study on the thermal effects in DBD plasma actuation and electrical heating for aircraft icing mitigation
Y Liu, C Kolbakir, H Hu, H Hu
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 124, 319-330, 2018
An experimental study on soft PDMS materials for aircraft icing mitigation
Y Liu, L Ma, W Wang, AK Kota, H Hu
Applied Surface Science 447, 599-609, 2018
An experimental study of surface wettability effects on dynamic ice accretion process over an UAS propeller model
Y Liu, L Li, H Li, H Hu
Aerospace Science and Technology 73, 164-172, 2018
Ultrasonic-attenuation-based technique for ice characterization pertinent to aircraft icing phenomena
Y Liu, LJ Bond, H Hu
AIAA journal 55 (5), 1602-1609, 2017
Utilization of thermal effect induced by plasma generation for aircraft icing mitigation
W Zhou, Y Liu, H Hu, H Hu, X Meng
AIAA Journal 56 (3), 1097-1104, 2018
An experimental study on the aerodynamic performance degradation of a wind turbine blade model induced by ice accretion process
L Gao, Y Liu, W Zhou, H Hu
Renewable energy 133, 663-675, 2019
An experimental study on the aerodynamic performance degradation of a UAS propeller model induced by ice accretion process
Y Liu, L Li, W Chen, W Tian, H Hu
Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science 102, 101-112, 2019
Experimental investigation on the dynamic icing process over a rotating propeller model
Y Liu, L Li, Z Ning, W Tian, H Hu
Journal of Propulsion and Power 34 (4), 933-946, 2018
An experimental study on a hot-air-based anti-/de-icing system for aero-engine inlet guide vanes
L Li, Y Liu, L Tian, H Hu, H Hu, X Liu, I Hogate, A Kohli
Applied Thermal Engineering 167, 114778, 2020
An experimental study on different plasma actuator layouts for aircraft icing mitigation
C Kolbakir, H Hu, Y Liu, H Hu
Aerospace Science and Technology 107, 106325, 2020
An experimental study on the thermal effects of duty-cycled plasma actuation pertinent to aircraft icing mitigation
Y Liu, C Kolbakir, H Hu, X Meng, H Hu
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 136, 864-876, 2019
An experimental study on the thermal characteristics of NS-DBD plasma actuation and application for aircraft icing mitigation
Y Liu, C Kolbakir, AY Starikovskiy, R Miles, H Hu
Plasma Sources Science and Technology 28 (1), 014001, 2019
An experimental study on the characteristics of wind-driven surface water film flows by using a multi-transducer ultrasonic pulse-echo technique
Y Liu, WL Chen, LJ Bond, H Hu
Physics of Fluids 29 (1), 012102, 2017
An exploratory study on using Slippery-Liquid-Infused-Porous-Surface (SLIPS) for wind turbine icing mitigation
L Ma, Z Zhang, L Gao, Y Liu, H Hu
Renewable Energy 162, 2344-2360, 2020
Optimization of dielectric barrier discharge plasma actuators for icing control
H Hu, X Meng, J Cai, W Zhou, Y Liu, H Hu
Journal of Aircraft 57 (2), 383-387, 2020
Dynamic ice accretion process and its effects on the aerodynamic drag characteristics of a power transmission cable model
R Veerakumar, L Gao, Y Liu, H Hu
Cold regions science and technology 169, 102908, 2020
Effects of thermal conductivity of airframe substrate on the dynamic ice accretion process pertinent to UAS inflight icing phenomena
L Li, Y Liu, Z Zhang, H Hu
International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 131, 1184-1195, 2019
An experimental study to characterize a surface treated with a novel laser surface texturing technique: Water repellency and reduced ice adhesion
Y Liu, Z Zhang, H Hu, H Hu, A Samanta, Q Wang, H Ding
Surface and Coatings Technology 374, 634-644, 2019
Bio‐inspired icephobic coatings for aircraft icing mitigation: A critical review
L Ma, Z Zhang, L Gao, Y Liu, H Hu
Progress in Adhesion and Adhesives 6, 171-201, 2021
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