Gaetano Ranieri
Gaetano Ranieri
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Three-dimensional Electrical Resistivity Tomography to control the injection of expanding resins for the treatment and stabilization of foundation soils
G Santarato, G Ranieri, M Occhi, G Morelli, F Fischanger, D Gualerzi
Engineering Geology 119 (1-2), 18-30, 2011
Marine geophysical survey of the Gulf of Naples (Italy): relationship between submarine volcanic activity and sedimentation
Memorie della Società Geologica Italiana 47, 95-114, 1991
Geology, tectonics and topography underlined by L'Aquila earthquake TIR precursors
L Piroddi, G Ranieri, F Freund, A Trogu
Geophysical Journal International 197 (3), 1532-1536, 2014
Night thermal gradient: a new potential tool for earthquake precursors studies. An application to the seismic area of L'Aquila (central Italy)
L Piroddi, G Ranieri
IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote …, 2011
Delineation of saltwater intrusion zones using the time domain electromagnetic method: the Nabeul–Hammamet coastal aquifer case study (NE Tunisia)
F Trabelsi, AB Mammou, J Tarhouni, C Piga, G Ranieri
Hydrological Processes 27 (14), 2004-2020, 2013
GIS-based subsurface databases and 3-D geological modeling as a tool for the set up of hydrogeological framework: Nabeul–Hammamet coastal aquifer case study (Northeast Tunisia)
F Trabelsi, J Tarhouni, AB Mammou, G Ranieri
Environmental earth sciences 70, 2087-2105, 2013
Comparison of natural and artificial forcing to study the dynamic behaviour of bell towers in low wind context by means of ground-based radar interferometry: the case of the …
M Marchisio, L Piroddi, G Ranieri, SV Calcina, P Farina
Journal of Geophysics and Engineering 11 (5), 055004, 2014
4D cross‐borehole electrical resistivity tomography to control resin injection for ground stabilization: a case history in Venice (Italy)
F Fischanger, G Morelli, G Ranieri, G Santarato, M Occhi
Near Surface Geophysics 11 (1), 41-50, 2013
Geophysical prospection of the Roman city of Pollentia, Alcúdia (Mallorca, Balearic Islands, Spain)
G Ranieri, A Godio, F Loddo, S Stocco, A Casas, P Capizzi, P Messina, ...
Journal of Applied Geophysics 134, 125-135, 2016
Seismic tomography imaging of an unstable embankment
GP Deidda, G Ranieri
Engineering geology 82 (1), 32-42, 2005
The ancient Roman aqueduct of Karales (Cagliari, Sardinia, Italy): Applicability of geophysics methods to finding the underground remains
A Trogu, G Ranieri, S Calcina, L Piroddi
Archaeological Prospection 21 (3), 157-168, 2014
Ambient vibration tests of an arch dam with different reservoir water levels: experimental results and comparison with finite element modelling
SV Calcina, L Eltrudis, L Piroddi, G Ranieri
The Scientific World Journal 2014 (1), 692709, 2014
Rilievo aeromagnetico della Sardegna e del mare circostante
E Cassano, A Marcello, R Nannini, S Pretti, G Ranieri, R Salvadori, ...
Ente Minerario Sardo 3 (4), 7-30, 1979
Tem-fast: a useful tool for hydro-geologists and environmental engineers
G Ranieri
Annals of Geophysics 43 (6), 2000
Automated Resistivity Profiling (ARP) to explore wide archaeological areas: The prehistoric site of Mont’e Prama, Sardinia, Italy
L Piroddi, SV Calcina, A Trogu, G Ranieri
Remote Sensing 12 (3), 461, 2020
Assessment of the efficiency of consolidation treatment through injections of expanding resins by geotechnical tests and 3D electrical resistivity tomography
T Apuani, GP Giani, M d’Attoli, F Fischanger, G Morelli, G Ranieri, ...
The Scientific World Journal 2015 (1), 237930, 2015
Assessment of the Capoterra coastal plain (southern Sardinia, Italy) by means of hydrogeological and geophysical studies
R Balia, F Ardau, G Barrocu, E Gavaudò, G Ranieri
Hydrogeology journal 17 (4), 981, 2009
Some SH‐wave seismic reflections from depths of less than three metres
GP Deidda, G Ranieri
Geophysical Prospecting 49 (5), 499-508, 2001
Vibration analysis of historic bell towers by means of contact and remote sensing measurements
SV Calcina, L Piroddi, G Ranieri
Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation 31 (4), 331-359, 2016
Integrated geophysical and aerial sensing methods for archaeology: a case history in the Punic Site of Villamar (Sardinia, Italy)
C Piga, L Piroddi, E Pompianu, G Ranieri, S Stocco, A Trogu
Remote Sensing 6 (11), 10986-11012, 2014
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