JF Delaigle
JF Delaigle
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Circular interpretation of bijective transformations in lossless watermarking for media asset management
C De Vleeschouwer, JF Delaigle, B Macq
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia 5 (1), 97-105, 2003
Watermarking algorithm based on a human visual model
JF Delaigle, C De Vleeschouwer, B Macq
Signal processing 66 (3), 319-335, 1998
Invisibility and application functionalities in perceptual watermarking an overview
C De Vleeschouwer, JF Delaigle, B Macq
Proceedings of the IEEE 90 (1), 64-77, 2002
Circular interpretation of histogram for reversible watermarking
C De Vleeschouwer, JE Delaigle, B Macq
2001 IEEE Fourth Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (Cat. No. 01TH8564 …, 2001
Digital watermarking
JF Delaigle, C De Vleeschouwer, BMM Macq
Optical Security and Counterfeit Deterrence Techniques 2659, 99-110, 1996
Low cost spatial watermarking
V Darmstaedter, JF Delaigle, JJ Quisquater, B Macq
Computers & Graphics 22 (4), 417-424, 1998
Robust human face hiding ensuring privacy
I Martínez-Ponte, X Desurmont, J Meessen, JF Delaigle
Proceedings of the International Workshop on Image Analysis for Multimedia …, 2005
Human visual system features enabling watermarking
JF Delaigle, C Devleeschouwer, B Macq, L Langendijk
Proceedings. IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo 2, 489-492, 2002
Analyses of error correction strategies for typical communication channels in watermarking
S Baudry, JF Delaigle, B Sankur, B Macq, H Maı̂tre
Signal Processing 81 (6), 1239-1250, 2001
Compensation of geometrical deformations for watermark extraction in digital cinema application
D Delannay, JF Delaigle, BMM Macq, M Barlaud
Security and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents III 4314, 149-157, 2001
Psychovisual approach to digital picture watermarking
JF Delaigle, C De Vleeschouwer, BMM Macq
Journal of Electronic Imaging 7 (3), 628-640, 1998
Secure delivery of images over open networks
D Augot, JM Boucqueau, JF Delaigle, C Fontaine, E Goray
Proceedings of the IEEE 87 (7), 1251-1266, 1999
Improving data hiding by using convolutional codes and soft-decision decoding
JR Hernandez, JF Delaigle, BMM Macq
Security and Watermarking of Multimedia Contents II 3971, 24-47, 2000
A block based watermarking technique for MPEG2 signals: Optimization and validation on real digital TV distribution links
V Darmstaedter, JF Delaigle, D Nicholson, B Macq
Multimedia Applications, Services and Techniques—ECMAST'98: Third European …, 1998
Digital images protection techniques in a broadcast framework: an overview
JF Delaigle, JM Boucqueau, JJ Quisquater, B Macq
Proceedings of ECMAST 96, 711-727, 1996
Image analysis architectures and techniques for intelligent surveillance systems
X Desurmont, A Bastide, C Chaudy, C Parisot, JF Delaigle, B Macq
IEE proceedings-vision, image and signal processing 152 (2), 224-231, 2005
Low-cost perceptive digital picture watermarking method
F Goffin, JF Delaigle, C De Vleeschouwer, BMM Macq, JJ Quisquater
Storage and Retrieval for Image and Video Databases V 3022, 264-277, 1997
Scene analysis for reducing motion JPEG 2000 video surveillance delivery bandwidth and complexity
J Meessen, C Parisot, X Desurmont, JF Delaigle
IEEE International Conference on Image Processing 2005 1, I-577, 2005
A flexible video transmission system based on JPEG 2000 conditional replenishment with multiple references
FO Devaux, J Meessen, C Parisot, JF Delaigle, B Macq, ...
2007 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal …, 2007
Progressive learning for interactive surveillance scenes retrieval
J Meessen, X Desurmont, JF Delaigle, C De Vleeschouwer, B Macq
2007 IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 1-8, 2007
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