Danyang Su
Danyang Su
Верификована је имејл адреса на eoas.ubc.ca
Experimental study of the impact of rainfall characteristics on runoff generation and soil erosion
Q Ran, D Su, P Li, Z He
Journal of hydrology 424, 99-111, 2012
Benchmarks for multicomponent reactive transport across a cement/clay interface
NCM Marty, O Bildstein, P Blanc, F Claret, B Cochepin, EC Gaucher, ...
Computational Geosciences 19, 635-653, 2015
Benchmarking of reactive transport codes for 2D simulations with mineral dissolution–precipitation reactions and feedback on transport parameters
J Poonoosamy, C Wanner, P Alt Epping, JF Águila, J Samper, ...
Computational geosciences 25, 1337-1358, 2021
MIN3P-HPC: a high-performance unstructured grid code for subsurface flow and reactive transport simulation
D Su, KU Mayer, KTB MacQuarrie
Mathematical Geosciences 53 (4), 517-550, 2021
Parallelization of MIN3P-THCm: A high performance computational framework for subsurface flow and reactive transport simulation
D Su, KU Mayer, KTB MacQuarrie
Environmental Modelling & Software 95, 271-289, 2017
Decalcification of cracked cement structures
J Perko, KU Mayer, G Kosakowski, L De Windt, J Govaerts, D Jacques, ...
Computational Geosciences 19, 673-693, 2015
Numerical modeling of a laboratory-scale waste rock pile featuring an engineered cover system
KE Raymond, N Seigneur, D Su, B Poaty, B Plante, B Bussière, KU Mayer
Minerals 10 (8), 652, 2020
Laboratory-scale experimental and modelling investigations of 222Rn profiles in chemically heterogeneous LNAPL contaminated vadose zones
GJV Cohen, I Bernachot, D Su, P Höhener, KU Mayer, O Atteia
Science of the Total Environment 681, 456-466, 2019
Physically-based approach to analyze rainfall-triggered landslide using hydraulic gradient as slide direction
Q Ran, D Su, Q Qian, X Fu, G Wang, Z He
Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE A 13 (12), 943-957, 2012
Investigating the influence of structure and heterogeneity in waste rock piles on mass loading rates—a reactive transport modeling study
KE Raymond, N Seigneur, D Su, KU Mayer
Frontiers in Water 3, 618418, 2021
A benchmark for soil organic matter degradation under variably saturated flow conditions
M Jia, D Jacques, F Gerard, D Su, KU Mayer, J Šimůnek
Computational Geosciences 25, 1359-1377, 2021
Numerical investigation of flow instabilities using fully unstructured discretization for variably saturated flow problems
D Su, KU Mayer, KTB MacQuarrie
Advances in Water Resources 143, 103673, 2020
Reactive transport of manure‐derived nitrogen in the vadose zone: Consideration of macropore connectivity to subsurface receptors
SI Hussain, SK Frey, DW Blowes, CJ Ptacek, D Wilson, KU Mayer, D Su, ...
Vadose Zone Journal 18 (1), 1-18, 2019
Reactive transport modelling the oxalate-carbonate pathway of the Iroko tree; investigation of calcium and carbon sinks and sources
HS Gatz-Miller, F Gérard, EP Verrecchia, D Su, KU Mayer
Geoderma 410, 115665, 2022
A physics-based hydro-geomorphologic simulation utilizing cluster parallel computing
QH Ran, DY Su, XD Fu, GQ Wang
Science China Technological Sciences 56, 1883-1895, 2013
Thermal-hydrological-chemical modeling of a covered waste rock pile in a permafrost region
X Yi, D Su, B Bussière, KU Mayer
Minerals 11 (6), 565, 2021
Modeling of thermal-hydrological-chemical (THC) processes during waste rock weathering under permafrost conditions
X Yi, D Su, N Seigneur, KU Mayer
Frontiers in Water 3, 645675, 2021
A reactive transport benchmark on modeling biogenic uraninite re-oxidation by Fe (III)-(hydr) oxides
SS Şengör, KU Mayer, J Greskowiak, C Wanner, D Su, H Prommer
Computational geosciences 19, 569-583, 2015
A benchmark study on reactive two-phase flow in porous media: Part II-results and discussion
E Ahusborde, B Amaziane, S de Hoop, M El Ossmani, E Flauraud, ...
Computational Geosciences 28 (3), 395-412, 2024
A new algorithm to automatically extract the drainage networks and catchments based on triangulation irregular network digital elevation model
G Qu, D Su, Z Lou
Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University (Science) 19, 367-377, 2014
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