Mahmoud Mesbah
Mahmoud Mesbah
Faculty Member, Amirkabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic)
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Validating and improving public transport origin–destination estimation algorithm using smart card fare data
A Alsger, B Assemi, M Mesbah, L Ferreira
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 68, 490-506, 2016
Public transport trip purpose inference using smart card fare data
A Alsger, A Tavassoli, M Mesbah, L Ferreira, M Hickman
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 87, 123-137, 2018
Predicting short-term bus passenger demand using a pattern hybrid approach
Z Ma, J Xing, M Mesbah, L Ferreira
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 39, 148-163, 2014
Use of smart card fare data to estimate public transport origin–destination matrix
AA Alsger, M Mesbah, L Ferreira, H Safi
Transportation Research Record 2535 (1), 88-96, 2015
Estimation of trip travel time distribution using a generalized Markov chain approach
Z Ma, HN Koutsopoulos, L Ferreira, M Mesbah
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 74, 1-21, 2017
Optimization of transit priority in the transportation network using a genetic algorithm
M Mesbah, M Sarvi, G Currie
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 12 (3), 908-919, 2011
Impact of heavy vehicles on surrounding traffic characteristics
S Moridpour, E Mazloumi, M Mesbah
Journal of advanced transportation 49 (4), 535-552, 2015
Optimization of transit priority in the transportation network using a decomposition methodology
M Mesbah, M Sarvi, I Ouveysi, G Currie
Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 19 (2), 363-373, 2011
Modeling distributions of travel time variability for bus operations
Z Ma, L Ferreira, M Mesbah, S Zhu
Journal of Advanced Transportation 50 (1), 6-24, 2016
Design and implementation of a smartphone-based travel survey
H Safi, B Assemi, M Mesbah, L Ferreira, M Hickman
Transportation Research Record 2526 (1), 99-107, 2015
New methodology for optimizing transit priority at the network level
M Mesbah, M Sarvi, G Currie
Transportation Research Record 2089 (1), 93-100, 2008
Efficient transit schedule design of timing points: a comparison of ant colony and genetic algorithms
E Mazloumi, M Mesbah, A Ceder, S Moridpour, G Currie
Transportation Research Part B: Methodological 46 (1), 217-234, 2012
Customer satisfaction in urban rail: a study on transferability of structural equation models
A Soltanpour, M Mesbah, M Habibian
Public Transport 12, 123-146, 2020
Modeling bus travel time reliability with supply and demand data from automatic vehicle location and smart card systems
ZL Ma, L Ferreira, M Mesbah, AT Hojati
Transportation Research Record 2533 (1), 17-27, 2015
Developing and validating a statistical model for travel mode identification on smartphones
B Assemi, H Safi, M Mesbah, L Ferreira
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 17 (7), 1920-1931, 2016
Bilevel optimization approach to design of network of bike lanes
M Mesbah, R Thompson, S Moridpour
Transportation research record 2284 (1), 21-28, 2012
Spatial and temporal visualization of transit operations performance data at a network level
M Mesbah, G Currie, C Lennon, T Northcott
Journal of Transport Geography 25, 15-26, 2012
Improving alighting stop inference accuracy in the trip chaining method using neural networks
B Assemi, A Alsger, M Moghaddam, M Hickman, M Mesbah
Public Transport 12 (1), 89-121, 2020
Participants' perceptions of smartphone travel surveys
B Assemi, H Jafarzadeh, M Mesbah, M Hickman
Transportation research part F: traffic psychology and behaviour 54, 338-348, 2018
Applications of transit smart cards beyond a fare collection tool: a literature review
H Kim, M Faroqi, J Mesbah
Advances in Transportation Studies 45, 107-122, 2018
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